Dialogue ◎ Pitfalls of interstitial pneumonia medical treatment [Part 2] Is that patient really abused pulmonary fibrosis?

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Hitoshi Tokuda's "Respiratory medical treatment, is this okay?"

連載をフォロー フォローを解除 フォロー中 連載をフォロー 2020/02/05徳田均 × 宮崎泰成(東京医科歯科大学統合呼吸器病学)呼吸器 印刷

 A series that hits experts and researchers the questions and awareness of problems that Hitoshi Tokuda felt in daily medical treatment, and searched for solutions.The first is an interstitial pneumonia, especially in Tokuda, who feels that the number of patients is increasing these days.Mr. Yasunari Miyazaki, a professor at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University, specializing in interstitial pneumonia, talked about how to proceed with the diagnosis and tips, divided into acute and chronic type.This time, it is about chronic interstitial pneumonia (editorial department, title in sentence omitted).


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Author profile

Graduated from Tokyo University in 1973.After working at the Hospital attached to the Cancer Study Group (currently the Cancer Ken Ariake Hospital) and the Tuberculosis Prevention Association Tuberculosis Research Institute (currently a multi -overtelled hospital), social insurance Central General Hospital (currently JCHO Tokyo Yamanate Medical Center)) Director of the respiratory department.He is still at the forefront of the clinical, despite part -time.

Introduction of serialization

Hitoshi Tokuda's "Respiratory medical treatment, is this okay?"長年、市中病院で呼吸器診療の最前線に立ち続けている徳田均氏が、日々の診療で感じた疑問や問題意識を専門家や研究者にぶつけ、解決策を探るシリーズ。身近な呼吸器疾患に潜むピットフォールや、専門医でなくても知っておきたい呼吸器内科の最新トピックスを対談形式で紹介します。

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