Is it NG to put it on the floor? Where to put the humidifier to enhance the humidifying effect?

"Humidification" and "ventilation" in the room that you want to be careful about with Korona-ka. However, at this time of winter, there may be a problem that the humidity does not rise easily when ventilated.

The minimum humidity in winter in Tokyo is in the 10-20% range, which is extremely dry. This winter, when it's dry but you have to ventilate, here are some tips for raising humidity and the surprising effects of humidification.

Effective moisturizing point in corona

■ Point ① A humidifier that is "one class larger" is recommended for Korona-ka, which requires ventilation.

When ventilated, the dry air outside comes in. To quickly moisturize a dry room, we recommend a humidifier that is one class larger than a humidifier that fits the size of the room. With powerful humidification, you can raise the humidity of the room faster.

If the type has a humidity sensor, you can drive while watching the humidity in the room, so you can prevent over-humidification even if it is one class larger.

The applicable floor area (humidification amount) is an important point to keep the room moisturized. However, only 30% of the respondents emphasized "applicable tatami mats / humidification amount" when selecting a humidifier.

By the way, when the ceiling is a stairwell, the amount of dry air in the room increases by the height of the ceiling. Since the applicable floor area of ​​the humidifier is assumed to be a ceiling height of 2.4 m, it is necessary to use a class larger than the floor area for the atrium room. It is recommended to check the amount of humidification required for the room using the humidification amount calculation form.

■ Point ② In order to humidify effectively, it is important to store the humidifier.

It is important to put it in the right place in order for the humidifier to fully demonstrate its capabilities.


* May vary depending on the humidification method. Here, we will introduce the Dainichi humidifier.

① Place in a place where the wind from the air conditioner does not hit directly

If the warm air from the air conditioner hits the humidifier directly, the humidifier sensor may malfunction.

② Place the humidified air in a position where the wind from the air conditioner can carry it.

It is effective to place it in a place where the warm air from the air conditioner does not hit directly, yet the warm air from the air conditioner carries the humidified air.

Left: The warm air of the air conditioner hits the main body of the humidifier Right: The warm air of the air conditioner does not hit the main body, but the warm air of the air conditioner hits the humidified air.

③ Do not place directly on the floor (except for models with large air volume)

Since the temperature near the floor becomes relatively low during heating, the sensor of the humidifier may judge the humidity to be high. In that case, it is misunderstood that the humidifier is sufficiently humidifying, and the amount of humidification is reduced. Install it on a table or furniture to properly humidify it.

④ Keep away from the window

The humidifier sensor makes a wrong decision because the window is easily affected by the cold outside air. In addition, it is recommended to keep it away from the window as it is easy for condensation to form on the window.

⑤ Do not place near home appliances

In particular, ultrasonic and steam humidifiers should not be placed near precision equipment. It may cause malfunction of TV, audio, PC, etc.

■ Point ③ You can lower the set temperature of heating by increasing the sensible temperature by humidification! ??

The sensible temperature is closely related to the temperature and humidity. Even if the temperature is high, if the humidity is low, the discomfort will be reduced, and conversely, if the temperature is low but the humidity is high, it will be difficult to feel the cold. By keeping an appropriate humidity, it is hard to feel the cold, so you can spend comfortably even if the set temperature of the heating is low.

The difference in sensible temperature was verified by thermography.

Source: Dainichi Co., Ltd.

Composition / Kojihei