Corona's hotel medical treatment "Seriously / Iran" tweet hits a female entertainer with 120,000 buzz

(Image: Tarlicer Key Haruka Tama @from @tama_haruka Twitter)


It is important that the new colon virus infection does not move around.As part of this, the number of patients who enter the accommodation treatment facility and perform “hotel medical treatment” is increasing.[Image] From the Twitter of Haruka Tama, the hotel's hotels, a comedian, a comedian, Tamaraka Tamaruka, a hotel care tweet!And it became a big topic.

Things that are required for hotel treatment / those that do not need

This tweet is summarized in an easy -to -understand manner for what is needed or not needed for hotel medical treatment. "Serious things" include appliances such as extension codes, iPads, humidifiers, and daily necessities such as sprinkles, sweets, cup noodles, and throat candy, wet tissue, socks, and eye masks. It is. Conversely, as a "serious thing", beauty goods such as makeup tools and hair kote. Conscious black tea and water. In addition, a set of goods that have the possibility of "may do because of time", such as diet equipment, books, drawing sets, and sewing sets, are rising. Furthermore, "I'm glad if you are" is a hat, mug, cushion, etc. And above all, it is "sweet". It seems that there was no sweet thing in the hotel. It may be that even spicy people tend to miss sweets. There is a compelling scream and momentum of a complete girl's perspective, which sets it apart from the information that has appeared in the world. Many people hit their knees with the reality and living feeling that overflowed, saying, "I see!"

R-1 quarterfinals during the medical treatment period.Realistic days of sadness

その他にも、ホテルのお弁当が一気にランクアップしたことに大歓喜していたり。<ヤバい突然ホテルの弁当がJALの鬼豪華弁当になった!!!!!!!!節分やから豆もある!チョコもある!?ケーキも!!!!??>(ターリーターキー玉遥香さん @tama_haruka Twitterより。以下山カッコは同じ)<甘味?!甘味!!!!!!!!!!!!JAL様アァアァァァ!!!!!!!!!!!!!>療養期間がR-1グランプリ準々決勝に被ってしまったため、二回戦でのネタ映像が会場に流れることが判明したり。<頼む!!!!!!先々週の私!!!かましててくれええええええ!!!!!!!>療養を終えての総括ツイートで、リアルな療養期間中の日常を見せてくれたり。現在はすっかり元気になった様子の玉遥香さん。今回女子SPA!からの取材を快諾し、Q&A形式でのインタビューに応えてくれました!