Now is planted!How to grow strawberries and harvest next year by planter cultivation

Photo: LIMO [Rimo]

It is time for strawberries seedlings to appear for next year's harvest.A lovely strawberry that can't be said to have the contrast between green leaves and red fruit.If sweet and delicious strawberries can be harvested at home, I would definitely like to challenge!See photos of strawberry seedlings and strawberries crowns Today, Limo editorial staff enjoying the vegetable garden are now planted!I will explain how to grow strawberries.Let's look together.

 今が植えどき!How to raise strawberries、プランター栽培で来年収穫できる

Strawberry varieties

Japanese strawberries that are shiny, juicy, sweet and moderately sour.It is a fruit that everyone loves.Strawberry varieties are also very abundant, and many varieties are made, such as Amaou, Tochiotome, Sachika, Sagahino, Akihime, and Red Hopp.The shape and taste are different, each has its own personality.Sometimes the varieties on supermarkets are sold as seedlings, but some varieties have been improved for those who want to enjoy the kitchen garden easily.There are some types that are easy to grow or enjoy harvest for a long time, so when you buy it, you may want to refer to the description attached to the seedlings.What are "seasons" and "four seasons"?When purchasing strawberries, there may be "one season" or "four seasons" in the description inserted in the pot.The difference between the season and the four seasons is that the harvest time and the harvest period are different.The harvest time is from the following spring to early summer, and the four seasons are from early summer to early winter.The four seasons are more enjoyable for harvesting, and is a variety that is resistant to illness and heat.

How to raise strawberries

Let's look at how to grow strawberries.What to prepare, strawberry seedlings, shallow planters, pots (depth 20 cm, dedicated pot pot, etc.), cultured soil for vegetables (or strawberry -only soil), pot bottom net, pot bottom stone, potato planting.Once you get the seedlings, they will be planted.Lay the pot bottom net and pot bottom stones on the planter.Put the pot bottom stone around 2 cm and put the soil.A round bowl with a diameter of about 30 cm can plant three seedlings.A long planter can be planted sideways.In any case, make sure to plant at 10 to 15 cm intervals.Strawberries have a "crown" at the base of the leaves.This is a leaf growth point, so be careful not to fill it here.Shallow planting is basically planted, but the roots are planted so that they do not protrude from the soil.Strawberries include "Hofuku branch" that comes out of the strain called "runner".Strawberries have the property of increasing the number of stocks from this runner, and seedlings are originally connected by "Hofuku branch" for each share.This runner is fruitful (parent side) in the opposite direction to the runner, so when planting seedlings in a circular pot so that it becomes a circle, plant it inward.Then you can put fruit on the outside of the pot.If the horizontal planter is set on the runner to the north side and the opposite side of the runner is installed south, the flowers and the sun will be hit.When the strawberry watering is finished, add plenty of water.After that, refrain from watering while watching the state until the soil dries.If you refrain from watering, the roots will be more likely to be stretched in search of water.Seedlage should not be broken, but if you wait until the soil dries, then water it will be a solid seedling.It is forbidden to overdo water.In winter, the growth stops, but during this time we will continue to water.Strawberries multi -multi -mulching will be performed from late February to early March after winter.Cover around the strain and raise the ground temperature to promote growth.In the case of local planting, it is covered with straw or black vinyl, but in the case of a vegetable garden, it is better to multiply with wood chips.Of course, you can use straw, but some people, such as wine cork, are familiar with familiar things.We recommend that you check if the soil is more humidified and stuffy than necessary, such as when it gets warm.Fertilizer is fertilized from late February and late March to early April.Even after harvesting, it will be applied about once every three weeks.The flower blooms in the artificial pollinated spring.If you can pollinate well here, you can make a beautiful shape.It will actually happen without artificial pollination, but the yield may drop, and if the pollination is incomplete, the strawberry shape will be distorted.Use a brush to pollinate to stroke the center of the flower.Let's do it early in the morning.Other management and precautions should be cut when it grows for a long time.Try to cut out from the base to focus on nutrients.Remove the sick leaves and dead leaves as appropriate.Leaving it as it is may cause illness or illness.In addition, it is a waste of malformed strawberries, but let's remove it.Other nutrition is easier to concentrate.

Instead of summary

After harvesting strawberries, you can extend the runner to make seedlings the following year.You can enjoy this kind of fun.Since the seedlings are formed at the end of the runner, plant them in seedlings contained soil and fix them.Let's make it independent when it takes root.Cut so that you can see who is connected to the parent stock.Then you can see the direction in which flowers bloom, and it is convenient when planting.Reference materials ・ NHK text hobby horticulture “Yasai no Time 10, November issue” (NHK Publishing) ・ Satoshi Fujita “Nii -Vegetable Daizeru” (NHK Publishing)

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