Eye Ward Ishikari Factory Made of Headquarters to make it smart to improve productivity and added value by collaborating with data

Improve the instantaneous power of thick bookbinding

Eyeword (Sapporo, Hokkaido / President and Representative Director of Toshiyasu Okuyama) is the introduction of Muller Martini's PUR / Hotmelt wireless line "Allegro" 30 saddles and the Snowstone -made line "Primera" 6 saddles.We started smarter in the binding process in cooperation with the workflow system "Connex".The existing machine's PUR / hot melt glue line "Bolero" 21 saddles, and 8 saddles of the castle binding line "Bravoplus" are also connected to Connex.As a result, it became possible to grasp and record the operation status of each book line in real time.In the future, through the production management system "Prinect" (manufactured by Heidelberg), operating information will be accumulated in MIS (Management Information System) print sapiens (J SPIRITS) to automate the actual price of real prices.

Smarting mainly in Allegro and Connex of Muller Martini

Looking at the needs of specialized books

Since its founding in 1965 as "Hokkaido Co -printing", the company has been improving the technology of "book making" and has been responding to the needs of professional publishers, universities, and companies.There are about 240 employees.Headquarters in Sapporo, Sapporo Factory, Tokyo Sales Department in Chiyoda -ku, Tokyo, and Ishikari Plant in Ishikari City.In the site of 5,000 tsubo, 2,850 tsubo, two -sided B both sides of B. 2 -sided printing presses, one B's 7 -colored printing machine, one chrysanthemum double -sided and one -sided printing machine, one -sided chrysanthemum double -sided and double -sided printing installation.One Kiku 4 trial 4 -color printing machine, and the B semi -trial color offset roller printing machine is running.

In 1985, he started the "Character Information Processing System" ahead of the industry.With the automation and database of the character composition, the production of the pre -press process has been improved, and customers have begun to provide new value to use data assets.Since then, various automation has been promoted in each process, and since 2017, the company has been working on a smart factory of the Ishikari Plant with the introduction of XL106-8P equipped with Heidelberg AI.

On the other hand, in 2005, he established a high -definition 7 -color superfine color technology.Since then, high -definition printing technology has been incorporated by incorporating high -definition printing technologies with high -colored ink inks and curlyded colored inks, and high -definition color printing technology has been enhanced.As a result, the reproducibility of museums, illustrations of medical books, and images of photo books has been highly evaluated by customers.

President Toshiyasu Okuyama, President of the company, said, "As the market throughout the industry has shrunk, we have narrowed down the target area to specialized publications. Therefore, double -sided printing on thin paper, 8cm thick bookbinding, and high -definition color printing. We would like to hone the technology, make them in -house, and meet our customers' expectations. " "The first issue is to respond to the work of specialized publishers in Tokyo. The publishing market is decreasing overall, but as long as humans are active in society, books will not disappear. In the field of medical care and education, publications continue to be required. It has become an aging society, and the need for medical and welfare human resource development is increasing. In addition, medical care and welfare have become borderless, and books on new academic domains. The number of orders is increasing. " In such a concentration and choice of customers and products, the facility strategy is closely involved.

Specialized books can take a long time to create content, but the date of issuing the conference and the date of distribution of textbooks cannot be changed.Concentrating and producing stable products in the limited period is the key to incorporating market needs.In addition to automation of machine to the Ishikari factory, the aim of improving instantaneous productivity by improving the distribution of information, materials and stools in the factory, the efficiency of the factory and the processing of the factory, and the automation.

"In the Showa era of the company, we have promoted environmental development for automation. In the Heisei era, we developed various elemental technology for book -making and promoted automation alone. In this era, it is an era when the peace is connected.The idea is to connect the company first and then connect with the customer. "(President Okuyama).Under such prospects, following the printing process in 2017, this time we will go into the smartization of the postpress process.

