Recommended heating ingredients ranking for "spot heating".Carefully selected 8 products that are convenient to warm up a space for one person

You can put it under the office desk, or always put it in a cold room.

In addition to the usual heating system, if you want more warmth, a small heating equipment for spot heating is recommended.As a result of Wirecutter investigating more than 100 products over 10 years, the top 8 recommended.There are enough space for one person to warm up, those that can be used evenly throughout the room, those that can be used in the bathroom, and those with a retro look.Which one is the most concerned?

Recommended heating equipment recommended for spot heating: "VORNADO VH200"

You can warm up the room faster and even more even more.The balance between powerful, comfort, and quiet sound is wonderful.

"VORNADO VH200" has excellent speed and power compared to other companies' products.The temperature rises rapidly and the entire room is evenly stable in one hour.It is quiet and the compactness that can be placed in the corner of the room is also attractive.Consideration for safety, such as overheat prevention function, fall prevention function, and not too hot even if you touch the outside of the main unit, is top class and solid.On the other hand, there are also voices that, especially cold places, take time to warm up, and that the hot air is strong.Bornado tends to be more responding to critical reviews compared to other companies.

Recommended heating equipment recommended for spot heating 2nd: "VORNADO AVH10"

The price is slightly higher than the first place.But the power is the strongest.You can see that the design is packed with detailed consideration.

"VORNADO AVH10" is very similar to the first place, but there are differences in digital displays, code holders, and safety measures.The powerful power that warms the room is the strongest, and the strength is that it will warm up faster and faster.However, "VORNADO VH200" is better in that it warms the room evenly.Comparing both, the price of this product is several thousand yen higher.

3rd place of heating equipment recommended for spot heating: "LASKO 754200 CERAMIC HEATER"

It becomes warm immediately.You can expect durability for several years.The warm air flow is narrow, and the comfort may be inferior to other products.

"Lasko 754200 CERAMIC HEATER" has been recommended since 2013.There are not many ceramic heaters that can be relying so far at this price.Lightweight compact size.The hot air is DC, so you can warm up the space in front of the heater with haste, while you are not good at warming a large space.Ideal for use in a small bedroom or a home office in a corner of the room.It looks sober, but the user evaluation is popular (in addition to reviews on the sales site, as well as Wirecutter staff who have been used for several years).

Heating equipment recommended for spot heating 4th place: "Delonghi TRD40615T"

No. 1 among the oil heaters.Unlike other companies' silent and slow ones, they warm up firmly.It is amazing that the outside of the heater is not hot.

"Delonghi TRD40615T" is the most recommended product among the oil heaters that are convenient to warm the entire room for a long time.Compared to ceramic heaters, it has a better energy efficiency, and it takes time to warm up the room for a long time.Because it is all metal, it is sturdy, so it is safe to touch it.

Recommended heating equipment recommended for spot heating 5th: "Vornado OSCTH1"

In addition to the powerful of Bornado, the point is the vibration function that spreads the warmth evenly in the room.

"Vornado OSCTH1" is the point of vibrating, not only for its upright appearance.Compared to other Bornade products, it takes more time for the room to be warm, but it will feel more comfortable than the DC warm air.In addition to digital screens that are easy to operate, there are also safety measures such as falling and overheating.

スポット暖房におすすめな暖房器具6位:「Lasko FH500 All Season Comfort Control Tower Fan & Heater in One」

He is tall and good at sending warm air into the room.At first glance, it looks good that makes you think what kind of home appliance is.

「Lasko FH500 All Season Comfort Control Tower Fan & Heater in One」は高さ約1mと、今回紹介するヒーターのなかでもっとも高身長。床のスペースを取らず、デジタルディスプレイで設定した温度まで素早く安定して部屋をあたため、維持してくれます。操作パネル、リモコンなど細部までこだわりを感じられるデザイン。「強」「中」「弱」「オートエコ」モード選択あり。冷却機能も内蔵されているのがポイント。

Heating utensils recommended for spot heating 7th: "VORNADO VHEAT VINTAGE HEATER"

Click here for those who are particular about the interior design of the room, as well as the heating performance.

"VORNADO VHEAT VINTAGE HEATER" is one that warms the room with a retro look.While he is good at warming the space in front of him, it is not suitable to warm the entire room, and in the Wirecutter survey, it can create a maximum of about 6 degrees in some places.However, conversely, it is possible to increase the temperature 6 degrees around the heater.

Heating equipment recommended for spot heating 8th place: "Lasko CD08200 Ceramic Bathroom Heater"

Click here if you need heating that can be used with confidence even in places where it is easy to get wet, such as a bathroom.

"Lasko CD08200 Ceramic Bathroom Heater" is efficiently and more safe (important!) Bathroom.Generally, using such electronics around water is NG.Under such circumstances, this product has the safety measures necessary to reduce the risk of electric shock.In addition to being able to warm up the room rapidly, it is also attractive that the operation is easy with one button.

