Omicron stock measures to an infectious disease expert, the number of infected people one month later is expected to be 3.2 million

Prepare for the expansion of infection coming this winter

The latest circumstances of the Omicron stocks you are worried about are experts in infectious diseases, boarding "Diamond Princess" as a member of the Japan Medical Association to provide medical support, and prevent cluster prevention and countermeasures of COVID-19 faster than anyone else.We talked to Dr. Junzo Uchiyama, director of Minami Mohri Internal Department.

Omicron stocks spread with exponential functions

As you know, Omicron stocks are said to be more infectious than conventional stocks.Approximately 30 protruding spike proteins have been mutated, making it easier to bind to human cells.It was found that the Omicron strain was infected with the person who separated the corridor, but it was infected with air instead of droplets.This is a comparable infectious strength.It can be said that it is the strongest on the ground.Specifically, one infected person creates 20 new infected people.The infectivity lasts for 6 days.

When the new Corona was infected in Chugoku, an infected person was found in December, then more than 1,000 in the latter half of February, and more than 20,000 in five days, and more than 20,000 in four days.It seems that nothing was taken at this time, but it takes two and a half to three months to outbrek.More than 1000 people are similar to the current situation in Japan.If you do not take measures here, the number of people and infected people will increase.

Delta stocks that began to be infected in India took more than 1,000 people, but from there they rose to nearly 100,000 people in 18 days.In the case of Omicron strain, it was found in South Africa on November 26, landed in the UK a few days later, over 10,000 on December 19.In other words, the method of increasing the formula of Y = 20 x 20 is the same.In a week, the number of British infected people increased to 140,000.In the case of the UK, it should have been taking measures against infected people, but looking at the number of infected people, it was not effective.Of course, the number of severe people has decreased, so it seems that there was an effect such as vaccines.

The new Corona increased to 500 in two months, exploding from there.

Omicron stocks are infected with 20 people alone, and have comparable infectious power

Omicron stocks can be predicted to increase to 8,000 people in 18 days, 160,000 in 24 days, and 3.2 million in 30 days.

Omichlon stocks are likely to explode in infection because infection increases with exponential functions.

Effective measures are humidification, masks, portable UV-C lights

In winter, the humidity drops and the virus can easily stay in the air.In addition, the room is closed to heat, and humans tend to stay in the room.In flu examples, the number of infected people increases from November to January.Therefore, the first measure we can do is humidify the room.If the humidity is kept to 50-60 % using a humidifier, the virus will fall from the air the next day.Humidization is more effective than alcohol disinfection in the room.

I think you will wear a mask when you go out, but it is important that there is no gap in the nose.The N95 mask is used by doctors to prevent air infection.What is the N95 standard?.It means that 3 μm fine particles can be collected more than 95 %.It's okay if the mask is dented when you breathe with this mask.If the usual mask does not pecopeco, it can be said that there is a gap and it is not effective.The N95 mask is not suitable for use at all times because it is very difficult to breathe, but is effective when there is a high risk of infection, such as a crowded train.In addition, the mask is more risky by the infected person, so I would like to ask young people who may be infected with asymptoms to install the mask.

Regarding alcohol disinfection, conventional stocks, delta stocks, and Omicron stocks are not so nervous because the risk of contact infection is low.If you still want to disinfect, ultraviolet rays are more effective than alcohol.Alcohol can be uneven, and there are places where you can not use banknotes, consultation tickets, and LCD monitors.A portable UV-C disinfecting lamp is on sale, so it's a good idea to use it.The eradication effect is lost at the distance of the distance, so please irradiate the thing you want to remove.UV-C is harmful to the human body, so be careful not to irradiate your skin or face the light source directly.

Ultimately, it's all about avoiding three density, and companies that use the transportation of trains to gather from various places have a higher risk of infection.You should do a remote work right now.


N95 mask that can be effective for air infection.The image is a medical mask with a 3m nose wire

If a non -infected person wears a mask, the risk of infection of the conventional stock will be 30 %, and the infected person will reduce the infection risk to 5 %.

Portable UV-C disinfecting lamp.Dry battery drive, 99 with irradiation for about 10 seconds.9 % disinfecting effect

Omicron stocks are discovered early, and early treatment is the rule of thumb

It is said that Omicron stocks are hard to become severe, but viruses can be active in infection when they become poisonous, so they increase infectious power.SARS and Mers were too toxic and ended with little spread.Omicron stocks certainly have a severity rate of 1/3, but the same is true if they are tripled.The bad point is that young people are almost asymptomatic, and those with risks, such as the elderly infected through them, become severe.It is troublesome because it develops like a jumpy stone.The hospital will be exhausted by taking the effort of the public health centers because you will not know whether it will be severe or not.Stack the hospital ward.

Omicron strains also have a drink, but since it is a drug that suppresses the growth of the virus, it is not effective after becoming severe.It is best to use it when you are mild to moderate.In other words, antigen inspections and PCR tests are performed more and more, early detection of positive people, early treatment without hospitalization, and medical professionals will return to the site early will prevent medical collapse.

In Japan, "Lagebrio", an oral colona treatment that was approved for manufacturing and selling on December 24, last year

A simple clinic that suppresses the risk of infection of doctors

Utilizing my experience with the Diamond Princess, when I started the Kanagawa Prefecture Regional PCR Inspection Center, my doctor first was completely defense, and I sent a fan with a fan from the doctor to the patient.Even so, I tried not to come to this side.A drive -through system is used to prevent patients from contacting each other.Before contacting the next patient, the doctor irradiated the whole body and sterilized the virus on the surface.

The PCR inspection center, which was nationwide, was all closed last summer.Since the doctor was tired because of the consecutive holidays in May, and the third wave subsided, I decided to inspect at each clinic.However, clinics are not specialized in fever outpatient.There is a risk of infection because various patients come.Measures are required to reduce cluster.Therefore, I developed "COVID-19 KILLER with a simple clinic with UV for heat generation outpatients".

There is a transparent partner between the doctor booth and the patient booth.There is an arm cover to put gloves here, and there is a gap, but by sending the wind from the doctor booth and sucking out of the patient booth, the patient booth is always negative pressure, and the patient's air enters the doctor.there is not.The ventilation fan of the patient booth is equipped with a HEPA filter to remove the virus.

After the inspection, the UV-C lamps in the patient booth will be automatically irradiated for 3 minutes to prevent patients from infection.The sample can be processed on the table on the patient booth side.There is a wheel in the consultation room and it can be moved, and it is basically assumed to be installed outdoors.The price is 1254,000 yen and high cospa.In addition to PCR tests, vaccination and infusion treatment can be performed efficiently, so you can protect doctors and nurses from the risk of suppressing omicron stocks.

Bio-safety level 3 simple consultation room "COVID-19 KILLER3"

The left is a doctor booth and the right is the patient booth.The patient booth after use is sterilized in UV

Doctors can carry out PCR tests in a space isolated from patients

The sample is placed in the patient booth and can be done from the doctor booth to the packing work.

If you install a web camera, you can monitor the patient remotely and talk

The ventilation fan of the patient booth has a high -performance HEPA filter

Multiple installed UV-C lamps light up to virus the patient booth

Interview / Shooting / Gon Kawano