GRAPE [Grape] How do you save on the heating fee of the LifeStyle air conditioner?Introducing 6 recommended methods

In the cold season, the heating function of the air conditioner is indispensable.

While the heating function of the air conditioner can be used safely and easily, it is surprising that many people feel that the air conditioner is higher than the summer when the cooling function is used.

This article describes the reasons why heating electricity rates are likely to increase and how to save heating costs.

If you want to reduce electricity charges in winter, or if you are considering replacing the air conditioner for electricity bills, please check it out.

  • 3. Recommended heating equipment other than air conditioning
  • 4. summary
  • Why is the electricity bill for air conditioning heating high?

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    Many people are doubtful that the heating fee is higher than the cooling fee (electricity price of the cooler), even though the air conditioner is the same air conditioner.


    When the air conditioner is turned on, the time when the electricity costs is applied is until the indoor temperature and the set temperature are almost the same.In the following example, let's actually think about it.


    In this way, in general, in winter, the difference between the set temperature and the indoor temperature tends to be larger than in the summer.

    The larger the difference between the set temperature and the indoor temperature, the larger the power consumption, so heating tends to increase the electricity bill than cooling.

    6 ways to save on air conditioning heating costs!

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    Heating that tends to increase electricity than cooling.It is one hand to consider replacing the air conditioner, but we recommend that you try the following power saving methods.

    ■ How to save power of air conditioning heating

    ・ The operation mode is "autonomous driving"

    ・ Keep the power turn on when you go out for a short time

    ・ Keep a humidity of 40 % or more

    ・ Circulation of indoor air

    ・ Clean the air conditioner regularly

    ・ Make a device not to miss warm air

    From now on, I will explain in detail about six power saving methods.

    Make the mode automatically drive

    In the air conditioner of the air conditioner, the most reduced heating fee is the "autonomous driving mode".


    The temperature change in the room is small, and the difference between the set temperature and the indoor temperature continues, so you can expect a saving effect on the electricity bill.

    In addition, there are modes that can keep the air volume constant, such as "breeze", "weak wind", and "strong winds", but there are the following disadvantages from the viewpoint of "saving heating costs".



    Keep the power on when you go out for a short time

    The heating of the air conditioner consumes power as there is a difference between the indoor temperature and the set temperature.

    grape [グレイプ] lifestyle エアコンの暖房代はどうやって節約する? おすすめの方法6つを紹介

    Therefore, it is said that continuous operation can save light heat than to turn off the indoor temperature by turning off the power supply when going out for a short time of about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

    On the other hand, it is naturally consumed when the air conditioner is running, so if you go out for several hours, it will be more power -saving to stop the air conditioner.

    The screams are screaming when looking at the results whether the air conditioner is really cheap for 24 hours!

    Keeps more than 40 % humidity


    The perceived temperature is closely related to the high humidity, and even if the indoor temperature is the same, the higher the humidity, the warm and easier to feel.


    Take measures to keep the indoor humidity at least 40 %, such as "use a humidifier" and "dry the laundry".

    However, please note that if the humidity is too high, it will cause mold and condensation.

    Circulate the air

    When using heating, it is also recommended to use items that circulate indoor air, such as circulators and electric fans.

    The warm air is lighter than the cold air, so it has the property of being easily staying near the ceiling of the room.

    Many people have thought that the air near the floor does not warm up very much, and that the feet are hard to warm up.

    Circulators and the like to circulate the air in the room, so that warm air spreads throughout the room, so you don't have to use electricity.

    When installing a circulator, you can spread the warm air efficiently by pointing to the ceiling.

    Clean the air conditioner regularly

    In order to maintain the performance of the air conditioner and reduce the wasted consumption of electricity, it is important to regularly remove filter dirt.

    Although it takes some time, cleaning the air conditioner filter once every two weeks.It seems better to go to at least one scene.


    In addition, it is recommended that you ask a professional because cleaning inside the air conditioner can cause trouble or accident if you do it yourself.

    How often do you clean the air conditioner filter?Difference in electricity bill when you did not do it for one year

    Make a device not to miss warm air

    Even if the room is heated and the room is warm, the room temperature is likely to decrease if the air in contact with the window is cooled.

    When the room temperature decreases, the amount of electricity usage to warm the room again increases, so that the electricity bill is likely to increase.

    Therefore, it is a good idea to take measures against cold air to prevent warm air from escaping.

    Paste tapes for gaps on areas where air passes, such as windows and doors, and close the parts that are easy to get cold.

    In the vicinity of the window glass, the warm air in the room is easily cooled by the outside air, so it is effective to take insulation measures, such as applying a heat insulation sheet.

    Recommended heating equipment other than air conditioning

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    If you want to refrain from using heating, consider using a heating device other than the air conditioner.

    Here, we will explain the power saving method using "Kotatsu" and "fan heater" as recommended heating equipment other than the air conditioner.


    For households where you often sit in your room, such as living rooms, we recommend using Kotatsu.

    Kotatsu is easier to reduce the electricity bill than the air conditioner, and it warms up from the waist to the feet, pinpoint, so you can keep the cost efficiently while keeping the cost.


    On the other hand, because the warm range is narrow, if the air in the room feels cold, it is better to use the air conditioner heating.

    Fan heater

    Fan heaters that use petroleum, gas, and electricity are characterized by a shorter time from turning on to warmer than air conditioning.

    一方で、Fan heaterはエアコンの暖房よりも電気代が高くなりやすい点に注意しましょう。

    Basically, it is recommended to use a fan heater in a place where it is easy to cool down, such as a kitchen or dressing room, a desk foot, or a room that is not very large with a 4.5-6 tatami room.

    Recently, a ceramic fan heater with a human sensor is also sold.

    If you are considering purchasing a fan heater but are worried about the electricity bill, please check it out.


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    In winter, the difference between the air conditioner setting temperature and the indoor temperature tends to increase the difference between the air conditioner, so the electricity bill tends to be higher than the cooling.

    In order to save on the heating fee of the air conditioner, there are methods such as "automatic driving", "maintain appropriate humidity", "circulating the air", so please try it out from a easy -to -work way to save.

    Also, if you want to warm up with a pinpoint, we recommend using kotatsu and fan heaters.

    Let's create an environment where you can comfortably spend the cold winter comfortably while choosing and using heating equipment suitable for your lifestyle.

    [Sentence / configuration / Grape editorial department]