Recommended heating equipment recommended for spot heating: "VORNADO VH200"

The Vornado VH200 was selected as the most recommended heater for the Wirecutter survey for spot heating.It was judged that the warmth, warm air spreading comfortably and evenly spreading, safety performance, simplicity, quietness, and price of prices were judged to be the best comprehensively.

It doesn't look good or weird, but it's a simple and good heater.

In particular, the strength is that it is powerful and efficient as other models of Bornado.If it is operated for 15 minutes, it is 2 degrees 1 m from the heater body and 0 at 2m..Confirm the temperature rise of 6 degrees.If it operates for one hour, check the temperature rise by about 6 degrees 1m from the heater body and about 3 degrees at 2m.The only Bornado product was the "VORNADO VH200" that was powerful enough to create a temperature difference of 4 to 6 degrees in the entire room.

Even though it is so powerful, it is quiet.If the "strong" setting is set, 45 DBA is recorded 1m away from the main unit, and 44 DBA is recorded for 2m.It is quieter than a home refrigerator.Also, if the setting is set to 4 or less, the fan will stop, and the warm air will come out almost silence.

The warm air is gentle and comfortable.The reason is that the design of Bornado's "circulator" makes natural hot air evenly crossing the room (by the way, in contrast, there is a DC wind in a narrow area.Is 3rd place "LASKO 754200 CERAMIC HEATER").

In terms of safety, there are all safety measures necessary for heating equipment such as overheat prevention, fall prevention, and UL authentication.The body remains relatively cold while operating, about 35 degrees.The hottest part was up to 60 degrees.

The body has a slim and lightweight design, so it looks good to put it under the desk or in the corner of the room.With a pear -type design, it should be harder to fall because the lower part is wider than the upper part.About 1.It is about the same size as 5kg and a coffee maker.

The control is quite simple (as shown in the picture above), and you can expect durability.The red LED lamp turns on/off according to the power on the power supply, but if you want to see if the outlet is connected when the power is turned off, it seems more convenient.increase.

In order to maintain the temperature, a built -in thermostat (automatically turned on/off) is built -in, and in the Wirecutter survey, it does not change more than once at a point that is 1m away if it operates for 6 hours or more.It turns out that the temperature is stable.

Baorne's customer service is a good impression, and tends to respond carefully to critical reviews.


The price is higher than other products such as Rasco, but it is cheaper among Bornado products.Considering the performance, cospa is good.Some say that Baorne had a good fan function, based on what is famous for circulator products.

Regarding carrying, I am worried that it is easy to be unbalanced when the grip is shallow and lifted.When lifting, it seems good to support the bottom with one hand.

To be on the safe side

Bornado has been dealing with the recall product "VH101", which had been ignited due to overheating in 2018.According to the company's spokeswoman, the flame -retardant resin, the UL 3122 wire jacket (treble, high voltage silicon/fiberglass jacket), and changes in soldering, etc., added, "VORNADO VH200".It is said that safety measures are firmly taken.

Recommended heating equipment recommended for spot heating 2nd: "VORNADO AVH10"

The "Vornado AVH10" has a digital display, which allows you to set the temperature with a button.It is convenient for storage because it has a code holder.When the power is turned off, it is also characteristic that a 10 -second countdown starts on the digital display on the digital display (not to pull out the cord or move the body until cooling).


The powerful power that warms the room is the strongest, and it is reliable because it will be warm faster and faster.In the Wirecutter survey, the temperature increased by about 6 degrees 1m from the main unit in just 15 minutes and 7 degrees after one hour.However, the first -place product is better in that it warms up evenly in the room.The rise of 3m from the main unit can be confirmed once in 15 minutes and one hour after one hour, and there is a considerable temperature difference in places near the heater.

Compared to the first -place product, the price is several thousand yen higher.In addition to elements such as digital displays and code holders, it seems good to choose by the difference of how to use it (whether or not a space for one person around the heater or the room is evenly warm).

3rd place of heating equipment recommended for spot heating: "LASKO 754200 CERAMIC HEATER"

If you want to warm up only (such as around the office or home sofa), we recommend the compact "Lasko 754200 Ceramic Heater" (such as the office or home sofa).In the Wirecutter survey, it has been recommended as a top -class heater for many years.Recently, some more powerful and comfortable products have come out, but this is still reliable so that it remains in the recommended ranking.

It is attractive that the price is relatively low, but the precautions are that there is no fall prevention function (function to stop operation automatically), and warm air and sound like a hair dryer.It seems to be suitable for those who are looking for a powerful and as cheap heater as possible.

