Is lip balm different for lips?Ingredients you need to know and how to choose

Lips that are easily rough due to mask friction (photo is image) [Photo: photo AC]

 リップクリームは唇の状態で適したタイプが違う? 知っておきたい成分と選び方

 It seems that the mask life will continue in 2022.Recently, the number of three -dimensional masks is increasing, but the lips that are easily damaged by friction are the lips.Do you casually choose lip balm at this time when you are worried about drying air?Therefore, Yuma Fukuoka, a pharmacist and health beauty writer, explains how to choose lip balm.The type is divided into three, and each has its own lips.Choose what you are worried about and aim for healthy lips.[Image] The first place in the drying countermeasures at home that you care about is the humidifier, what is the second place?Obviously, the questionnaire survey is obviously taking measures in a simple way ◇ ◇

What is the condition of the lips suitable for 3 types of lip balm?

 It seems that more and more people are suffering from rough skin since their mask life began. Lips are more susceptible to skin. If you go to a drugstore in search of lip balm, do you get lost in various ways? There are three types of lip balm: pharmaceuticals, quasi -drugs, and cosmetics. First, let's check the definition and characteristics of each. ○ Pharmaceutical drugs are "the purpose of use for treatment and prevention". Therefore, choose if your lips are already rough and cracked, and if you have bleeding or inflammation. If it still does not improve or gets worse, consider consulting a dermatologist. If you do not have symptoms, you are not recommended for drug lip balm. ○ Have you ever seen a quasi -drugs that are described as "medicinal"? This is a quasi -drug. The definition is "to prevent specific symptoms, and the effects on the human body are easier." Therefore, choose the dried and slightly rough lips to prevent any further deterioration. ○ Cosmetics cosmetics are "for maintaining a beautiful and healthy state, and the effects on the human body are easier." The lip balm for everyday use is enough. Recommended for those who want to moisturize the lips that tend to dry and keep their lips smooth. It is also good to use it properly from the color, fragrance, and stylish design.