Omicron strain infection countermeasures Ps Psychological water Ultrasonic humidifier urgent free lending

Akarimirai Co., Ltd., a chairman of the Japan Bactericidal Union and a crisis management consultant, has a maximum of 100 local governments for municipalities that are urgently infected in Hokkaido due to the rapid expansion of this Omicron strain infection.We will lend a free ultrasonic humidifier for hypochlorous acid water for the table for free.

Since January 2022, the spread of Omicron strain has rapidly accelerated, and even in Hokkaido, local government officials, nursery schools and school infections have appeared here and there.

This time, the severity of the infected person and the death are not a problem, but the collapse of the workplace by isolation specified by the rich contacters, and the suspension of the government office function.

In today's Omicron stocks, the problem of home infection occurs in the workplace, closing school, and closing nursery schools.In 2021, there were cases where dads were infected and severe and death from infants who closed with cluster.

If you want to disinfect the virus that floats in the space, there are air purifiers from various manufacturers, both bactericidal giino, ultraviolet rays, and photocatalyst.

Ultrasonic humidifiers of hypochlorous acid water are cheap and effective if they take measures to prevent indoor bacteria and fally bacteria.

オミクロン株感染対策  次亜塩素酸水超音波加湿器緊急無料貸出について

Recently, there was a staff infection in a nursery school in a town near Sapporo, and the mayor asked me to lend 30 hypochloric acid hydrocomers in a hurry.The town is considering lending it to an infected family.In the southern town, there was a staff infection, and the government office was disinfected on Saturdays and Sundays, and the government office resumed on Monday.As a measure to prevent recurrence when resuming the government office, we decided to lend 30 hypochlorous acid hydrocomers.

Until now, Kushiro City, Shibecha Town, Mukawa Town, Heyori Town, Shichibetsu Town, Shiribetsu City, Urakawa -cho, Erimo Town, Samurai Town, Hidaka Town, Mashimachi, Nayoro -cho, Kutcin Town, Eniwa City, etc.We rent hirin chlorine -acid hydrocomoters and sprayers to Kobe -cho, Matsumae -cho, Atsusawa -cho, Shiranuka -cho, Betsukai -cho, Niki -cho, Kimbetsu -cho, Okushiri -cho, etc.

Antigen inspection kit is also lent for stockpiling to confirm the infection in an emergency when an infected person appears.We recommend that you keep it in the future for emergency inspection when a fever or a rich contact person appears.

Explosive infection is expected to be expected in the future, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have anything in your local government.For lending applications, please send the attached application form by PDF or Faximile.

Typhromylomaic acid sprayer / antigen inspection kit rental application form

* Regarding the spatial spray of hypochlorous acid water, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has notified the entire government to the real ban on October 21, 2021.The Hokkaido Agency's new Hokkaido Coronavirus Infectious Diseases Countermeasures Headquarters Conductor, found that the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on October 21, 2021, "The hypochlorite water spatial spray is appropriately used by observing the precautions for use.It seems that it is not a hindrance to that, so please check it out to all municipalities.

Please check this out for details.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has issued a notification that acknowledges spatial spraying of hypochlorous acid.| General incorporated associations Psaline aqueous solution promotion promotion meeting (