The hot air is DC, so you can warm your feet with haste, especially when sitting in front of the heater.If you operate the "high" setting for 1 hour, the Wirecutter survey confirmed that the temperature would rise twice from the heater body to two times and 3m ahead.The temperature maintains is constant, and even if it is, it fluctuates once.

The operation is a dial type, easy to use.It is also convenient to have a handle.The strength setting is two stages (strong/weak), and only fans can use it.The body is 1.It is 3kg and the size is compact, so it should be easy to set everywhere.

The biggest precaution is that there is no fall prevention function.It is very dangerous to leave it on, especially in a home with pets and small children, as it is easy to overheat, so it is very dangerous (there is an overheat prevention function).

It was not hot when touched the main unit, and it was about 37 degrees in operation for 1 hour, and about 71 degrees in places where the temperature is most likely (this part is hot when touched unnecessarily, but the temperature is low compared to other products.)It is also convenient to have a plastic handle on the back that does not get hot.

As mentioned above, the sound being operated is loud.Compared to the first place "VORNADO VH200", it is 7 DBA larger and smaller than the 7th place "Vornado VHEAT".It's not uncomfortable, but you may be worried about those who care.

The first attraction of "Lasko 754200 Ceramic Heater" is the price.Space heater prices are easy to fluctuate throughout the year, but this product keeps Amazon for a long time of $ 30 (about 3,400 yen).

It is a model that has been recommended in Wirecutter since 2013, and there is no complaint about long -term durability from the experience of staff.

Heating equipment recommended for spot heating 4th place: "Delonghi TRD40615T"

The oil heater looks old, inefficient, large and expensive.Some people may have the image of being hot when touched.But, in fact, I'm good at maintaining the temperature and can warm the room more comfortably.For those who are likely to have an oil heater, "Delonghi TRD40615T" is recommended.The point is that it is sturdy, easy to clean, simple and easy.

It takes 30 minutes to warm up, and even if it runs for 1 hour with a "strength" setting, 0 is 1m away..It can only rise once at 5 degrees, 3m away.However, unlike a ceramic heater that cools down as soon as the power is turned off, the point is that it can maintain a long time warmth.

In addition, the difference from other heaters is that it is silent but also silence.For example, it is perfect for those who are working on recording, such as music officials (but be careful not to share the same outlets as Marshall's half stack).

The size is almost a suit case size of 40 x 16 x 63 cm (compared to other compact heaters).

During operation, it is dangerous because it is hot when touched, but the temperature is relatively low as 82 degrees compared to other oil heater products.Still, be careful because there is a risk of burns.

The operation is intuitive and easy.24 -hour timer is convenient.You can select the strength setting (3 steps) and thermostat dial (6 types).The body has tires and rolls around, so it is easy to carry.

The first time you use it, you can use the gas outdoors to the smell (from the oil remaining after manufacture).Some reviews say that using a 24 -hour timer makes a ticking sound, but if the same happens, we recommend that you contact the manufacturer within the warranty period (one year).

Recommended heating equipment recommended for spot heating 5th: "Vornado OSCTH1"

"VORNADO OSCTH1" is about 45cm tower type and gradually warms the room with a gentle warm air due to vibration.The digital touch screen is easy to operate and the temperature is easy to see.In addition to standard safety measures such as overheat prevention and fall prevention function, the countdown function of 8 seconds after the power is turned off is also characteristic.

The Wirecutter survey confirmed that the temperature in the room was slowly increased by about 6 degrees or more in one hour.Good at maintaining temperature.The temperature difference between 1m before the heater body and 2 m diagonally tip of 2m is within one degree, and it is one of the top classes in that the room is evenly/uniformly.

There is also a mode that only works by fans, which is convenient for air circulation."VH200" is better if the room (especially the space for one person) can be beaten immediately, but if the whole room can be beaten evenly, "VORNADO OSCTH1" is the best.According to the staff who used it for a long time for the review, it is amazing that "VORNADO OSCTH1" can keep the temperature constant once attached.On the other hand, the time it takes to heat is late, and it is pointed out that "other heaters can quickly remove warm air in a cold room."

Compared to "VH200", the 4DB sound is loud, but it can be said that it is a level that many people can ignore.However, there may be strange sounds when vibrating.It is said that this can be easily fixed by retrofitting the heater in accordance with the staff experience.

Regarding care, it is necessary to remove dust clogged in the filter occasionally.If dust is clogged, the power is automatically turned off.

Note that if you have a cat that you like to climb at a high place, you can jump on the main unit and the screen reacts.

In any case, it is recommended for those who are looking for a heater that looks fashionable and can warm up the entire room evenly.