The printing department of the Ishikari factory that is smart, focusing on the Heidelberg system

With both axes of Allegro Bolero

To production management and data cooperation with MIS

 アイワード 石狩工場 製本部門をスマート化、データ連携で生産性・付加価値向上へ

Currently, in the postpress section of the Ishikari Plant, the wireless binding line Allegro, Bolero, and the Celebration line Primera MC, Brab Plus, are connected to Connex, which is the collection, visualization, analysis of machinery, and transmitting information to machinery.is doing.Until now, from the work daily report that the operator was input by hand, the start / completion time, preparation time, trouble, etc. were grasped, and the machine operation rate and time costs were determined.The connexes are automated, and the operation information of the machine is instantaneously visualized.From January this year, we will connect with Print Sapiens, which manages production, and aim to share the progress of the company as a whole in real time, reflect on management information, and improve the operation status.

"Binding is also a process of workers' intuition and experience. It is necessary to switch between Corona Lines, which has been active for more than 20 years, and this time, the wireless binding line and the castle stitching line are integrated, and the intuition and experience.It was a good timing to replace it in the direction of smartization that you do not rely on. "(President Okuyama)

When the introduction of Allegro and Primera, he reviewed the layout and flow of the factory with the advice of Müller Martini Japan.At the same time, the transfer of the wireless binding machine and the castle stitching machine has increased the number of people who can operate the two lines, and the factory has tried to relocate so that the factory can operate smoothly even during busy periods and sudden absence."I think the administrator was hard, but the operator moves the machine with a fresh feeling" (President Okuyama) (President Okuyama).The flexibility of the production system has increased.

The reason for choosing Allegro for the wireless binding line, President Okuyama has collaborated with Bolero, in addition to the reliability of operation results.The conventional wireless binding line was only hot melt bookbinding, and the temporary binding method at the time of thickening was different from Bolero.For this reason, when PUR bookbinding and thick bookbinding are concentrated, the burden on the bolero increases, and a bottleneck may occur.

Allegro is also used as a PUR and hot melt, which allows bookbinding with the same specifications as Bolero.In addition, this time, both Allegro and Bolero have a book block feeder, and automate the provisional binding book blocks.This increased the instantaneous power of thick bookbinding and PUR bookbinding.

"Even if you order 5,000 books, it will be 15,000 if it takes three tentative binding. It will be temporarily bent at a stretch with two 30 saddle Allegro and 21 padde bolero, and if you put it into a book block feeder, the bookbinding time is significant.You can shorten it "(President Okuyama)

Koji Hashimoto, director of 2 bookbinding departments

About Allegro Koji Hashimoto said, "Aleguro is driven by the motion control alone. Each unit is driven alone. The setting is faster, and the preparation time has been shortened and the small lots are enhanced. Also., Production management and quality control are possible with the Asir barcode. It is a very smart bookbinding line. "In addition, the book block feeder said, "I have put a book block with hand throwing, but I hope that it will be automated and more productivity will be improved."

The company's smartization process has only been started, but if the data linkage of print sapiens and prinnect and Connex progresses in the future, improvements that have not been noticed may emerge.This year, President Okuyama intends to proceed steadily while listening to the opinions of the site, including operators.

DX that changes the relationship with customers

Put your thoughts on one letter

Following the postpress section, we will look at smartization of pre -processes such as sales, data processing, and proofreading.The automation of each elemental technology, including the character version, has been established, and it is an issue to connect them.

In particular, as a sales strategy, the company aims to strengthen comprehensive customer support from the role of manufacturing specialized books.For example, it will enhance customer convenience by working on the surrounding areas, such as collaboration with textbook publishers electronic textbooks, teachers' textbooks, and catalogs for presentation for the Board of Education.If it is an art museum, it is a database of the work he holds, and the provision of related services and products derived from it.

According to President Okuyama, "DX such as remote meetings is good, but that alone stays within the range of tools. DX that changes the relationship with customers is necessary in the future. It is not a competition in terms of quality and price.It is to strengthen the needs of our customers. If you work towards it, I think that it will be more likely to build a partnership that is not limited to business partners. "Position the DX in.The foundation is, "Our mission is to create a smart workflow to make a proper book one by one. We use the finished books for 10 or 50 years.We aim to make things that you can get. "

Introductory video of Eye Word / Ishikari Plant