[New edition] "Science of Money and Health and Health and Heart and Dogus of Housing" Released on March 17!Explanation of how to live to make the most of the performance of high -performance housing

First-class architect, representative of Matsuo Design Office. Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1975. In addition to working on many house designs under the motto of "Economically realizing houses that are cool in summer and warm in winter," he actively writes, gives lectures, and provides technical guidance on eco-houses. Home building information is also distributed on YouTube. His publications include "Really Cheap Eco-House" (Nikkei BP), "Eco-House Super Introduction" (Shinken Shimbun), and "Future Renovation Insulation and Airtightness" (Shinken Shimbun [co-author]).

Kaso and Feng Shui are often derived from the long-standing experiences and wisdom of people in the past, and do not necessarily apply to modern times.

The building (housing), technology, lifestyle, and facilities such as refrigerators and air conditioning are all different from when Kaso and Feng Shui were created. Therefore, if there is a law that says, "This is not to be done" or "It is better to do this," many people will be able to reduce waste and live healthily and happily. I thought it would be easier. (Kazuya Matsuo) He has worked on the design of eco-houses for many years, and explains the rules of design and how to live in an easy-to-understand manner from a designer's point of view. There are two chapters, "Building" for those who are going to build a house, and "Living" for how to choose a living style and facilities for a rich life. Newly written by Mr. Kazuya Matsuo.

・What kind of floor plan will keep you warm in winter and cool in summer?・What do you read from the site to design? How do you find a sunny spot? What should I choose for cooling and heating equipment?・What are appropriate temperature and humidity settings?・Which room should I choose if I buy an apartment? What should I do to live healthy without increasing mold and ticks? other

What kind of house can you live in "healthy" without failing with "money"? We specialize in information that "if you don't know, you lose" based on data and experience in the age of information overload. It is recommended not only for those who are considering building a house, but also for those who want to improve the thermal environment, professional architects, and students who aspire to design houses.

Building at the beginning 1. Two major factors that affect money and health 2. Rules for making a house warm, cool and economical 3. Solar radiation is the key to indoor temperature and utility costs 4. House direction and window direction 5. Thinking about "design that is honest with the sun" 6. Floor layout that increases heating costs / The shape affects utility costs 7. How does a good designer design? 8.How to find a sunny place 9.Is there an atrium? none? 10. Window design method that greatly affects heating and cooling costs 11. The entrance hall is small and closed 12. Living in an era where solar power is not installed 13. Important points when choosing a collective housing 14. Reinforcing windows first 15. How to choose air conditioning equipment that affects health and money 16. Importance of air conditioner capacity selection and reheat dehumidification 17. Can windows be opened? close? 18. How to read an absolute hygrometer 19. How to choose the ideal humidifier 20. What temperature should the room temperature be in summer and winter? 21. How to choose a water heater that greatly affects the household budget High insulation house Basic basics

[New issue] Money and Health

Publication date: 2022/3/17 Title: "Science of floor plan and living style that does not fail with money and health" Author: Kazuya Matsuo ISBN: 978-4-86527-121-8C2052 List price: 1,980 yen (main unit 1,800) Yen + tax 10%) Format: A5 size 140 pages


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