Predator 21 X Review: 1 million yen gaming laptop that you do not know who will buy it

"Predator 21 X" is the ultimate gaming lap top released by ACER.If the specifications are top class, the price and size are top class.It is a level that is doubtful if it was necessary to be a laptop, but Gizmodo reporter Alex Cranz, who made the following trial reviews, seems to agree.


You may have a burning passion to buy Acer Predator 21 X, but you probably won't buy it.Because the layer that I want to buy doesn't have that much money, and the layer that I can buy is an elderly person to buy a laptop of $ 9,000 (about 990,000 yen), which weighs about one child.Because it is too much.It will not be carried.

However, reading gizmodes should at least like gadgets to the extent that you want to understand what the $ 9,000 laptop is like.So I spent 9 days with a laptop full of this Acer.

Day 1: Arrival

The editorial office manager compared the box and me that seemed to pack three children about 10 years old.

I explain, "It's a laptop."

The manager was still doubted, but everyone else was overjoyed."I want to get into the box," said a colleague while taking a picture.

While reading the instructions, I opened the cardboard box and the pelican case in it.Anyway, I wanted to play the game, so I put Predator 21 X on my knees like MacBook.Fortunately, I often ride a bicycle, so my thighs were strong, and I didn't cry even on a 19 -pound (about 9 kg) computer, which was more than four times the weight of the average laptop.

When I told the price to the person who was looking interesting, I saw me with an astonished face.I couldn't answer such a question, "Why do you have a 9,000 -dollar computer?"

So, if you pulled out the trackpad from the slot and turned it over to use it as a numeric keypad, everyone admitted that it was cool.This trick was a characteristic that was first surprised by the surroundings other than the size and price.

When I used it for 1 hour and 10 minutes, the computer battery was broken.It was past 5 o'clock and I couldn't find two necessary outlets (two !!), so I left my colleague's desk.

Day 2: Setup

After getting to the office, I finally found an outlet for two 330 watts on Predator, so I started using the laptop in earnest.Although it was included with TOBII's eye tracker, it did not work, and the driver of the NVIDIA video card remained the old version.

NVIDIA GeForce uninstalled the driver, and the computer broke down for about 20 minutes.Unavoidably, uninstall and reinstall the named NVIDIA.In the third restart, somehow the eye trucker started working.

As a result of tweaking drivers and settings for about 3 hours, the PC game "Rise of the Tomb Raider" has been activated.Colleagues surround my computer and shout how to walk straight and give advice.At this time, I remembered that I stayed at my friend's house and played Super Nintendo all night.Do you remember that there was no controller at that time?It looks like that.

However, some of them were not interested at all.Windows notifications appear one after another, and each time four computers and subwoofers scream, they have ordered them to be quiet.

She didn't like the fact that everyone was surrounding the computer, even though his work time was over."Let's go drinking beer," she shouted and shouted.

Following it, I also saved the game and closed the laptop.The battery was not completely charged yet.

Day 3: Part 1 through downtown

"You take this home." This is not a suggestion.Both bosses and I judged that it was indispensable to confirm mobility in laptop reviews -how easy it was to carry.

In the case of Predator 21 X, the curves on the display are poorly fit and cannot be easily thrown into the bag.This is because the 21 -inch display may break.I had to return to the pelican case and returned home an hour and a half earlier.No one was wondering about it.

On the stairs to the train, I asked if a woman would help, but I refused carefully, "I have to do it myself."

On the train, everyone was seen as Girodillo.The gaze was the same as a rude person who came in with a big bag on the rush hour.The time was still 4:45 pm, but as I approached Brooklyn, the number of passengers increased, and when I arrived at my station, I had to push the people around me, and the roller on the case would run over the people of a person.I had to pray not.There is no mental that can withstand the irritating passengers.

When I got off the train and climbed the stairs, I made a row of frustrated customers behind me, and the man behind pushed me by hand without saying anything.

New York is a surprisingly warm place.

It is about 640m from the station to the house.The sidewalk is rougher and rugged compared to the flat iron area, and the concrete peels off and protrudes all over the place.It was raining just before the day of bringing Predator and the road was dry, but all the intersections were covered with brown puddles.Anyway, I desperately lifted the laptop and returned home in a hurry while avoiding water.The weight of the cardboard box when delivered to the office was 70 pounds (about 32 kg), but the power supply in the pelican case and the 19 -pound laptop seemed to pull all the 70 -pound weight by hand.I felt.

My dog and cat were wary of a box like a monster sitting in the living room, and the roommate returning at night could keep an eye on my laptop on my knees."That's ... military or something?" She asked.However, I could only hear it slightly with the roar of the laptop.

