In the dry season, how to humidify the room most effectively

Mopping, drying clothes, putting basin water, humidifier

How to humidify indoors most effectively during the dry season

We found the solution to the darkest horse

□ Our reporter Chen Xiangwen / photo

Humidification Dafa 1: Wet mop mopping the floor

Humidification Index: ★★★ Convenience Index: ★★

After saying goodbye to cold air conditioners for more than a month, MM Zhou, a young white-collar worker, had to start thinking about air conditioners again. It stands to reason that the weather is not cold enough to need a warm air conditioner to play, right?

"No way. We usually need to wear professional attire when we go to work. The top is a shirt and a thin coat, and the bottom is a pair of stockings and a knee-length skirt. Without the heating and air conditioning, I can't stand it at all, or I will get arthritis."

But Zhou MM is tangled again. "It's fine in summer. Although the air conditioner is on, the humidity outside is high, and the skin is not dry. But in winter, when the air conditioner is on, the office becomes unbearably dry."

Last winter, she didn't humidify the room very much. As a result, after one winter, dry lines appeared near her eyes and her throat was always dry and itchy.

So, this year, Zhou MM took a lot of sutras. There are many ways to humidify. The easiest way is to use a basin of water or dry a wet towel. The most fashionable way is to buy a cute humidifier and “spit” some steam from time to time. The easiest way to lose weight is to use a wet mop. Mopping the floor; the most eye-catching thing is to keep a pot of green plants or a tank of fish.

There are many ways, but which one works best?

The Zaobao Experiment Notes came out again, humidifying Dafa Dafa PK.

This Dafa is from the eldest sister of Zhou MM's colleagues. The eldest sister is seven in her thirties this year and has a slim figure. According to her, this is all due to doing more housework.

The eldest sister advocates nature and disapproves of humidifiers. In her words, humidification, as long as you play with water more. Playing with water + labor, so the wet mop has become the favorite of the eldest sister.

There is not much to do with experimental equipment. Xiaoji's experimental site is a small room of about 10 square meters with wooden floors. Measure with a standard hygrometer: At this time, here, the humidity is 51, which is acceptable.

Turn on the air conditioner and set the temperature to 25°C. After 15 minutes, the room was noticeably warmer, but the humidity decreased as the temperature increased, dropping to 47.

According to the instructions from the eldest sister, the mop does not need to be twisted too dry, and Xiaoji stepped into the room with the mop dripping all the way and started to work. Once is not enough, drag the second.

Under the warm air of the air conditioner, the wet floor was completely dry within 10 minutes, and the hygrometer barely jumped to 50, and then gradually declined. So I remembered to mop the floor again.

The floor was dry again. When Xiaoji finished dragging the floor for the third time, he called MM Zhou to inform the eldest sister that Dafa's humidification method had failed.

Look, the humidity didn't increase much, but it made Xiaoji tired enough. Moreover, this method can barely be used at home. In the office, don’t carry a mop and keep mopping the floor, otherwise the boss will regret taking the salary of the regular employee and hire a temporary cleaner.

Humidification Dafa 2: Drying Wet Clothes

Humidification index: ★★ Convenience index: ★★★

For lazy people, this method is very convenient, and kills two birds with one stone. It can not only humidify but also dry clothes.

Xiaoji hangs a freshly washed cotton shirt in the room. After half an hour of observation, the pointer of the hygrometer is only slightly biased to the right (the humidity is less than 1 degree higher), and the change of the shirt is not obvious.

Remember to re-hang the shirt on the opposite side of the air conditioner, so that the warm air can blow directly on the shirt. Observed again after half an hour, the change of the hygrometer was more obvious than before, but it was only 2 degrees lower.

This Dafa has failed.

Xiaoji uses the morning paper to warn you "lazy people", if there is sunshine, try to dry your clothes outside. Air conditioning is not good for the sun, not to mention the poor drying effect, and it is also very bad for health.

And the premise of humidifying with this method is that you must have wet clothes first! For young white-collar workers like MM Zhou, it is really ugly to bring wet clothes to work every day!

Humidification Dafa 3: Put a basin of water

Humidification Index: ★★★★ Convenience Index: ★★★★★

Obviously, this is the easiest, easiest and least expensive way to do it. This method has been around for a long time. As early as more than 10 years ago, the air conditioner was first installed in Xiaoji’s home. Every summer, the air conditioner became powerful, and a basin of water began to accompany the air conditioner. If you don't change the water diligently, after a week, you can find that the water level in the basin has dropped significantly.

So what about the power of this basin of water for heating and air conditioning?

Xiaoji poured a small basin of water, placed it under the air conditioner, turned the air conditioner down, and faced the washbasin. At this point, the hygrometer pointer stays at 49.

An hour later, the reporter observed that the hygrometer showed that the humidity had increased significantly, and the pointer pointed to 56.

