Shinyu Onsen introduces a unique hygiene and disinfecting program consisting of 32 items

All public spaces and guests are disinfected by spraying hypochlorous acid water

[Overview / background]

Namiyu Onsen had been closed independently of three operating stores until May 31, following an emergency declaration issued in April.From June 1st, we will introduce our own hygiene and disinfecting programs, increase safety and resume business.We considered the safety and security of our customers first, and have been conducting hygiene management, including the prevention of new colonovirus infections.During the absence, we devised a unique hygiene and disinfecting program consisting of 32 items so that customers can stay more safely.

Humidifier containing hypochlorous acid water installed in the lounge

[Unique hygiene and disinfecting program] The outline of the unique hygiene and disinfecting programs to be newly introduced from June 1, 2020 is as follows. [1] "Hygiene management of facilities" [2] "Prevention of infection from people" [3] It consists of three perspectives: "hygiene management training". In addition to the initiatives of hygiene management that has been performed before, it is a wide variety of 32 items in total, including items devised based on the new action standards that avoid three denses. Under the guidance of experts, the drug used during disinfecting was also selected for safe drugs that take into account the impact on the human body. Aiming for an environment where customers and employees can spend with peace of mind, we plan to take more time and time for hygiene management and disinfecting work. * This program is based on the National Ryokan Hotel Health Sanitation Association Federation of Associations "New Coronavirus compatible guidelines (first edition)" and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's "Hands of Sanitation Management". I am.

Solding sterilization using ozone sterilizer

【1】「施設の衛生管理」・アルコール消毒の設置(全客室、全パブリックスペース)・深夜及びチェックアウト時のSolding sterilization using ozone sterilizer(全パブリックスペース、調理室)・次亜塩素酸水を入れた加湿器の設置(全パブリックスペース)・噴霧器による次亜塩素酸水消毒(全客室、全パブリックスペース)・接触感染リスクが高い箇所のアルコール消毒・アルコールと次亜塩素酸水を使った客室の消毒清掃5ステップ(1清掃 2アルコール除菌作業 3客室内設置グラス類等高温洗浄及び次亜塩素酸水消毒後設置 4噴霧器による次亜塩素酸水消毒 5消毒済みシール)・大浴場、レストラン、などの全パブリックスペース清掃・消毒・高換気サイクル・外部機関による衛生監査・全室禁煙、法に基づく喫煙室設置・送迎バス車内に次亜塩素酸水を入れた加湿器の設置・調理室における、食品と施設衛生管理の徹底・食品衛生のHACCP(危害要因分析に基づく必須管理点)の導入・納入食材及び他納入物の消毒

How to measure your body temperature using a non -contact thermometer


[2] "Prevention of infection from people" ・ Check daily temperature and physical condition checks for employees, records and work, gargle during work, thoroughly washed alcohol disinfection, monthly stool inspection, norovirus test (November to March)・ Influenza Prevention ・ Wearing gloves when cleaning ・ Cooking and providing gloves ・ Face shield wearing ・ Course cooking style dishes in private room ・ Lunch service selection ・ Social distance monitoring ・ All staff members always wear ・ Check If you are in the hall at the time of in the hall, when you move inside the hall, if you have a mask to wear a mask, a 50 % limit, a pulse oximeter (blood oxygen concentration measuring instrument) If you are lending, if you are in poor physical condition. With provisional cooperation, we ask for guidance from public health centers -Social distance measures in shuttle buses, etc. ・ When boarding, alcohol disinfection to all customers, mask worn, mask worn for all delivery employees, requests for wearing gloves, bathrooms, elevators, elevators. Inside conversation self -restraint wish

How to serve customers with a face shield

[3] "Sanitation management training"

・ Enlightenment education of hygiene disinfection program ・ Hand washing course ・ External hygiene management course ・ Cooking room, hygiene management manual for provider ・ Thoroughly divided into eight processes of cooking room business hygiene manuals (2 foods before work, 2 foods before work, 2 foods.Storage 3 Preferences 4 storage of raw materials, 5 cooking 6 services 7 facilities, facilities for facilities 8 hygiene in equipment 8 management of employee evaluation items)

Tateshina parent hot spring with 30,000 books lounges

[Ryokan of 3 stores that introduce programs] The three inns that introduce their own hygiene and disinfecting programs are "Lake Suwa, a mysterious Tateshina -gao hot spring" in Chino City and "Mysterious Lake Lake in Tateshin -Nagoyo Onsen" and Suwa City.The inn is healed by Suwa Onsen Shinyu, and the "relaxed Suwa Yukujuku Sui-Lake Suwa" is also located in Suwa City.All stores have been offered in a private restaurant or restaurant in the form of a course, so you can enjoy a meal without hesitation.

[Union company parent hot spring] Run three hot spring inns in Tateshina and Kami -Suwa in Nagano Prefecture.The main building of the main building Tateshina -yu Onsen is a hot spring inn founded in Taisho 15.In April 2019, as part of the 100th anniversary count Downplusion, the whole building was renewed, expressing the center of the culture of this area at the time in order to leave the trajectory of Tateshina in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa periods.In April 2011, Shinyu Kamisuwa Onsen opened in April 2011, and in June 2016, Susu SUI-Lake Suwa opened in Kamisuwa.

[Company Profile] Company name company parenthon hot spring (Founded Tateshin -year -old Tateshin -gao hot spring) Representative director Yukiki Yanagisawa Founded June 1923, 1946, Chino City, Nagano Prefecture, Nagano Prefecture.Kitayama 4035 Company HP