Is it "internationally" compared to Hitler?

Israel and German government leaders dedicated to the Holocaust monument in Berlin on the International Holocaast Day (January 27).The Japanese should know how the Nazi has been told in the world.

On January 21, the constitutional Democratic Party's former Prime Minister Naoto Kan said on Twitter, "Tetsu Hashishita, a former representative of the former Meiji Meeting,"......Remembering a hitler. "In response, Toru Hashishita stated that "criticism of overlapping with Hitler is internationally legal," and the governor of Yoshimura Yoshimura said, "It is impossible for international law."The Meiji Restoration Society has a protest to the Constitutional Democratic Party on the 26th.[Takeshi Fujisaki (blogger, German thought)] Kim Kardasian, "What did you do?"Is a mistake.It is a natural reaction that Hashishita will repel the remarks of Prime Minister Kan, because no one is happy to be compared to Hitler.That doesn't mean that comparing a person to Hitler can bring out the common sense of "internationally legal".Everyone with influential, such as politicians, such as politicians, has been criticized by Hitler.Bush, Trump, and Biden in the United States.Even the German Merkel has been compared to Hitler.Of course, individual validity is different, so there are various things, from legitimate criticism to easy criticism and unfair criticism, but comparing them are within the scope of commentary.In the first place, Hashishita himself criticized Hashishita in the first place in 2012 that the Democratic government was aiming for a consumption tax hike in which the Democratic government was aiming for a consumption tax hike in the promise.Mr. Hashishita has declared on Twitter that criticizing political parties and criticizing individuals is different, but such a fine separation will not determine if it can be comparable.Governor Yoshimura's remarks that "it is impossible under international law" is even more problematic.If it is a violation of international law, there should be a treaty or custom, for example, "should not bring out the name of Hitler even for criticism purposes."Governor Yoshimura also has a lawyer qualification, so if there is an international law, it should be specifically pointed out.The more problematic is the media.Most of the media just drained without criticism, regarding the unfounded statements of "internationally legal."On television, commentators did not often investigate, and said "internationally legal" as a matter of course.Again, there are various ways of thinking about the true or failures of the remarks.I said well!Some people will say that!Some people may think.However, what was compared to Hitler was the invasion of Prime Minister Suga.There are also situations where the mention of Hitler itself is internationally forbidden.It is a statement that affirms Hitler and Nazis even if it is partially.The remarks such as "Hitler and the Nazi have done good things" and "What if I learned in the Nazi trick?"
