I do not feel pain due to the gene mutation.Interview with Italian women with Marcile syndrome

Will her genes be human hopes?

Earlier this month, I found that scientists have a family that is hard to feel pain in Italy.For example, it is insensitive to pain so that you do not notice even if you broke.

And this symptom was named "Marciri Syndrome" from the family's surname.

This symptom is hereditary, and the gene "ZFHX2" is mutating.Humans often do not understand pain yet, but it is known that "ZFHX2" is related to pain.

So, if you know the mechanism of the "ZFHX2", our treatment methods will change in the future, which may lead to more pain.

GIZMODO was able to interview Letizia Marciri (52 years old), a professor at the University of Siena, Italy.She says her experiences and her family.

─ Have you ever been injured when you were a child?What was it like?

Malciri (LM): When I was a child, I was seriously injured.What I remember was that she fell from her bicycle and nailed her chest.I felt the pain, but it was only for a short time.There was a pain.But it was only a few seconds.

か Do you want to feel more painful?


LM: I know my body, so I don't want to feel any more pain.I don't want to feel painful than the current pain.

Do you want others to know your symptoms?

LM: I want others to think that there is a possibility of softening pain.I don't want to be able to catch me like a super heroine.By studying this symptom, you may find a new treatment for chronic pain.

─ What was the childcare?Who has the same symptoms?

LM: Sons have the same symptoms.I think it was probably easier to raise children than elsewhere, because I was less complained of pain than other children.

Do you want this research to succeed?

LM: I hope there will be progress in pain research.Also how to treat chronic pain in the future.

Pain is the function of animals, which is to fulfill the role of a signal that notifies bad places.So it may be dangerous to not feel as painful as Marcile.

However, nobody wants to be painful.It would be nice to find a way to save those who suffer from pain from her genes.

Image: Letizia Marsilyan F.Mandelbaum --Gizmodo US [Original] (Gensuke Okamoto)