If you buy a "humidifier", these eight units are selected by home appliances!Panasonic, etc., which is easy to maintain, cheap electricity bills, etc.

 Soon December.It was time to deepen the cold and dry the air in earnest.This year, some people are thinking of buying a dryer, and some people are planning to make a new one?

 This year, the demand for humidifiers has grown rapidly due to the effects of the new colona infection.Therefore, I reprinted an article about the selection of humidifiers released last year at Saizo Woman.From two points, "care lactin" and "electricity agency", we will introduce recommended home appliances.


 Home appliances are so confusing that there are too many information and types.What is the standard and what should I buy!? Anyway, the editor, Kusako and Dokechi writer Ketomi who are troublesome anyway, the home appliance coordinator, Sonoko Toida, a product that has been a hot topic and a product that has no mistakes now.I heard.

 The first one is an indispensable "humidifier" in winter, when the body and mind tend to be crisp.

Home appliance coordinator explains the "correct answer" of humidifier

Writer Kecchi (hereinafter, stingy) This time, I would like to tell you about choosing a humidifier that is definitely.After all, it is a good thing to put out in the living room, so it is good to have a stylish one.So if it is reasonable price, it is a psycho!

Sonoko Toida (hereinafter, Itida) I waited for a moment!Do you know that humidifiers have three types: a vaporization type, steam type (heating type), ultrasonic type, and a hybrid type (hot -air vaporization type) with a vaporization type.?This is quite important.If you don't like maintenance, you can't choose ultrasonic waves.

The editor Kusako (hereinafter, Kusako) is that so?I use a humidifier I bought at a general store, but I've never done maintenance.

「加湿器」買うなら、家電のプロが選ぶこの8台! メンテがラクな象印、電気代の安いパナソニックほか

The product sold at the Tokida general store is probably an ultrasonic type.The bacteria generated in the water of the ultrasonic humidifier have caused the dead last winter.

Kusako, the dead!?

Itoda: Healthy people may be okay, but for those who have weak resistance, such as the elderly or babies, it is very dangerous if bacteria enter the lungs.Therefore, major manufacturers do not manufacture ultrasonic type.

I didn't know Kusako.shock.

If you want to reduce electricity bills, a "vaporized" humidifier is recommended [Panasonic Dainichi]

Many of the products manufactured by major Toyoda manufacturers are vaporized.The vaporization type (heaterless fan type) is simply a method of wetting the filter and applying a fan to evaporate naturally.In addition, the hybrid type (hot air vaporization type) is to use a heater to make it warm air and promote evaporation faster.The advantage is that electricity bills can be reduced cheaply.Although the heater is slightly higher, it is suitable for those who want to humidify for a long time, in general, in general.The disadvantage is gradually humming, so it takes a long time to moisturize.There is little feeling that the steam is not visible and visually moisturized.We need maintenance to wash filters.

Scratches Basically, I work at home.

If it is Toida, we recommend Panasonic's "heaterless vaporization humidifier".With a structure that considers energy saving, the filter called "fusion material" is difficult to grow mold, so if you use it for 8 hours a day, you can press it once a month.Because it is a filter that can be used for about 10 years, running costs can be reduced.The water supply tray requires regular care, but it is designed to be easy to wipe with little irregularities.Recommended if you want to keep it for 24 hours, such as a home with a baby.

I am grateful that it can be kept cheaply even if you keep the stinging 24 hours.Is it acceptable for maintenance?

It is impossible for me to wash the Kusako filter once a month.

The vaporization ceremony, which is easier to maintain than Toida, is Dainichi "LX Series".Until 2018, Dainichi is a hit maker called the number one humidifier share for four consecutive years.The filter, like Panasonic, requires regular care, but has a disposable cover on the water supply tray and is clean and clean for each season.The replacement tray cover costs 1,500 yen for a set of three.The vaporization ceremony is a weak point that it takes a long time to start up, but this is a hybrid and heated with a heater only for the first time, and when the humidity is stable, the heater is cut, so it has both rising and energy saving.For home use, it is for 16-20 tatami mats for large wooden buildings.

It is attracted to the point that Kusako tray is disposable.If it is about 500 yen per sheet, it is at all.Is it just too big?