Petcube's pet camera review: It's like watching the dog and cat being away

Dogs have snacks, and cats have laser irradiation functions.

If you have a beloved pet, you may feel a little worried while saying "I'm going" when you leave your answering machine.

Gizmodo's Victoria Song decided to observe the Yorkshire Terrier's old dog Daisy and his partner's beloved cat Pavlo who started living together with a pet watching camera.

Recently, Daisy has a habit of hiding under the bed.As far as you can see, the two are completely ignoring each other's existence, but Pablo is not bullying Daisy while you are away....?Petcube Bits 2 and Petcube Play 2 were installed in a situation where such a small home investigation was needed.Here is her review that I used for about two weeks.

Petcube Bites 2 & Petcube Play 2

What is this?: Petcube's second -generation pet camera

Price: $ 200 each

Favorite place: The visibility has become wider.A schedule set is possible.Video trigger option.The app is also good.

I don't like it: Alexa integration.I have become a person who uses such a pet camera ...

What kind of performance product

First of all, simple specifications.Both "PETCUBE BITES 2" and "Petcube Play 2" have improved cameras compared to the old model.It became a 160 -degree wide -angle view, and the zoom became powerful.Both are $ 200, but Play 2 is a built -in laser, and you can play with snacks in Bits 2.The dark vision is as alive as the old model.With a 1080p resolution, it has a two -way audio function.

By the way, I installed these two cameras in a small home studio apartment of about 52 square meters.For the time being, Play 2 is in the bedroom and Bits 2 is the living room.With the Petcube app, it was a pretty seamless setup.It's nice to be equipped with Alexa.

The angle of view of the camera is 160 degrees

There were some blind spots, but the camera was properly copying the dog and cats.PETCUBE has announced that it will enlarge 180 degrees in this year's software update, but most rooms are probably 160 degrees.

Play 2 is about 9.1 cm x about 8.1 cm x about 9.1 cm, about 14 is Bites 2.5 cm x about 7.6 cm x about 25.With a sense of size of 4 cm, all of them have almost no change from the old model.It is possible to attach it to the wall and recommend it, as the pet can fall down a little.

It was surprisingly easy to operate multiple cameras with the app, and it was easy to spy dogs and cats remotely (although if you try to see it with smartphone data, the delay or connection will be cut off.) And old video.It was the same situation as the old model that took a little time to see.But this trivial annoyance, and there was no big problem.

Good recording schedule management function

What I thought was particularly good was that I could manage the recording schedule with the app.If you set only for a specific time zone, you will not have to show yourself walking naked after the bath.You can also adjust the movement of video recording, the detection of audio, and interaction.

Petcubeのペットカメラ レビュー:留守中の犬猫の様子を見守るのってこういう感じ

It is possible to save a 4 -hour video in the free version, but if you want to keep a video or image, you will manually operate the recording shooting.In the sub -skop version, you can use a smart filter such as downloading videos and browsing history, as well as pets, humans, and sound detection.The operation notification came about 40 times at a time, and after the chance of interaction with the pet had passed, it may be necessary to improve.

The sight you see is the opposite of the expectation

But of course, the notification was useful.Isn't that big cat pablo bullying my cute daisy?...It was a chance to find out.However, in fact, what I witnessed was the opposite development...。Daisy had a little more pablo.

I was ignored ...

I tried to call out using a bidirectional audio, but sadly, both were ignored.Then I saw Pablo hitting Daisy as if she was affectionate.Daisy went under the bed as it was.He said he sold a fight from himself....。

The quality of the camera is wonderful!It's not up to that, and it's a bit rough, but it's basically good.The darker mode is also good, but the pablo looks a bit like a monster.

Alexa does not work well because of the environment

Alexa's features may be good if they want to minimize the number of smart devices at home, but they could not be used at home.For some reason, either Petcube did not get a response.Maybe it's because of my small apartment sound effects, or maybe there were five other smart speakers in the house.But even if other speakers were disabled, it was difficult to make sure that it worked.

I was able to play with pets remotely!

But the most interesting features were to play with pets.As if you were informing your pet about the time of play, the camera sounded a chime when you look into it.In fact, grandmother's daisy is a bit confusing, and it's hard to get rid of snacks on the floor after returning home....。It was the Play 2 laser that felt like playing.

The laser had a significant delay, and it didn't always appear in the target area, but it still worked enough.Above all, Pablo played...!(Maybe I enjoyed it), so when I had time, I played with a laser.

Basically, nothing has happened to be recorded

It's a frank impression that after using it for about two weeks, I'm not doing enough things that my pet records.I wonder what animals are doing while I'm away, but most of the time they just sleep, get up, walk, sleep, and eat again....That is.

Pablo may be a delusion that catches pigeons, looking outside the window.Daisy sometimes wakes up, gets out of his bed, gets a little confused, and then returns to bed again.

But I was saved in the worrisome situation I sometimes visit

Nevertheless, there were times when the air conditioner was broken, and when the terrible heat wave was approaching, I had to open my house for two days.I installed a lot of cooling fans and ice water trays, and asked my friends to go to see them.(Spoilers: They were okay)

However, I was worried that I checked the video many times, and talked with my friends who did a pet sitter through the camera and said, "I'm calm."The impression of a friend who had a conversation through a pet camera was "I think the voice is usually good if you don't shout loudly."

I don't know how much I was saved due to the camera for those two days (maybe I was a suspicious person who was checking my pets at home like a stalker at home....)

Let's choose according to the personality of the pet

By the way, both cameras will demonstrate the function you want for each $ 200 each.Regarding the play of lasers and snacks, it depends on the personality of the pet.Regarding Bites 2, maybe a small dog still has a better reaction than a grandmother who lacks my teeth.

Also, you can use a pet with a mischievous habit from the go.(This is the same for the old model.) In the latest model, there is also an option to order snacks and play music with the Alexa function.Whether to use or use may be different...?

If you want to greed, I think it would be useful if the connection problem was improved, the delay was reduced, and the zoom improved.But the ultimate thing is that no matter how good the camera is, it's definitely more happy if the owner is in front of him.


・ Petcube 2nd generation cameras have newly added Alexa, expanded their horizons to 160 degrees (180 degrees in the latter half of this year), and zoomed powerful.

・ The camera is still 1080p resolution.Other functions include bidirectional audio and night vision mode.

・ Each price is up to $ 200.

・ Play 2 has a laser irradiation, and Bites 2 has a function to throw a snack.Both have some delay.

・ The free version provides a simple schedule option and notification alert in addition to the 4 -hour video storage.Subscriptions are required to use more advanced options.