[Hoshinoya Tokyo] Enjoy the Sumida River before dawn on a private boat!"Hanami on the dawn" held -period: March 25, 2022 -April 10, 2022 [Hoshinoya Tokyo] Enjoy the Sumida River before dawn on a private boat!"Hanami on the dawn" held -period: March 25, 2022 -April 10,

“HOSHINOYA” offers an overwhelming extraordinary experience with each facility having a unique theme. From March 25th to April 10th, 2022, HOSHINOYA Tokyo, a Japanese inn in Otemachi, Tokyo, will hold a chartered boat to enjoy cherry blossom views and a special breakfast. It is a unique course where you can see the superb view of cherry blossoms by sailing before dawn with spring haze. Around dawn before the public pier opens, you can quietly enjoy the spectacular view of the ever-changing cherry blossoms. Along the way, pick up a special breakfast of freshly baked croissants and Danish pastries from a riverside bakery. At the open box seats, you can enjoy it with two types of freshly brewed coffee that match the flavor of the bread.

Image: https://newscast.jp/attachments/jGyZbZRBFHTKEPSutpzO.jpg

The town of Edo prospered as a "city of water" with advanced water transport functions for transporting goods and people. Wholesale stores and markets were born around the waterways, restaurants spread around the area, and people found many pleasures in the waterfront in the lively town of Edo. “Funa Asobi” is one of them, where you can enjoy the seasonal scenery of the waterfront from a boat. In spring, the cherry blossoms planted by the Tokugawa Shogunate in Edo bloom along the Sumida River, and it is said that the shogunate encouraged the common people to go out and enjoy cherry blossom viewing from boats. (*1) At HOSHINOYA Tokyo, we have developed this activity with the hope that you can spend a luxurious spring time away from your daily life, watching the cherry blossoms from a boat, following the culture of Edo.

(*1) Reference: Futabasha, "Edo by the Lunar Calendar" (2013)

Image: https://newscast.jp/attachments/8q5WURUnEnMA2g4yWTmr.jpg

Depart from Kachidoki Pier at dawn, and after viewing the double cherry blossoms at Hama-rikyu Gardens, head for the Oyokogawa River, which is lined with cherry blossom trees. Under the ever-changing sky, you can see the superb view of somei-yoshino cherry blossoms stretching several hundred meters on both sides of the Oyoko River. There, you can also see the elegant cherry blossoms reflected on the surface of the water. You can enjoy the magnificent view of the changing cherry blossoms while feeling the gentle spring breeze from the box seats.

Image: https://newscast.jp/attachments/HUZjUFYkNjfmXWv5Amy9.jpg

Image: https://newscast.jp/attachments/CZYKDbkZngskkXuYldPK.jpg

Provided by: boating Mizuha

At dawn, before the public pier opens, you can enjoy the peace and quiet. Another attraction is that the cherry blossom branches protrude so far toward the surface of the water that you can see them so close that you can almost touch them. You can spend an elegant time watching the superb view of cherry blossoms from a chartered boat.

Image: https://newscast.jp/attachments/ZAxKI8H9qkZbUlOFBbzN.jpg

Image: https://newscast.jp/attachments/wrzvsuZD33txknllB22X.jpg

En route, pick up a special breakfast on the shore from a bakery along the Kameshima River. A breakfast limited to this program, packed with fragrant freshly baked croissants and Danishes, refreshing cheese and salads. You can enjoy it with two types of coffee selected by staff with JBA barista qualifications according to the flavor of each bread. You can enjoy breakfast in an elegant way while gazing at the magnificent view of the cherry blossoms along the Oyoko River while being enveloped in the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

・Croissant × Brazilian Arabica

The bitterness and richness of the coffee bring out the aroma of the croissant and the butter.

・Danish × Salvadoran Pacamara

You can enjoy a sweet and gorgeous spring flavor that harmonizes the sourness of apples and coffee.

