Minami Tanaka unveiled her home for the first time, and the humidity in the room was 70% or more for beauty.

Minami Tanaka (32), a former TBS announcer and freelancer, updated her Instagram by the 30th and unveiled a part of her home for the first time.

Tanaka posted a photo of her watch and Halloween decorations on Instagram on the 28th, saying, "I received a comment saying" I want to see a house! ", So only a part of it ...".

He introduced, "This is the demon gate of my home," and said, "When Ahn Mika came to visit us, she told me,'This corner is the demon gate, so I put some plants here.'" Since then, fresh flowers and favorites. (It seems that it is not so good to put things related to work), "he said, referring to the advice of the talent Amika (47) as a model.

田中みな実、自宅を初公開し反響 美容のため部屋の湿度は70%以上「女子力の極み」や「カビ生えません…?」の声

Regarding the decoration in her photo, she said, "This week's corner is a Halloween-like flower basket. I bought it when I went to Snoopy Museum with Haa-chan, who was in the lingerie box of Kaori Ekuni's novel Chiyonoan-chan. It was a miniature car. "

When the humidity is displayed as 59%, "Temperature and hygrometer ... Humidity 59% ?! I try to keep the humidity in the room 70% or more because of my skin and throat that are too low. I was worried about the care of my skin.

In the comment section, there are voices such as "I want to see more rooms, I want to see more rooms", "I want to know the contents of the bag", "Halloween basket is cute-the ultimate in women's power", and "70% or more is not high". Isn't it moldy ...? "" Isn't the humidity 70% high !? "

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