Just apply that!

When it comes to the cold season, what is worrisome is the condensation that occurs in the window glass.Many people feel uncomfortable, such as curtains wet with condensation, and mold grows under the sash.This time, I will introduce some tricks to easily prevent this unpleasant condensation.

Glass cloudy with condensation

In the first place, why is condensation in window glass in winter? The cause is the temperature difference between the outdoors and indoor and the amount of water vapor contained in the air.When the air containing moisture in a warm room is cooled with cold glass, the moisture is charged to create water droplets (condensation).If you dry your laundry in winter, the expansion of window glass increases seems to be affected by moisture generated from moist laundry.

This time, as a countermeasure against condensation, we performed "coating the window glass with a neutral detergent".The moisture in the warm room is stuck on the window glass with water droplets due to the surface tension, causing condensation.Therefore, when using a neutral detergent that eliminates the surface tension, the generated water is not "water droplet" but a "thin film" on the glass.Since the thickening of the membrane is more evaporated than the water drops, the window glass is less likely to become bishobisho.

What to prepare is "neutral detergent" for dishwashing and beautiful rags.

I use a neutral detergent for dishwashing and elephant

First, wipe off the moisture such as condensation with a row.

アレを塗るだけ! 簡単に窓ガラスの結露を防ぐ裏ワザ

First, wipe off the water

Next, add a neutral detergent of the undiluted solution to a little bit and stretch it thinly on the window glass.Be careful not to attach too much because it grows very well with a small amount.If you leave it as it is, it is completed.Even if it dries, there is no cloudy window glass such as detergent.

Put a neutral detergent on the rag and extend it little by little.

Now, what is the next morning with window glass?The outside temperature on this morning was 9 degrees.The temperature difference is 13 degrees because the temperature in the room was set to 22 degrees with the air conditioner.

It is a window glass.The right half is the one who took measures against condensation, or the left side.It's hard to understand in the image, but it doesn't have any moisture, and the water membrane is slightly stretched.

Glass that is not coated on the left side, glass coated on the right

Unfortunately, the water that fell under the sash did not change much.If the temperature difference is severe, it may be better to put a towel or the like and absorb moisture.Once this condensation measures are taken, it will last for 4-5 days.

Under the sash is dew condensation

It takes some time and effort to coat, but a transparent window glass is pleasant.If you use it in combination with other condensation items, it may be more effective.