Note that a humidifier accident "Child burns" and "fire" are taken to prevent children from approaching the steam type

There are also accidents such as "Children touch the steam outlet of a steam -type humidifier"

 加湿器の事故「子どものやけど」「火災」に注意 スチーム式には子どもが近づかないよう対策を

The Product Evaluation Technology Institute (NITE) has alerted humidifiers, which are currently growing in demand, that incorrectly use it may lead to burns such as burns and fires.[Image] Precautions for humidifiers The first thing to keep in mind is the burns of the child.A type that heats water with a heater such as a "steam -type humidifier" may cause burns to touch high -temperature steam coming out of the steam.In addition, hot water spills due to the fall of the product are dangerous.Be careful when handling the power cord so that the child does not approach and take measures to prevent it from getting stuck.In addition, there is a possibility that water leaks may occur inside the device due to water reddish accumulated inside, leading to accidents such as fire.Therefore, regular care is required.In that case, check the correct way of washing in the product instruction manual in advance.In addition, do not enter drugs other than specified in the water tank because it is dangerous.Do not exceed the full water line.Do not pull the power cord or wrap it tightly.Finally, we call on the NITE website and the recall information site of the Consumer Affairs Agency to see if the product is not eligible for recalls.
