Effective usage of humidifiers to reduce infection risk WEB seminar [Free]

 Sankyo AATEC Corporation (Representative Director: Hiroo Kaki, Headquarters: Kita -ku, Osaka) is a free web seminar on Thursday, February 24, "Humidifier that reduces infection risk is effective."How to use" will be held.


 With the spread of new colon viruses due to the epidemic of Omicron strain, the number of places where humidifiers have been introduced and used have increased as their awareness of infectious diseases has increased.

 It is said that humidification is effective for infectious diseases, but do you know why maintaining a certain humidity prevents infection?Also, are you worried if you have introduced a humidifier, and if you don't know how to choose or use a humidifier?

 In this web seminar, we will tell you about the relationship between humidification and humidity and viruses, the purpose of introducing a humidifier, and how to use humidifiers.Create an environment that solves questions and reduces the risk of infection infection!


・ Those who are considering introducing humidifiers from now on

・ Those who want to know the relationship between humidity and virus

・ Those who have introduced a humidifier but do not use it effectively

・ Those who want to collect information to proceed with the introduction of humidifiers in -house

感染リスクを下げる加湿器の有効な使い方 WEBセミナー開催【無料】


"Effective usage of humidifiers that lower infection risks"

Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022 10: 30-11: 00 (planned)

Participation fee: Free

Watching method: ZOOM


* Please note that applications from the same industry and individual customers may be refused.

TEL: 06-6374-6140 | email: info@sat.co.jp | To seminar staff

Release source: Sankyo EATEC Corporation

URL: https: //www.sat.co.jp