God of the Cat! Li Weiyan, a benevolent king won by Pried

Mr. V (Buoy) of Prydger (courtesy of Yukiyng)

 ねこじゃら神!! プレーリードッグがバチっと決めた仁王立ちが凛々しい

Bradger stood firmly on two feet, lying on the fallen wood in the field. The eyes looked into the distance and stood motionless. What an awe-inspiring look. He was holding a pink furry owl in his hand. I was tweeted with a video like this, "Cat, God!"just like the witch Gigi."decided! Comments such as "I will dedicate all our owls to you" caused a warm atmosphere. [photo] the buoy of your awe-inspiring posture is called V (hereinafter referred to as buoy). My birthday is three years old at the end of February. Owner Yukiyng (@ Yukiyng2) saw the cursor in the zoo, fell in love with it and went on. After worrying for half a year, I decided to keep it. I heard Mr. Yukiyng's lovely ecology. I'm a video buoy. What are you doing? This place is one of the usual walking routes. With Plidege's habit to climb the small heights, vigilantly looking at crows and other natural predators. Is an owl a toy for buoys? Do you play with long owls? There are also times when playing with owls, at this time, because the family has hay fever, so they take it in order to pay for the V (buoy) pollen attached to the walk. If it is a long owl, it will happily eat it with the feeling of "give it to me". Does the buoy have a favorite game? Although not playing, but because I like to be touched, so I like to hold while stroking the side abdomen. Buoy is your clothes used to make buoys? This is a clothing wire harness. Because there are no suitable clothes, so use unwanted clothes as buoys. At the beginning, I bought something sold on the market for pancakes, so it was small because of its large size, and then took a piece of paper to make other wire harness. During the walk, were you asked about the buoy? "what is this animal? "I am asked almost every day. Even if asked, V (buoy) will walk to Stasta, so he can't answer slowly. It looks like the baby is coming. Surprisingly, everyone looked at me obediently from a distance, which was a great help. If you notice that there is also a queue at the back. What kind of buoy exists for Mr. Yukiyng? In a good sense, it is the feeling of the partner who changed my life. In any case, the fingertips will be sweet bite, so no longer stretch nails, in order not to let the buoy nails get stuck, from the skirt to wear pants and other clothes have changed. That is, sewing that I am not good at has become hard. Changed me in a good sense.

After completing the interview

I think it is very difficult to make a special wire harness at first. Mr. Yukiyng smiled and said it was nothing and impressive. There are also many situations in which changes feel stress, but being happy with change is a sign of deep love for buoys.

Honto NEWS editorial department
