Nevertheless, mom believes in the future of working and herself, and the sympathetic site of Wama Mama and Drawmama |What kind of infection measures do school children take?Some municipalities are refraining from use

At the end of last year, Corona was a bit calm, but it has been exploded nationwide again and is in a situation where he can not be alert. Nevertheless, there are reports that the new Omicron stocks have the same symptoms of flu and colds, but Corona is Corona. If you get affected, various things will stop and you will be bothered by the surroundings. I guess many people were worried about whether to leave them in school children during this winter vacation. Almost a day, I understand the schoolchildren, which many children spend in a crowded room, and the worries. However, it is no exaggeration to say that "schoolchild" is a lifeline that is relied on by dads and moms with children after school. Meanwhile, it seems that the school children are also taking various consideration and ingenuity. This time, I researched what kind of infection measures the school children were taking. Some municipalities seem to have a stance of "please refrain from using it as much as possible."

Eating and drinking time is a two -part system.Divide the place to play

It seems that many school children have devised lunch and snacks at the same time, and eaten with a small number of people.Here are some examples of correspondence.

The first team at noon is from 11:30 and the second team is from 12:20.The first snacks are from 14:30 and the second team is from 15:10, and some schoolchildren are trying to reduce the number of people during eating and drinking (time to remove the mask) as much as possible.Children who have finished eating will play in other rooms and gymnasiums.

There are many places where the children's centers that are divided into several rooms are school children, and in the school children with a large site area, in addition to the rooms they usually eat, they open the play room and the drawing room in 2-3 rooms.Some school children are eating and eating.

At the time of a hand -made partition, there seems to be a school child who divides the space with a partition or a partition created with a vinyl or board.If the number of people is large, it is difficult to create, but it seems that there are cases where it is difficult to dispel in small schools with narrow sites.

Playing with low contact is performed for several hours in the morning, and there are many school children who play games and work together in their favorite play and group, but Corona's evil is time and space.Make a dense device, such as dividing or performing play with less contact.

Learning team and play team Usually, all of the learning rooms in the learning room for one hour to an hour and a half at once (reading time), and then play freely, play ball games and demons in the gymnasium.It seems that there are many school children who spend time.Many Corona's evils are divided into learning teams and play teams, and many children do not create an environment where all children meet together.

The children who couldn't play with the stress that could not be played as much as they could do, such as "Don't get too close to too much", "don't get too close to too much", "don't get too close to you" in a play with less contact.increase.It seems that many school children are incorporating play that can be enjoyed with little contact, rather than paying attention to "stay away."For example, unusual bingo tournaments, teachers and rock -paper -scissors tournaments, teachers' pose play.Even if you can play with your friends in the same space, it seems that your child's stress will be reduced.

The only schoolyard is increasingly installed in schools on the grounds of a place where everyone can play.In that case, since you can play in the schoolyard after school or during the long holidays, there are many school children that the only space can be played together because it is "large space + outside".

それでもママは働く 未来と自分を信じて ワーママ・プレワーママの共感サイト| BRAVA(ブラーバ) 再び感染が拡大!学童はどのような感染対策を行ってる?利用を控えてという自治体も

Also pay attention to ventilation, temperature and humidity

Even if it is cold or hot, you can ventilate a certain period of time while calling out to your child, or to pay attention to the temperature and humidity with an air conditioner or humidifier.

It is necessary to open the window at this time, even if it is hot or cold, but when you open the window, the children make a noise, "It's hot (cold), close to it."Some school children wrote, "What time and what time (every two hours) open the window for a few minutes."If you know in advance, the children will be convinced that "it's hot (cold), but it's for ventilation."

It is said that viruses that keep temperature and humidity moderately proliferate in low -temperature and dry air, and in addition, drifting in the dry air for a long time, making it easier to invade from the mouth and throat.Corona is also one of the viruses.There is nothing better to keep the temperature and humidity moderate.The room temperature is 20-25 degrees, and the humidity is 40 % or more appropriate.Many school children often check the thermometer while setting the temperature of the air conditioner, increase the number of humidifiers and not dry.

Creating an environment that makes disinfection and hand washing voluntarily

How to promote the infection measures that children can do, such as when entering the room or before meals, gargle, and frequently drinking tea in a water bottle.

Even schoolchildren who use hand washing songs have the opportunity to wash their hands several times a day.Some children just wash away the teacher's eyes and wet it without rubbing soap.But that's not the effect of hand washing.It is said that it is necessary to go for 30 seconds with foam, but 30 seconds are too long for children, so it is washed firmly, such as incorporating a "hand -washing song for 30 seconds" or a hand -washing time by adults watching nearby.It seems that many school children are devising to understand the necessity of such things.

When playing outside, if you bring a water bottle and dry it, the defense function of the mucous membrane of the throat will decrease and the virus will be easier to enter.Humidification of the room is also important, but it is important to remove water frequently and moisten the throat even in winter.Even when playing in the room, I often say, "I'm going to take water soon," and always bring a water bottle when playing outside.

Some local governments with stance that "refrain from using" as much as possible

According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, there are few school children who have been absent at the moment, but some local governments have a stance that they want to refrain from using them as much as possible.

If you can use the guidelines that can be used, "Children in a family who have no choice but to watch their children in their unavoidable circumstances" = medical workers, remote work is impossible, and there is no other place to deposit.

In the case of an environment where you can see children at home, such as guidelines remote work that can be used as much as possible, childcare leave or leave, or grandparents can see children on behalf of parents.

Not available guidelines 1.37 for children.If you see cold symptoms, such as fever or respiratory symptoms of 5 degrees or more, you will not be able to leave until the symptoms have subsided and 24 hours have passed.2.When a child is identified as a rich contact with a colonovirus.It is not possible to leave school children for two weeks from the last day of the rich contact.* Even if a family living together becomes a rich contact person, it can be resigned if the child is not identified as a rich contact person.3.When the class is closed, the grade is closed, and the holidays are temporarily closed at elementary schools where children are attending.

What is the necessary procedure to use?It seems that many school children can use it if you submit a "special use application form" monthly or weekly.In that case, you may need a monthly or weekly employment status certificate.

The schoolchildren also say, "Please do a mask" or "don't get too close" every time, or say, "Please refrain from using a runny nose or sore throat." I think it's very painful. It can't be helped, but it doesn't get stressed by the child ... I'm in contact with my child with such a conflict. Of course, the same is true for nursery schools, kindergartens, and school teachers. It seems that there are still many school children (local governments) who want to refrain from using it as much as possible, but now that new shares are said to have become a cold or influenza level, should they change the guidelines as soon as they? In order to protect the environment where children and children involved in children are free from the pressure of "do not get affected, do not suffer" and can spend without stress.

Reference: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website