[Premonition of hits] Protect hair from harmful substances <"SHINKOQ"> / New ideas hair care that does not pollute hair

Premonition of a hit

Hair care brand "SHINKOQ"

【Premonition of a hit】 有害物質から髪を守る〈「ShinkoQ(シンコキュウ)」〉/髪を”汚さない”新発想ヘアケア

 In March, SHINKOQ (Shinkyuku, Headquarters Tokyo, Kenta Nomoto), which is planning and selling cosmetics, launched a hair care brand for the purpose of protecting pollutants in the air, and started selling four products, including shampoos.。While interest in air pollution and a sense of crisis increase, he promotes hair care that does not pollute hair and develops new demand.Each product of the new brand "SHINKOQ" has air pollution, pollen, and PM2.It contains anti -polished components that protect hair from harmful substances such as 5. The brand name includes Nomoto's thoughts, "I want you to care for the most exposed hair and inhale clean air." The main target is those who have high interest in beauty awareness and scalp environment. Each product of "SHINKOQ" was developed based on issues and concepts for products that had been held since then by Nomoto, who has experience in a cosmetics manufacturer. "While there are many hair care products that say use, there are still few brands in Japan to protect such hair." The lineup is (1) shampoo (400 ml, 1848 yen including tax) (2) treatment (400 grams, 1848 yen) (3) Hajuremist (100 grams, 1650 yen) (4) Hair oil (50 ml 1760 yen) 4 types. There are two different scents, such as "Sweet Bloom" and "Aqua Magnolia". On March 20, pre -sale was started at Amazon and Loft stores. "I feel that word -of -mouth websites have a good feeling, and we feel that we can provide products that match quality and demand," he said. In the future, the company plans to expand sales channels to stores and mail order, as well as salons. "The stage of expanding awareness through the sampling set and the like. We will strengthen public relations activities so that more people will know" (same).

Representative of Kenta Nomoto

The article is information at the time of interview and writing, and may differ now.