lifehacker lifehacker LifeHacker LifeHacker Learn deeply in a short amount of time. "Efficient study method" 4 steps

Many people feel the need to acquire new knowledge and develop their abilities amid the rapid social changes brought about by the Korona-ka. On the other hand, you may find it difficult to make time for learning because you are busy with work and daily tasks.

Under such circumstances, the learning method using videos is attracting attention as an efficient and effective learning method.

So this time, we talked to Mr. Koshi Torigata, who is a lecturer at the flat-rate video learning service "Glovis All-you-can-learn", which has more than doubled the number of users last year. He is also the business manager of "Globis All-you-can-learn" and can be called a "learning professional".

We asked Mr. Torigata to teach us the efficient study method "4 steps" to get deep learning in a short time, as well as the learning method and popular lectures that make use of "Globis all-you-can-learn".

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Why is it important to keep learning?

In the age of 100 years of life, the importance of learning is attracting attention. That's because many people are beginning to feel a sense of crisis in their future career development.

"It's changing from an era when the company guarantees a career to an era where you build your own career," says Torigata.

"In 2019, there was a symbolic change in the way we work. Toyota Motor Corporation President Toyota said," It is difficult to protect lifetime employment. "

This can be taken as a message that the company does not guarantee the future of the individual, but that "the individual should build a career independently" (Mr. Torigata, same below).

It is difficult to build a positive career just by blindly tackling the work in front of you. In fact, many people are beginning to have such a sense of crisis.

That is why the importance of "learning outside of work" is drawing attention.

Also, with the spread of remote work, the required abilities and learning methods are changing. The so-called "pay for performance" has become even stronger, and individual abilities are beginning to be tested.

As the employment form, evaluation form, and work style change drastically, continuing to learn has become extremely significant in career development.

Three reasons why video learning is the best way to learn

However, there are many people who haven't decided how to learn, such as "I don't have time" or "I can't get it in my head even if I read a book or reference book".

Therefore, what is attracting attention now is video learning, which I mentioned at the beginning. Torigata gives three reasons why he recommends video learning.

1. Easy to understand

"Videos are easier to understand than print," says Torigata.

"Everyone says that learning'business'as a theme is hard and difficult to understand.

However, videos are very easy to get into your head, coupled with the use of movement and animation in addition to information from the eyes and ears.

Even if the content is something that you don't immediately think about, such as accounting or logical thinking, a video will come in more quickly than reading a book. "

In fact, some students who learned videos with all-you-can-learn Globis said, "I was able to learn even difficult themes in an easy-to-understand manner."

2. Easy to incorporate into daily life

It is unique to videos that you can learn by imagining the usage scene while looking at specific examples.

For example, even if you learn communication techniques in a book, you may not know how to actually take action.

"In the case of video, for example, good and bad examples of presentations, good and bad examples of communication that grows subordinates, etc. can be expressed using a reproduction VTR.

Even if you have no experience, it should be easy to understand if the examples are shown visually and dynamically. "

3. Easy to continue

Even if you start learning, it's easy to get frustrated because you don't have enough time.

"For example, in the case of all-you-can-learn Globis, each video is about 3 minutes long. This is the time when people can concentrate and continue watching one video.

Also, in the case of Tokyo, it is the average travel time between train stations, so you can learn about travel time and free time, making it easy to continue. "

This is also ideal for micro-learning, where you can learn a little during your free time. If you turn it over, it will be easier to continue.

"Efficient study method" 4 steps

So how do you actually go about the learning process? I was taught an efficient study method that Mr. Torigata practices.

1. Why learn? (Setting the purpose)

When it comes to "learning," many people tend to start with input, Mr. Torigata. But actually, that's NG. You have to start with the desired settings.

"It's important to read a book or do what's recommended, but" what do you learn for? " It is very important to set the purpose first. "

However, the purpose varies depending on the age and the situation. Others may not find a purpose to learn.

According to Mr. Torigata, goal setting can be solved with three frameworks: short-term, medium-term, and long-term.