スポット暖房におすすめな暖房器具6位:「Lasko FH500 All Season Comfort Control Tower Fan & Heater in One」

「Lasko FH500 All Season Comfort Control Tower Fan & Heater in One」は部屋じゅうをまんべんなくあたためられて、Wirecutterがもっともおすすめできるタワーヒーター。高さ約1mとスペースヒーターのなかではもっとも高身長。幅は約30cmなので床のスペースを取らないのもポイント。デジタルディスプレイは明るく、見やすいです。

The Wirecutter survey confirmed that the temperature was raised by about 3 degrees in 45 minutes.The "VH200" and "AVH10" are more convenient to warm them up quickly, but they are good at slowly spending time over the room.When the set temperature was reached, the temperature was maintained one hour after that.

There are three types of heating settings and four types of fan mode.It can be stored on the back of the attached remote control.

「Lasko FH500 All Season Comfort Control Tower Fan & Heater in One」は工具は必要ありませんが組み立て作業(ベース部分)が必要で、タワー部分のバランスを取りながらネジを回すのは少し大変でした。

The product is relatively new and has not been able to perform long -term tests over several years, and it is not clear how durable it can be expected.Nevertheless, as long as the summer fans and winter heating are used for one year, it can be said that both excellent air -conditioning functions can be expected.

Recommended heating equipment recommended for spot heating: "VORNADO VHEAT VINTAGE HEATER"

"VORNADO VHEAT VINTAGE HEATER" is a retro look, a versatile and solid heater.It is designed based on the 1945 Bornade original, and is more than 4 kg of a plastic heater because it is made of metal.

In the Wirecutter survey, the rise was confirmed about 3 degrees in 15 minutes, 1m away from the heater body, and once in 2m.With a difference of 1m, there was a 3 degree temperature difference within one hour.This should be fine for one person.

It is also characteristic that it is not so hot even if it is made of metal.The side is 38 degrees, 60 degrees in the hottest place.When the power is turned off, the heat cools down within a few minutes.

Regarding noise, it is the same level as 56db 1m away and 57db at 2m away.

For those who emphasize the appearance, "Vornado VHEAT VINTAGE HEATER", which has a solid functionality, is recommended, but if not, check out other products.

Heating equipment recommended for spot heating 8th place: "Lasko CD08200 Ceramic Bathroom Heater"

In general, high -voltage appliances cannot be installed around water.If the bathroom is easy to cool down and wants to do something, we recommend the "Lasko CD08200 Ceramic Bathroom Heater" that can be used safely.

One of the most quickly warm heaters.The operation is simple, only one button at the top.You can now select three types of modes (1 hour timer mode, always on 1,500W High mode, always on 750W Low mode).Even if you forget to turn off the power, it will be automatically cut because the heating timer is set by default.

In the Wirecutter survey, the rise was confirmed three times in one hour.The whole bathroom seemed to be warm, but on average temperature difference was less than three degrees on average 1m ahead of the heater body and 2m diagonally.It is certain that it will warm you, regardless of the floor plan of the bathroom, but it is the best way to warm up a space for one person, especially near the heater.

During use, the humidity may drop drastically and the condensation may be reduced.This should be especially nice for people without windows in the bathroom.

Since it is equipped with ALCI safety plug (plug with a leak blocking function), combining it with a GFCI outlet (an outlet with a leak -shielding function) prevents the current from flowing to other places.The ALCI safety plug is automatically blocked when the heater is watered while connected to the outlet.

There is also an overheat prevention function, but there is no fall prevention switch.However, it can be said that there is no risk of falling because it is short.

Although there is such safety measures, the instructions say, "Please do not use this product near the water."It is difficult to tell where the water is specifically pointed near the water, but it is important to place it as much as possible, even though there is a safety function in case of emergency.Be careful of the location, as it does not have waterproof performance.

Space heater care and precautions

When using a space heater, there are points to note that an extension cord cannot be used or not to use it when absent.Usually, when purchasing a product, a note on safety is included.There are functions such as overheat prevention and fall prevention, but it may be dangerous if used in an incorrect way.Please read the instructions carefully before using.

It is important not to leave it alone to prevent fire risk.In the instructions, it is often written so that the space heater is not left all night.Be especially careful in small children and pets with pets.Avoid places that can be reached by your child, even if the outlet is pulled out.Other precautions are as follows.

・ Because of the large power consumption, an extension cord or power tap cannot be used.

・ Do not install on the carpet, a tall place (tables, on the shelf, etc.) or an unevenness.

・ Do not use around the water in the kitchen or bathroom (excluding it for it)

・ Install 1m or more from outlets and flammable things (curtains, bedding, books, matches, etc.).

・ Do not install it near the fireplace, stove, or fuel

・ Do not install on the bed near the bed.If the blanket falls, do not place it at a distance that touches the body.

・ Do not pass the outlet under the rug or door.The code may bend or damage

・ Depending on the product, there are some that are carefully written in the windows near the furniture, by the window, and the bathtub.

When purchasing a product, it contains a instruction manual with more specific precautions.Please check carefully.

The display price is as of the writing.Please check the sales page as it may change.

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