Predator 21 Xレビュー:誰が買うのかわからない、100万円のゲーミングラップトップ

No, not military.

Day 4: The feeling of the toe is gone

I was struggled with coughing, runny nose, and dullness that could not explain, as the hero's best friend in the 19th century novel, as the experience of returning home had an effect.

The only salvation is the laptop.I found two outlets and downloaded the PC game "Mass Effect Andromeda" on my knees.The laptop didn't like the internet environment in my home, so I undertaken the environment three times and restarted the download one hour later.You can buy as many laptops as much as $ 9,000, but there seems to be no meaning in the bad internet environment or old driver.

And the thighs could not withstand the weight of the laptop, and the feeling below the knee was gone.

At 3:30 pm, I sent an email to my friend at 3:30 pm.

Playing the installed mass effect on Predator's keyboard and trackpad was a painful frustration.I wasn't familiar at all.The keyboard of the cherry -brown switch was good, and there was no problem with the trackpad itself, but I felt it was strange when the space between the keyboards was on my knees.

After all, when I gave up and connected the Xbox One controller, the game became comfortable at once.

Day 5: Correction.The whole body hurts

I spent the time of the level that I could get to the surroundings on the mass, but the performance of the laptop was only as expected.Two NVIDIA GTX 1080 video cards, RAID 0 setting dual 512GB SSD, 64GB RAM and Kaby Lake i7 processor.It is the fastest laptop in the world in specifications.There was no performance problem, and I hit 120fps on a 2,560 x 1,080 display.It is no exaggeration to say that there are two NVIDIA GTX 1080, which is almost impossible to lag in the game.

But that's what the laptop power supply is connected.After a valuable toilet break, I sat down and put it on my knees, and I was surprised that the game stopped.Even if it ends and restarts, it remains late.When I noticed that the plug was missing from the outlet, everything was restored.

… When I thought, the connection of the controller was disconnected every few minutes.It's as if the computer is making a sound in the 12 -hour endurance play of the mass effect.I was troubled and went to bed with off the power.

Day 6: Hot

Outside was 27 degrees, but it was still fine ... until the laptop was placed on the knee.The next moment, I remembered the summer of Texas.When the named child rides on the knee, the rugged bones and sweats, and the heat that is as good as heating.

This laptop is like having a child in the box at the end of the day.

The uncomfortableness has finally exceeded the limit.I tried to put it on a small desk, but it was too big to support it because it was too heavy.

After all, I gave up and played the massage effect on my usual PC.Immediately after I started, I missed the wide field of view of Predator.The 21: 9 screen is the best for games on a small 21 -inch screen of Predator.If you display it on my 50 -inch 4KTV, everything should be big, but the screen of 16: 9 will feel cheerful.

But I didn't stop playing.The heat, the frequent connection cutting, and the destructive capitalist weight of the knees were already a lot.

Day 7: Closed day

Sitting on the sofa and working desperately, Predator was turned into a mobile holder.

I think this is better.

Day 8: Part 2 through downtown

My dog hates bags packed with luggage.I know that, and when I pack my travel luggage, I catch it with a snack and deceive it.When I carefully put the PREDATOR power supply into the case and turned up ...

The dog seemed to be gone forever.

Of course, I went to the office by Lyft and went up by elevator."Is that laptop?" My colleague laughed and asked.

"Yeah" I answered.

Day 9: Farewell friend

I took a picture in the afternoon.Thanks to the fans and beep sounds that resonate in the quiet news room, the laptop felt heavier than usual.

Predator is not designed for quietness.It is to attract attention.Collect your gaze everywhere, get a comment, and try to move.

I didn't regret when I left it in the office that night.It was already active enough.I wrote and experienced this $ 9,000 laptop.That way, you don't have to experience your wallet.


Even now, for a while, I still don't understand who it is for.Is it for those who can pay 10 million yen for cars and 500,000 yen for mobile phones?But the body is a cheap plastic.This means that it is not attractive for the wealthy who can buy it, even though it is out of reach for those who want it.

So is it for gamers?Among the PC gamers, they are the type of people who care about specifications and benchmarks, as we care about the price.The pure power and the flickering light may be attractive to gamers.However, since it cannot be upgraded, it will be almost outdated after four years, and you will only be able to compete with smartphones and VR headsets.Then it's not a computer suitable for gamers.

This is for you.You read this review and reach out to your wallet, and you want to be dominated by the desk for $ 9,000 topics.Well, it will not be a topic anymore.

・ From ACER, the gaming PC "Predator 21 X", which is unlikely to be a laptop, is released.

Source: Predator

Alex Cranz --Gizmodo US [Original] (Scheme_a)