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It seems that the ancient method is the most classic. However, there is not yet a humidification effect reaching 60. Xiaoji was a little disappointed, and continued to experiment with persistent efforts.

Humidification Dafa 4: Humidifier

Humidification Index: ★★★★ Convenience Index: ★★★

This is a newly emerging humidification method in recent years. The price of humidifiers varies from tens of yuan to several hundred yuan according to the power and humidification effect. Xiaoji used a humidifier from the Internet this time, with a power of 35 watts and a price of 89 yuan.

Because humidifiers are also a kind of electrical appliances, in order to reduce radiation, the reporter placed the humidifier in the corner of the room, and the spray port was aimed at the air conditioner. Fill the humidifier with water, press the switch, the humidifier starts to operate, and a white mist of water slowly comes out from the spray port.

The reporter stayed under the air conditioner for a while, and his mouth was dry, so he left the room and let the air conditioner and the humidifier start a humidity battle.

The experiment time is still one hour. An hour later, the reporter returned to the room.

65! The needle of the hygrometer stopped firmly in the middle of the 60 to 70 scale. This little humidifier gave Xiaoji a big surprise.

But the nitpicky little note then fell back into depression. Because Xiaoji often travels on business and lives in a hotel, it is impossible to carry a humidifier everywhere. Moreover, a good humidifier can cost several hundred dollars, and it is not without it that it is nearly a thousand dollars.

Is there any way to operate it easily, without cost, and the humidification effect can be comparable to that of a humidifier?

Humidification Dafa 5: Spray water on the curtains

Humidification index: ★★★ Convenience index: ★★★

Next came a watering can, inspired by Xiaoji's beautiful classmates. The beautiful classmate knew that Xiaoji was shy, and was struggling to find a way to save money and humidify. According to the spray principle of the humidifier, she recommended a watering can to Xiaoji: spray water on all parts of the room, especially the curtains.

Xiaoji thinks it makes sense, so do it. The method of using this method is the same as that of insecticide sprays and air sober agents. One word: spray. The spray can is small enough to fit in a bag.

At first, the pointer of the hygrometer was obviously deviated to the right. Although the humidity could never reach 60, it was better than the other three methods except the humidifier. But 20 minutes later, the pointer deflected back to the original place.

The same disadvantage as mopping the floor is that the curtain spray humidification is not long-lasting, so this humidification method was finally labeled as a "tossing person" by reporters, and it is not recommended for sisters to use it.

Humidification Dafa Six: A basin of water and a wet towel

Humidification Index: ★★★★★ Convenience Index: ★★★★★

Is there really no Dafa that can be compared with a humidifier? When Xiaoji was extremely disappointed, a folk person offered a good remedy: still put a basin of water, but put a wet towel on top of the basin, half of the towel is immersed in the water, and half of the towel is above the water.

Xiaoji was skeptical, but for the sake of saving energy, I still did it with the idea of ​​trying it out.

Soak a towel completely, wring it dry, and place half in the washbasin filled with water and half over the rim of the washbasin. The washbasin is placed below the air-conditioning wind direction.

Dark horse! This is an absolute dark horse! An hour later, the reporter looked at the hygrometer, from surprise to surprise to amazement. The humidity has reached 65, on par with a humidifier!

This in the end is why?

●Expert comments

Why does the air humidity decrease when the air conditioner is turned on?

"Whether it is a cold air conditioner or a hot air conditioner, it will absorb the moisture in the air. The air humidity will naturally become lower, so the human body will feel dry." said Chen Lili, director of the Ningbo Meteorological Observatory.

Therefore, to increase the humidity, one way: water. So Zhou MM's eldest sister and colleagues are right, humidification, as long as you play with water more.

The above six experimental methods do have more or less humidification effects. The degree of humidification depends on how much and how fast the water evaporates.

In terms of the speed of water evaporation, there is no doubt that the humidifier is the best. The humidifier turns the water in the liquid state into a gas state and emits it into the air. It is a dynamic behavior and can be effectively absorbed by the dry air, thereby increasing the humidity relatively quickly.

While other humidification methods are all static, they are slightly inferior in terms of humidification speed and effect.

To the credit of the last method of humidification, although also static, it is significantly better than the others. Because the water in the washbasin has a small contact surface with the air, it evaporates slowly. After placing a wet towel, the contact surface becomes larger, and the humidification effect will naturally be much better. Moreover, the towel can also continuously absorb water from the basin and is not easy to dry.

Spraying water on the curtains, drying wet clothes, and mopping the floor with a wet mop are all the same, but there is not much moisture that can be absorbed by the air. As soon as the moisture is absorbed, the air becomes dry again.

There are also several humidification methods that work well. For example, raising a tank of fish, coupled with the continuous input of oxygen, the water forms a dynamic, and the indoor humidification effect is also very good.

Flowing water bonsai, such as small fountains, are also a good choice.

If you grow plants, broad-leaved vegetation has a better humidification effect.