New face of NVIDIA High -end GPU!Thorough explanation of "GeForce RTX 3080 TI" that makes the 4K -Light Light environment familiar!Remodeled stupid & KTU from 22:00 on Wednesday, June 2nd

Toshiya Takahashi Responsibility Unknown Book Nama!Remodeled idiot

NVIDIAハイエンドGPUの新顔登場!4Kレイトレ環境を身近にする「GeForce RTX 3080 Ti」を徹底解説!6月2日(水)22時より改造バカ&KTUが生配信

The high -end GPU that is really anxious is exploding again!

2カ月ぶりのKTU&改造バカ生配信ということで、エネルギーは120%充填!? 充填状況はともかく、新パーツが登場すれば平日だろうと深夜だろうと祭りの始まりだ!!

 Whether the video card is scarce or soaring, the new product will appear.And self -made groups cannot check their performance.Everyone, NVIDIA has announced a new face of the high -end class GPU "GeForce RTX 3080 TI".From 22:00 on Wednesday, June 2nd, we will deliver a live program to explain this new GPU!The appearances are "KTU", Katsuaki Kato and Toshiya Takahashi, "Remodeled stupid".

 The GeForce RTX 3080 TI is located between the first RTX 3090 and the RTX 3080.RTX 3080 is a popular model only for six months after its appearance, but expectations are expanding when it ranks high.According to NVIDIA, the latest titles such as Cyberpunk 2077 will achieve more than 60 fps even if the late racing is enabled at 4K resolution.KTU and remodeling stupid talk about the high performance secrets.I'm sorry on weekday nights, but please set up the reminder of YouTube.

【NVIDIAの最新ハイエンドGPU「GeForce RTX 3080 Ti」はどれくらい速い? 徹底解説します!!】関連リンクGroup site links
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