The ideal is to calculate back from the long-term goals of "what kind of life do you want to live?" And "what kind of career do you want to live?" And learn the necessary skills. But the reality is not so easy.

Therefore, the first thing I want to do is set short-term goals.

“If you don't see your long-term goals, think about your short-term goals.

List some of the issues that are occurring in the field and learn to solve them. At that time, please be aware of what you learned in the next day's work.

The degree of knowledge retention changes depending on whether you are consciously living your daily life or just having what you have learned in your mind.

And by repeating short-term success, the learning cycle begins. "

Find out the small challenges that you usually feel in your work, such as how to make presentations, how to make materials, and how to talk. There may be a "purpose" that is the basis of learning.

It's easy to reach for teaching materials right away, but our time is limited and we don't have time to learn at random. That is why it is necessary to find issues in everyday life and deepen learning efficiently.

2. What do you want to get? (input)

Inputs should focus on both quantity and quality axes.

The important thing in quantity is to give up on books and videos that don't suit you. Even if you read a book halfway, it is important to have the courage to stop it if it does not meet your expectations. It's not enough to pack input.

On the other hand, in terms of quality, it is important to clarify what is required.

lifehacker LifeHacker LifeHacker 短時間で深く学べる。「効率的な勉強法」4つのステップ

"Before reading a book or watching a video, write down" what you want to get "in one line.

By deciding "Watch this video to grab this", it becomes a hook and information comes into your head. I think this is an efficient input method. "

In addition, Mr. Torigata is practicing "how to deal with new information and old information". It seems that he intentionally selects historical works as well as paying attention to news and trends on a daily basis.

"It's important to keep up with trends, but you can learn from historical books the power to see into the future that will help you in your life.

Old books have been highly valued by readers for decades and thousands of years. Books that continue to be evaluated even when the times change are the ones that describe the universal principles of the world, and it is important for business to understand this first.

Globis All-you-can-learn content is a modern arrangement of the universal principles described in the classics so that you can learn in an easy-to-understand manner.

Of course, it covers not only classics but also the latest business knowledge, so you can learn according to your own interests. "

3. Establish memory (output)

According to Mr. Torigata, "People forget about 70% in a day and forget about 80% in a week (Ebbinghaus's forgetting curve)." That is why it is necessary to consciously repeat learning and establish it as a memory.

"In my case, I try to put together a piece of paper that I think is important to me.

After that, it's a good idea to share it with people in the company or try it out at work. "

In addition, it is recommended to use SNS.

"I think the compatibility with SNS and utilization in daily life is good.

I share what I have learned on Facebook, but sometimes I get comments and opinions from people and deepen the dialogue.

Not only will you acquire knowledge when you send it, but you will also be able to connect with people who have a common interest. The peers and connections we learn together are also important for motivation to continue. "

In fact, what is more important than input is to take the plunge and take in the small change of "trying it in your daily life." Learning makes you want to spend time on input, but it's easy for people to forget.

In order to prevent it and establish it as a memory, it is important to take on small challenges in daily life.

4. Practice and learn lessons (review)

Reflection is an essential step in accumulating the knowledge that you have learned. Mr. Torigata says, "Even if what you learn does not lead to good results, it is important to look back and learn from it."

"For example, even if you reproduce the presentation technique you learned yourself, it may not work.

In such a case, introspect in your own way. You can also get feedback from someone.

As a result, I realize why it didn't work, and that's a lesson. "

It is important to apply the learned knowledge on a daily basis and not end it, but to objectively look back on the results. At first glance it may seem like a simple task, but it is necessary in the learning process.

"It's okay for 30 seconds right after it's over, so I try to get noticed by verbalizing" It wasn't good "and" Why? ".

If you keep doing this, you will feel that you are accumulating learning. "

It will continue because it will be thoroughly routineized

So how do you incorporate it into your daily schedule and keep it in practice?

Mr. Torigata says, "It is important to divide the one-year plan that we made at the beginning of the year into three-month units and then incorporate them into our daily routine."

