Monthly electricity bill is surprisingly cheap. Tips that you want to know about the "24 -hour ventilation system"

A 24 -hour ventilation system that was required to be installed by the revised Building Standards Law in 2003.In the first place, there are many people who were worried about what is for the first place, is worried about electricity bills, but should be erased, how to maintain ...So, this time, we asked Panasonic Ecosystems Public Relations, Akihiro Moribayashi, a 24 -hour ventilation system.

24 -hour ventilation system, what is it for?

A 24 -hour ventilation system is a equipment that uses a machine such as a ventilation fan to replace the air in the living space with the outside air.More than half an hour of living space is set in the revised Building Standards Law, and this equipment can keep the air in the living space fresh and beautiful.

Recent houses have become highly airtight and highly insulated, so the rooms are less likely to be affected by the outside air and can be comfortable.However, on the other hand, when the windows were closed, the air was muffled, causing the so -called "sick house syndrome".Therefore, the Building Standards Law was amended in 2003, and it was required to introduce a 24 -hour ventilation system into all houses.

Ventilation method and role

Ventilation has three types of ventilation, type 1, type 2, and third type ventilation depending on the method of supply and exhaust.Mr. Hayashi explained the characteristics of each.

Type 1 Changes: How to do it firmly with a ventilation fan for both air supply and exhaust

How to adopt it in apartments such as detached houses and condominiums.By clarifying the ventilation route that creates air flow throughout the house, it will definitely be exhausted.

"We recommend the company in a 24 -hour replacement system that makes it easier to control the flow of air," said Hayashi.

Type 2 conversion: How to do only the air supply with a ventilation fan and exhaust it naturally

By attaching a high -performance filter to the air supply side, the indoor purification can be increased.This system is often used in factories, clean rooms, hospital operating rooms, etc. that emphasize air replacement and prevent unsanitary materials.

Monthly electricity bill is surprisingly cheap⁉ 「24時間換気システム」の知っておきたい豆知識

Type 3 conversion: How to do only the exhaust ventilation fan, and the air supply is natural

This is a ventilation method that is often used in detached houses and condominiums.The airtightness of the house may change due to the airtightness of the house because the airtightness of the house is naturally formed, and the flow of air may not be controlled.

Each ventilation method has its own characteristics, and it depends on the performance and structure of the house.When installing, it is important to choose a ventilation method suitable for the building.

Monthly electricity bill is surprisingly cheap⁉

Most of the 24 -hour ventilation systems used in newly built houses are energy -saving and economical.Mr. Forest says, "Although there is a difference depending on the system and the way of driving, the general electricity bill is about several hundred yen per month, and if it is a heat replacement type described later, the loss of air conditioning energy due to ventilation is lost.Because it is small, the comfortable temperature in the room is less likely to be impaired, and the heating and heating costs can be reduced. "

Some have heard that there is resistance to leaving the electrical products for 24 hours, but the 24 -hour ventilation system has a minimum ventilation on the premise of driving 24 hours and stops driving.There is a lack of ventilation.It's only a few hundred yen for a month, so don't stop driving and always change the air.

About cold measures, noise and sound leakage

In the case of a general 24 -hour ventilation system, there is some effect on the outside air.If you want to save cold and cooling costs due to the outside air, Mr. Forest says, "It is better to choose a" heat exchange type "that reduces the temperature difference by warming the air that is captured from the outside with the heat of the warm air in the room."increase.

"In the heat replacement type, a heat exchangeable element for replacing the heat is incorporated to the ventilation fan, so the outside air can be taken in when the temperature is closer to the indoor temperature.You can relax and expect energy -saving effects "(Mr. Forest)

Some models are equipped with a air supply purifying filter, and it is also an advantage that they can clean the dirt from the outside air such as pollen and PM2.5 and supply them."Heat replacement elements also have a sound insulation effect, so the sound in the room is less likely to leak, and the outdoor noise can be expected to soften it."

Maintenance method for comfortably

The 24 -hour ventilation system operates 24 hours a year, so if you do not maintain regularly, dirt such as dust will accumulate on the ventilation fan body and filter.If you keep using it dirty, the driving sound will be louder or the original function of replacing the air will not be possible.Clean and replace filters regularly.

"Maintenance is basically done according to the instruction manual, but as a general method, it is enough to absorb garbage and dust clogged in filters once a month with a vacuum cleaner.Is a consumable life, and if you continue to use it for a long time, it will clog. Depending on the manufacturer, it is recommended to replace every two years as a guide (Mr. Forest).

Let's use it properly to create a living space where you can live comfortably.


A 24 -hour ventilation system that realizes a comfortable living space with fresh air.Although it is not noticeable, it seems to be greatly involved in the comfort of living.It turns out that electricity charges are also reduced, so it is safe to keep on it.Please maintain it properly and use it to create a pleasant living space.

Collaboration Cooperation Panasonic Eco Systems Co., Ltd.

* Calculation conditions ① [Heating period] Sapporo 9/28-5/28, Sendai 10/17-5/22, Tokyo November 6-4/13② [Cooling period] Sapporo 7/27-8/28, Sendai 7//// 5-9/8, Tokyo May 30-9/22 ③ [Air conditioning setting] Heating 20 ° C 50 % or more, cooling 27 ° C 60 % or less. (Continuous air conditioning) 24 -hour continuous operation (interval air conditioning) LD: 18 -hour driving private room: 3 to 5 hours driving ④ [External temperature and humidity] Expansion Amedas data Heating), humidifier. Sendai heat pump air conditioner (cooling / dehumidification), kerosene boiler (heating), humidifier. Tokyo Heat Pump air conditioner (cooling/dehumidification/heating), humidifier, heat pump air conditioner APF 4.9, kerosene boiler COP 0.821, humidifier 60WH/L ⑥ [ventilation equipment] ... 24-hour continuous operation (non-heat intercourse) FY-08PFE9D × 4 Platforms (heat intercourse) FY-12VBD2SCL x 2 units (90m3/h 4 mouths) ⑦ [New power price estimated unit price] 27 yen/kWh (tax included) ⑧ Kerosene unit price 75 yen/L (tax included) * Actual effect is your customer It depends on the usage conditions.

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