Google's translation earphone "Pixel Buds" Review: Dreams, Blashes, Confusion

The drop from expectations is amazing.

Each company inspired by Apple's AirPods has come out of each company, but Google has also given its own answer.Pixel Buds can operate Google Assistant with a touch from the earphones, and can also translate real -time by linking with a smartphone.Finally translated!According to Gimodo's Adam Clark Estes, who actually used Pixel Buds for a few days, the ideal realization was not so easy.

Pixel Buds, something didn't work.Pixel Buds should be a smart wireless earphone released by Google one year later on Apple's AirPods, but in fact it is not very smart and not even wireless).I tried using it for a few days, but with confidence, Pixel Buds has become terrible.I was expecting ...

What is this?: Wireless earphones for Android (can be used on iOS ... Details described later)

Price: $ 159 (about 18,000 yen)

Favorite place: Easy access to Google Assistant

I don't like it: Everything else

The gadget that dreamed of the future was a series of confusion

Google is a huge tech company, and recently, hardware has been pretty good.Google Home and its mini -version, Google Home Mini, have a good game with the preceding Amazon Echo, and Daydream has blown a new breeze into the VR headset world.The flagship model smartphone, Pixel 2, has evolved into an excellent smartphone overcoming the defects of the predecessor.So, how amazing is Pixel Buds, which can call Google Assistant and translate real -time?I was raising my expectations.

But in fact, it didn't go as expected.From the moment I opened the box in the first place, I was confused.Pixel Buds is a wireless earphone, but it is not a so -called complete wireless, but a code that connects the left and right.The body is larger than AirPods, but the battery life is the same 5 hours.There is a charging case, but it feels unreliable like a plastic lunch box.In addition, because there is a code, it is not necessary to put it in the case, and the case will not be closed unless you wrap it exactly like this GIF.

UX with zero seamlessness

The problem is not just such details.Pixel Buds uses its own Bluetooth technology so that you can pair with your smartphone.But that's not really that easy.When setting first, (1) put the case next to the smartphone, open it, and (3) you have to pray for the smartphone to detect the signal.

I was able to pair my Galaxy S8 and the earphone itself without any problems, but I noticed that all the Pixel Buds functions could not be used in Galaxy S8.The real -time translation function cannot be used unless it is pixel or pixel 2.So I tried to connect pixel buds to pixel 2, but pixel 2 did not recognize Pixel Buds.

Googleの翻訳イヤホン「Pixel Buds」レビュー:夢やぶれて、困惑

It can be said that you were frustrated or angry, but that is not accurate.What I actually felt was confusing.After all, I managed to pair pixel buds and pixel 2, but that was because I emailed Google to tell me how to reset, and to reset, the buttons that I didn't even notice until I was told inside the case.I needed to press it.

The only reason why the pairing of pixel buds and pixel 2 did not go well is that there is only one device that can automatically pair with Pixel Buds.For example, if you use a smartphone while commuting, and if you use a tablet at home, you need to press the reset button every time you switch the device.And since only Android and iOS are supported, most PCs can not be used, and it is possible to confirm that it can be used with a new Chromebook that can be used by Android apps.In addition, Google Assistant can be used after Android Marshmallow and the high -speed pairing after Android Nougat.

Needless to compare with AirPods, which can be paired without stress, Pixel Buds was too intuitive, and when I tried to understand such details, I felt like I was solving the problem of triangular functions.

The reality of real -time translation is tough

I was able to use the real -time translation I was worried about, but this was also confusing.When this function was announced, I thought that if I simply tapped the right earphone, I thought I could translate the foreign language I was hearing right away, so I thought, "Translated!"There is no such way.Tapping the earphones is right, but next time you have to open the Google Translate app and set up a smartphone in front of those who speak foreign languages.And, of course, as I wrote above, the smartphone must be pixel or pixel 2.

Pixel Buds, of course, could play music, and the sound was similar to Apple's AirPods.Like AirPods, Pixel Buds has two speakers, one is positive, and the other is facing the inside of the head.However, Pixel Buds is not a canal type that tightens the ear hole, but is a type that hooks on the outer nurse outside the hole.The sound that comes out is clear, but it is surprisingly one -dimensional.For example, HOT CHIP's Ready for the Floor sounded a clean sound, but it felt uncomfortable.Because there is almost no bass.John Denver's "Take me Home, Country Roads" was really good, but for me this song is always good.

The only Google Assistant function was cool.There is a part that detects the touch on the right earphone where you can control music play / stop and volume, call Google Assistant to hear time, and hear the latest notifications.However, the sensitivity was too good, and it was often the case that I could inadvertently play it with just a little touch.For example, if you pause music and remove the earphones from your ears, it will push the playback again by the movement.This is another confusion.

Pixel buds that preceded the times

But I feel that Google is trying to make something good, like the light of a lighthouse that is far away.Aside from the current degree of Pixel Buds, the idea of the background that made it is attractive.I think it's good to tap your ears to hear the latest notifications, send text messages, or find a nearby coffee shop.AirPods can do this using Siri, but from my experience, Google is better at natural language processing.I tested Google Home, but if you talk to Google robots, the robot will understand what you want.And hopefully, Pixel Buds should be a small Google Home in the head.

I think Google was a little too impatient.Google has announced hardware with pixel buds with angry momentum.For example, like Google Clips, it was clearly experimental.Pixel Buds looks like Google's ideal incomplete combustion.If there was a Google ideal world, there would be no code connecting the left and right earphones of Pixel Buds.Also, if you aim for a device that everyone has, all functions should be used not only for Pixel 2, Android, iOS, but also on any device, and I think that there are multiple terminals that can be paired.。

In particular, it's really weird that real -time translation, which is a really unique feature of Pixel Buds, can only be used on Google's smartphone.This is common in Apple, but Google is an open platform advocate.I thought Android was an antithesis for iOS, but now Google is building a wall.

Cost performance may be subtle

I think it would be unavoidable if Pixel Buds was $ 60, but it costs $ 160 as AirPods.If so, I would like to add a 200 -dollar Sony complete wireless earphone or a little more boss Soundsport Free.Both can also use Google Assistant.Or, of course, you can buy AirPods.

Because, in contrast to Pixel Buds, AirPods can be used for anything, Android or PC.I'm not sure how many people buy a wireless gadget that can only be used with a specific device, but Pixel Buds is very short at the time of writing.I can't buy it from Japan, but even if I get it in some way, I need to wait for a while.

That's why Google, next time, do your best.


・ Apple's answer to AirPods is $ 159 (about 18,000 yen).

・ It is a terrible feeling and a terrible feeling

・ Google Assistant can only be used on a specific Android device

・ The translation function can only be used in the Google Pixel series

Image: Adam Clark Estessource: Google (1, 2, 3), YouTube (1, 2), C-Net

Adam Clark Estes -Gizmodo US [Original text] (Miho Fukuda)