"First, I meditate when I wake up in the morning. After that, I make a schedule for the day, listen to English, and then read for about 30 minutes to an hour. Around 7 o'clock, my child wakes up, so I spend time with my family until I send them to school at 8 o'clock.

For 40 minutes from 8 o'clock, the dog walks while learning by voice using audio books and the like. We will study English for 30 minutes from 9 o'clock and start from 9:30. "

At first glance, it may seem difficult if you have so many schedules, but surprisingly, "it's not a pain," says Mr. Torigata.

The reason is that I try to do it without thinking. Lifestyle and learning are considered as a set, and you don't even have to worry about doing or not doing it.

In other words, I'm putting it into my life to the point where I can do it at an unconscious level.

"Be aware of embedding learning in your lifestyle.

Travel time, 30 minutes before going to bed, when waking up in the morning. I think the point is that learning is essential and sticking to it. "

3 minutes on your smartphone.Turn gap time into learning

The perfect tool for incorporating the study methods learned from Mr. Torigata into everyday life is "Globis All-you-can-learn," which focuses on ease of learning and comprehension.

Globis All-you-can-learn is a nice point that it consists of about 3 minutes of video per book so that you can learn anytime and anywhere with a smartphone during a short gap time like moving or brewing coffee.

According to Mr. Torigata, the average course completion rate of students is 90% or more. From this result, you can see how easy it is to continue. People who say "it's hard to continue learning" or "have no time to learn" should be worth a try.

The monthly fee is 1650 yen (19,800 yen including tax for the annual plan), which is equivalent to one business book, so it seems easy to get started.

Globis What is a popular all-you-can-learn course?

Globis All-you-can-learn offers nine categories that allow you to systematically study business, and you can choose the one that suits you, from beginner, intermediate, and practical level courses.

Among them, I was told about the lineup of popular courses.

[Popular course in "All-you-can-learn Globis"]


∟Critical Thinking (Logic Thinking)

∟Critical Thinking 2 (Problem Solving)

∟Critical Thinking 3 (How to train hypothetical thinking)

∟Presentation skills

Organization / Leadership

∟ Organizational behavior and leadership


Above all, critical thinking is recommended for all occupations.

According to Mr. Torigata, "Logical thinking is the basis of all specialized knowledge such as marketing and finance, so it is an efficient way to proceed by first acquiring logical thinking and then learning specialized subjects." And that.


There are various teaching materials in the world, but Mr. Torigata says that one of the strengths of Globis all-you-can-learn is "to learn the principles of business in a short time and deeply by utilizing video learning."

Globis has been working on training business people for 27 years. Each piece of content is condensed with that knowledge and universal knowledge in the business.

Universal knowledge that can be used for 10 or 20 years or more, not something that cannot be used in 1 to 2 years, is what you can get with all-you-can-learn Globis.

"What I learned is not wasted. The information I learned is not out of date."

Isn't this the most valuable learning for a lifetime?

The days when companies guarantee their careers are over, and for better or for worse, they are becoming personal. In the age of forming a career by yourself, what is required is the ability to learn strategically and the ability to continue learning.

If you wisely incorporate the benefits of video learning taught by Mr. Torigata and incorporate the four steps into your daily life, you will surely gain the power to open up an uncertain future. Among them, Globis All-you-can-learn will support your learning like a companion on your smartphone.

>> Check "All-you-can-learn Globis"

Person who spoke: Mr. Koshi Torigata

Globis Lecturer / "Globis All-you-can-learn" Business Leader

As a cyber agent and internet marketing consultant, we support online marketing in the financial, travel, and service industries. After that, he co-founded BILCOM Inc., a digital PR company. As COO of the board, he has been involved in overall management for 10 years, including new business development, overseas branch management, sales, personnel, and operations. After joining Globis, he will belong to the retail and Globus team and will support training design at home and abroad as a consultant. Currently, he is the business leader of "All-you-can-learn Globis" in the Edtech promotion department of the company.

Source: Globis All-you-can-learn (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)