"Smartphone presbyopia"!Too much use of eyes, dry eyes to poor physical condition ... What are the measures to teach ophthalmologists?

Those who use too much eyes, such as having a contact lens, looking at a computer at work, continuing to use a smartphone in spare time, is too heavy to use eyes and have trouble dry eyes.Isn't there a lot?According to a questionnaire survey conducted by Santen Pharmaceuticals, the fatigue of the eyes, such as "I lose my concentration and motivation for housework and work," "I can interfere with driving cars," and "I have a headache."It seems that some people have an effect on their physical condition.

Ophthalmologists explain countermeasures about "tired eyes" that many people have experienced and cause poor physical condition.

What are the two prominent symptoms in recent years?

Dr. Sumitomo Fujii, Director of Ophthalmology Clinic

Dr. Sumitomo Fujii, Director of Ophthalmology Clinicのお話しでは、「疲れ目」の原因はさまざまあるようですが、最近特に目立つ症状があるそうです。

"In recent years, the spread of personal computers and smartphones has increased the fatigue caused by the" overuse of the eyes ".Recently, as the word "smartphone presbyopia" has appeared, even though he is young, it has been seen in cases such as presbyopia causes overuse of eyes. "

"Smartphone presbyopia" means that using a smartphone for a long time becomes a presbyopia that is difficult to see in the evening in the evening.In addition, it seems that another symptom "dry eye" is increasing.


"The drying of the eyes is severe, and the number of patients with" dry eye "is increasing.Recently, even children have a lot of blinks in "dry eye" and they may come to the hospital. "

It is surprising that "dry eye" is increasing not only for adults but also for children.

How to distinguish your tired eyes?

Sometimes you feel tired, but it's hard to tell what the cause of the symptoms is.If you don't know the cause, you can't deal correctly.So I told my teacher how to distinguish it.

"If the" overuse of the eyes "is the main cause, the eyes are heavy, the head hurts, the focus is difficult, and the front is blurred.Conversely, those who mainly cause "dry eyes" have the characteristics such as the eyes on the eyes, the tingling of the eyes hurts, and the eyes are difficult.Also, even though the eyes should have been closed all the time during sleep, even those who have difficulty opening their eyes in the morning may have "dry eye". "

Regardless of whether it is an "overuse of the eyes" or "the drying of the eyes", basically it seems that the more likely it is in the evening, the more likely it will cause symptoms, but people who are really tired and those who are very dry.Sometimes symptoms may appear from the morning.

It is important to take measures that match your eye symptoms

Mr. Fujii says that it is important to take measures that match your eyes.

"It is important to choose eye drops that match your causes and symptoms.Since the effectiveness differs depending on the eye drops, check the package or consult a pharmacist at the store to choose a one that contains the suitable ingredients.Also, if you are aware of the "overuse of the eyes", rest your eyes as appropriate when using a personal computer or smartphone.Let's review your daily life while using eye drops, such as shortening the time. "

If you think you have seen too much smartphone, it is important to rest your eyes, and use a humidifier because it tends to dry out not only outside but also in the house as well as outside.It is important to choose the one that suits the symptoms.

If your eyes get tired, you may get sick.Don't forget to pay attention not only to your family but also to your physical condition because you are a busy mom who is busy with childcare, housework, and work every day.

Sentence / Yamauchi Wendy

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