Food poisoning occurs with sports drinks in "Yakan" ... I asked what to be careful about

A small amount of tap water adheres to the yakan

Hydration is indispensable in the hot season, but the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has called for food poisoning after drinking sports drinks in a kettle.

Coppering poisoning was caused by drinking sports drinks in the kettle.Metal containers (yakan and water bottle) react with acidic drinks and may dissolve metal.When putting juice or sports drinks in a metal container, check the notes carefully!#Copper #Food poisoning

— 厚生労働省食品安全情報 (@Shokuhin_ANZEN) July 8, 2020

Coppering poisoning was caused by drinking sports drinks in the kettle.Metal containers (yakan and water bottle) react with acidic drinks and may dissolve metal.When putting juice or sports drinks in a metal container, check the notes carefully!

This is a tweet about food poisoning that occurred on the 6th at a welfare facility in Usuki City, Oita Prefecture.When a powdered sports drink was dissolved in water using a metal margin, 13 elderly people who drank it developed nausea and vomiting.The cause was food poisoning due to drinking copper dissolved in a drink, but the facility was made of stainless steel.So where did the copper get into it?

According to Oita Prefecture, the yakan was used to boil tap water for a long time, and the inside had turned black.In fact, tap water contains a small amount of copper, and it is thought that the copper melted out by repeating the tap water by repeating the tap water by attaching and accumulating inside the kettle, and adding an acidic sports drink there.It seems to be.Copper is an indispensable substance for humans to survive, but adding a large amount of copper at once may cause poisoning symptoms.

A long time ago, I think it was common to put sports drinks in a quarrel in club activities, etc., but how can similar food poisoning be prevented?What are the points to be aware of?I asked the person in charge of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

"If you use it without knowing it, be careful."

――Why did you tweet “copper food poisoning”?I wanted to tell you that food poisoning like this time would occur.The same precautions are written in the instruction manual attached to yakan or water bottle, so I would like you to know so that it does not fit the same situation.


―― Is it dangerous to put an acidic drink in a metal container?Food poisoning like this may occur.If you are using a yakan or water bottle without knowing these things, be careful.

――Is such food poisoning unusual?In the last few years, I think it will be a special food poisoning without remembering it.

Similar food poisoning has occurred in the past

According to the materials published by the Tokyo Welfare and Welfare Bureau, six people who drank sports drinks in water bottle in Tokyo have symptoms such as headaches and dizziness in Tokyo.This water bottle is considered to be due to the broken inside and the copper used in the heat retention structure touched the beverage and began to dissolve.

In 2010, 15 children who drank lactic acid bacteria drinks in aluminum margin were nauseated at a nursery in Okayama Prefecture.This kettle is repeatedly used to boil the water as in this case, and it is believed that the accumulated copper was dissolved in lactic acid bacteria drinks.There is a black colored part inside the kettle, and the chorus is not included in the Yakan body, which was analyzed by the Okayama Prefectural Misaku Health Center and Bichu Health Center, but copper was detected from the discolored part.

There are three precautions to prevent copper food poisoning

Source: Oita Prefecture

This time, Oita Prefecture, where food poisoning has occurred, has published a PDF file on the official website.There are three points to be noted there.

1. Let's check if there is no rust or scratches inside the container 2. Do not store acidic drinks in a long metallic container 3, the kettle, water bottle, and metal storage containers are regular.Let's replace it with a new one

It is said that acidic beverages are not only sports drinks, but also carbonated drinks, lactic acid bacteria, and fruit juice drinks.

Certainly, as the person in charge of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said, the yakan and water bottle have instructions, but some people may not read it.In the hot summer, the amount of drinking is increased, so I want you to remember these precautions and take measures against heat stroke.

(FNN Prime Online July 9th published. Click here for the original article)

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