Clothes points to improve the quality of baby's sleep on cold nights [US IPHI official recognition, infant sleep consultant]

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When you put your baby to sleep, there are many things to worry about, such as "Is it cold and I don't catch a cold?" "Can I keep the heating on all night?" "If I sleep with the heating on, it will dry out ...". Therefore, in order to support the comfortable sleep of the baby, we asked Mr. Ainami, an infant sleep consultant, about tips on how to use heating and points on how to dress when sleeping. [Image] Is your baby sleeping? The foundation of sleep advocated by an infant sleep consultant Fumi Ainami, the first Japanese IPHI-certified infant sleep consultant, sends information from NY, USA! "Ainami Fumi's Soundly Nene ROOM # 34"

The winter bedroom keeps around 20 degrees

If the room or bed is cold when you fall asleep, your body's sympathetic nerves may work to warm your body temperature, causing you to get excited and have difficulty falling asleep. It is said that the optimum temperature of the bedroom in winter is around 20 degrees Celsius to get a good night's sleep. If it goes below 16 degrees Celsius, it may be too cold to wake up. Be careful not to let the room temperature drop too low around 4-5 o'clock, the coldest time of the morning.


The bedroom before letting it lie down is about 23 degrees

After the routine, keep the bedroom warm at around 23 degrees Celsius so that you can fall asleep smoothly. If you can keep the room temperature around 18 to 20 degrees in the middle of the night, you can set a timer to turn off the heating after a few hours. If you can't keep 18 to 20 degrees, you can keep the heating on at about 20 degrees until morning.

Crying at night in the morning or getting up early in the morning may be caused by the cold

In winter, if your baby cries at night or wakes up early in the morning at 4-5 in the morning, the room temperature may be too low and you may be crying or waking up in the cold. If you turn off the heating before going to bed, turn on the heating at around 3 o'clock and warm the bedroom to about 18 to 20 degrees. If you have a timer, let's use it.

Humidity control is devised as a measure against drying

If you turn on the heating until morning, what you are worried about is measures against drying. Your skin and throat will be empty. Viruses that cause colds are said to become active in a dry environment.

Room humidity should be around 40-60%

In winter, it is quite difficult to maintain a humidity of 40% without taking any measures. By all means, use a humidifier etc. and adjust it so that the humidity is maintained at about 40 to 50%. By the way, in my house, I warm the room to about 23 ℃ and turn off the heating before going to bed. However, I keep the humidifier that emits warm steam running all night. Sometimes at dawn, it gets very cold at -5 degrees and 10 degrees. I wake up in the cold, so on cold days I keep the heating on all night.

Next page: Humidifier is a good measure against mold

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Last updated: Tamahiyo ONLINE