Watch out for excessive humidification! Winter dew prevention and room drying "give it to the dehumidifier" is correct!

A winter with dry air. Even in the room, if left unchecked, the humidity will become extremely dry at 20-30%, which is bad for the skin and health. Therefore, using a humidifier, open the bathroom door when rising from the bathroom and send moisture into the room. Instead, use this low humidity place to dry the detergent. You took some countermeasures. But, "humidification is very important. However, if the windows dew after opening the curtains, the opposite countermeasure needs to be taken. "said Takazo Takai, home appliance coordinator.

Takaida asked Mr. Takaida how to choose a dehumidifier that "skillfully uses a dehumidifier to spend the winter comfortably."

The accident is unknown!? What is the mechanism of condensation?

"Dew is caused by temperature difference and humidity. When you pour a cold drink into a cup, it is the same phenomenon that water droplets attach to the outside of the cup. If the temperature of the air drops, there will be less water in the air, and the water vapor in the warm indoor air will be cooled as water droplets at the dividing line with the external temperature, that is, the window. The external air is relatively hot in summer, so it will not happen, but in winter the external air is very cold, so it is easy to happen.

By the way, if it is the latest energy-saving house, the performance of the thermal insulation window frame has been improved, the glass is also laminated, and the external temperature is difficult to transfer to room temperature, so it will not produce so much condensation. On the contrary, if it is a former wooden Japanese house, the air tightness is low, and the difference between external temperature and room temperature is very small, so there is not much worry about condensation here. In other words, during this period, the houses built in the 1980s and 1990s, although to some extent airtight, but low insulation, easy to cause condensation, need special attention. "

Put aside the reason why the dew will damage the house itself!

"if you leave the windows and beams wet by condensation, spots and mold will occur not only in the seams, but also in the walls and curtains of the room. It is easy to breed mites in high humidity environment, so it is also the cause of allergy. In addition, the condensation on the window is just a sign. If it is a house that is easy to condense, it should also condense in the invisible walls. In this way, the value of the house itself will decline, so I want to take good countermeasures. "

Turn on the dehumidifier when the room temperature drops

"carefully wipe the water droplets with a wiper and spread a highly absorbent rag on the rung, which is troublesome and does not look good. I wish I could use the dehumidifier well.

Condensation is easy to occur in human spaces, such as living rooms and bedrooms. When in the room, in order to live comfortably, in addition to heating equipment, there are many people use humidifiers. When the room temperature increases, the amount of water that can be contained in the air also increases. Therefore, if the heating is cut off and the room temperature drops, the moisture that cannot be fully contained in the air will be lost, and the window frames and glass parts with large temperature differences will produce more dew. Therefore, as a countermeasure, do not get too high humidity in the first place. If condensation has occurred in the room, it will be too humidified! The humidity standard is recommended to be about 45% and 50%. Even so, the external air will get cold in the morning and condensation will occur anyway, so it is effective to switch to the dehumidifier when you leave the room. "

Choose from three ways according to the purpose.

"there are two main ways of dehumidifier: compressor type and dryer type. The type of compressor is to remove moisture by cooling air. Because of low power consumption, the electricity bill is cheap, and the dehumidification capacity is also large, which is very powerful. However, if the room temperature is lower than 25 ℃, the work becomes slow. Desiccant type (also known as zeolite type) is a method of removing water from the air by adsorbing it on the desiccant. Because the dehumidification power at low temperature is very high, it is also very active in winter. But because of the use of heaters, power consumption will increase. In addition, due to heating, the room temperature increased by nearly 8 ℃. With this as a backhand, it can be said that it is especially suitable for use in cold areas in the north. There is also a hybrid product that combines the compressor type and the drying type. Although the price is high, taking advantage of the two ways is very active all the year round. I think you can choose according to your purpose and circumstances. "

Use dehumidification to run while drying the room.

"for example, if you turn on the dehumidifier in the living room before going to bed, you should leave it on until the morning and dry the room at the same time. It is not only facing the main road or places with human eyes facing the balcony, but also the season when pollen flies away. Recently, we are also very concerned about external air pollution such as PM2.5. More and more people are drying in the room. Dehumidifiers are sold under the name "clothes drying dehumidifier" in many cases, which is also the reason. Room drying is easy to dry, easy to taste, moldy, use dehumidifier to dry quickly and safely. "

加湿のしすぎにご用心! 冬の結露防止と部屋干しは 「除湿機におまかせ」が正解!

Items (Items)

The best hybrid.

Panasonic clothes drying and dehumidifier F-YHMX120 (23 stacks of steel bars)

The actual price is about 63,000 yen.

Xia Jiqiang compressor mode, winter is also strong desiccant mixed type, drying and dehumidification in the room within a year. In addition, due to the effect of hybrid power, the maximum dehumidification capacity is 12.5L/ days, powerful. By luring the surrounding air and blowing it out with a large capacity at the same time, a wide air supply of about 165cm is achieved, which can send the wind firmly to the edge even if a column is widely dried. There are four air supply modes such as "broadband mode".

Real-time detection of non-uniform drying

Mitsubishi clothes drying and dehumidifying machine "room drying 3D machine eye" MJ-120LX-W (~ 30 tatami)

The actual price is 39,160 yen.

Equipped with a unique infrared sensor "3D machine eye", it is the only one in the industry to capture the humidity of clothing in real time and dry only for wet objects. The large area of 160 degrees up and down and 100 degrees above and below is divided into 529 areas for detection, the detergents in a large range of damp are "dried as a whole", and the dry and uneven drying is aimed at shooting with "concentrated drying". And intelligently correspond according to the condition of the detergent.

A reassuring long-term best-selling model

Coronal clothes drying and dehumidifying machine "S series" CD-S6316-P (~ 16 tatami)

The actual price is 10,980 yen.

The long-term best-selling model of the required functions is summarized compactly. The body is slim and light, weighing 8.3 kg. Because it is a handle raised by both hands, it is very convenient to handle. Dehumidification is divided into "standard mode" and "power saving mode". Clothes drying is equipped with two kinds: "fast drying mode" with strong wind running continuously and fast drying, and "night drying mode" with low sound through the combination of weak wind operation and air supply operation. The dehumidification function is compressor type, and the electricity charge is about 3.5 yen per hour in power-saving mode, which achieves low power consumption.

Rotating air supply in 360 degree direction

Like printing clothes drying dehumidifier "cycle drying" RJ-XA70-WL (~ 16 tatami)

The actual price is 27,800 yen

The blinds attached to the upper part of the tubular body rotate 360 degrees while supplying air, stirring the air in the room and sending dry air to a wide range. In addition to 360 degrees, the horizontal air supply range can be 180 degrees / 90 degrees / 60 degrees, so the full washing day is 360 degrees, less days will concentrate the wind, according to the volume and the location of the sun to send the most appropriate wind. A strong dryness is used in winter.

The price of Kojima motor is the reference price (including tax) as of January 18, 2017.

Interview article = @ Living editorial department

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Takeshi Takeshi

After working as the interior decoration coordination work in the interior decoration research institute of a large prefabricated factory, he went to the commodity planning department. Make full use of the technology mastered at that time to comprehensively compare the performance, design and price of goods to judge the pros and cons, and be independent as the coordinator of interior decoration and home appliances. Headed by the tour guide of the information portal "All About", he is active in television, newspapers, magazines and other media.

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