5:15 Departure from Hoshinoya Tokyo

5:30 Boarding at Kachidoki Pier

5:40 Viewing the double cherry blossoms with a glass of sparkling sake in the Hama-rikyu Gardens

6:15 Receive a special breakfast of freshly baked croissants and Danish pastries from the riverside bakery

6:30 Enjoy a special breakfast with two types of freshly brewed coffee at the Oyokogawa River, lined with cherry blossom trees

7:30 Disembark at Kachidoki Pier

Arrive at HOSHINOYA Tokyo at 7:45

■ Period: March 25th to April 10th, 2022

■ Time: 5:15-7:45 (boarding time 120 minutes)

■ Capacity: 1 group per day (2-4 people)

■ Price: 153,000 yen for 2 people, 156,000 yen for 3 people, 162,000 yen for 4 people (tax and service charge included, lodging charge not included)

■Included: Cruise (chartered), special breakfast, sparkling sake, 2 types of coffee

Reservation: Reservation up to 14 days in advance from the official website ([https://hoshinoya.com/tokyo]{https://hoshinoya.com/tokyo})

■ Eligibility: Guests staying at Hoshinoya Tokyo

*Schedule and contents may be partially changed depending on the situation.

[Hoshinoya Tokyo] Before dawn Enjoy the Sumida River on a chartered boat!

*Depending on the flowering situation, you may not be able to see the cherry blossoms.

*Travel to the pier is not included in the price.


"HOSHINOYA" is based on the concept of "rest to be immersed", and each facility offers an overwhelming extraordinary experience with unique themes. At each facility in Japan and overseas, we incorporate the climate, history, and culture of the land into our hospitality as something that enriches the stay, releasing visitors from the daily flow of time and inviting them to a special extraordinary experience.

URL: [https://hoshinoya.com] {https://hoshinoya.com}

Hoshinoya Tokyo

The Tower of Japan Ryokan has evolved to meet the needs of modern times. The tower-shaped space with 2 basement floors and 17 floors above ground consists of an entrance with tatami mats, a traditional Japanese-style room, tea room lounges on each floor, and a hot spring on the top floor. We offer room ceremonies that match the Japanese seasonal calendar, experiences that allow you to feel Japanese culture close to you, and hospitality that is typical of a Japanese inn.

1-9-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004 / Number of guest rooms: 84

[https://hoshinoya.com/tokyo/ ]{https://hoshinoya.com/tokyo/}

YouTube videos:


【1】Hygiene management

At Hoshino Resorts, we are taking the following measures in consideration of the health and public health of our guests as part of our countermeasures against COVID-19.

・Temperature measurement at check-in

・In addition to regular guest room cleaning, cleaning and wiping with alkaline electrolyzed water in the hotel building

・Alcohol for disinfection is installed in various places in the building

・Install alcohol for hand disinfection in all guest rooms

・Hand alcohol disinfection for all customers when entering the restaurant

・High temperature washing of tableware (plates, glasses) and cutlery (80 degrees or higher), sterilization washing of food trays

・Install partitions such as panels and vinyl sheets at the front

・Wear a mask when serving customers in the building

・ Thorough management of staff health and hygiene (temperature measurement and record confirmation before coming to work)

・A humidifier that maintains a humidity of 40% or more is installed in all guest rooms (excluding facilities in Hoshinoya Tokyo and Okinawa Prefecture)

・ QR code for restaurant menus (all KAI brand facilities)

[2] Avoiding the 3 Cs

We are taking the following measures in order to create a stay that avoids the three "crowds": closed, crowded, and close.

・Implementation of visualization of 3 Cs and congestion prediction service that shows the degree of congestion in the public bath with a smartphone (partial)

・Entrance and entry restrictions in places where congestion is confirmed during your stay

・Manage the congestion situation of the restaurant and decentralize the entrance time

・When checking out at the front desk, the line-up regulation is appropriately implemented

・Check-in in the guest room (Hoshinoya・Kai)

・Deployment of CO2 (carbon dioxide) concentration measuring instruments in public spaces

・ Thorough ventilation according to the design of the building, such as natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation

Related material: [[Hoshino Resort] Corona measures summary] {https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1VE_ZHeCzopebvZ3htCnqGYAdITPAQh9E}