Basic knowledge of air conditioning equipment

Air -conditioning equipment is a facility for adjusting the heat and air environment in the building.There are a wide variety of controls, such as offices where human activities are mainly, production factories that require quality control, and clean rooms.With the growing demands of energy saving and improving the work environment, various types of facilities have appeared in recent years, and the system has become complicated.In this series, we will explain the basic knowledge of air conditioning equipment, such as typical methods, composition equipment, recent trends and maintenance management.In the first session, we will explain what air conditioning equipment is, its type, planning, design procedure, and concept of cooling and heating.


1st: What is air conditioning equipment?

1.What is air conditioning equipment?

Air -conditioning equipment (air -conditioning equipment) is a facility that adjusts the temperature, humidity, airflow speed, cleanliness of the building space (carbon dioxide, dust, odor, etc.) of air in the building space according to the purpose of use.Depending on the target and purpose, it is roughly divided into health air conditioning equipment (hereinafter referred to as health air conditioning equipment) and industrial air conditioning equipment (hereinafter referred to as industrial air conditioning equipment).

2.Health air conditioning equipment


二酸化炭素1,000ppm (100万分の1,000)以下
一酸化炭素10ppm (100万分の10)以下外気が既に10ppm以上ある場合は20ppm以下

The role of health air conditioning is to adjust the indoor environment for those who are in the room to be healthy and comfortable.In recent years, an office and the like have required a comfortable space for improving intellectual productivity (production).

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3.Industrial air conditioning equipment

Industrial air conditioning is an air conditioning used for industrial applications, such as a clean room of a precision equipment factory.In recent years, mechanical products are made of very precise parts.In the process of manufacturing these, strict temperature and humidity management and extremely clean air environment are required.In addition, those who work in the factory have a large metabolic volume in proportion to the amount of work, and it is very hot in the summer, so it is necessary to maintain the appropriate environment due to air conditioning.In this way, industrial air conditioning is ...

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4.Planning and design procedures for air conditioning equipment

In general, planning and design of air conditioning equipment is performed in the flow of planning, basic plan, basic design, and implementation design as shown in Fig. 1.



The project is mainly for architecture plans when determining buildings and budget scale.In addition, in recent years, in response to the growing awareness of global environmental issues, energy saving, and comfortable indoor environment, it is necessary to consider environmental equipment with plane planning from this point.


At the stage of the basic plan, the target space is assumed to be the degree of target heat and air environment, and what kind of air conditioning method (convection type, radiation type, etc.) to be controlled, and itWe will decide how much the range is and how many cars will be shared.In recent years, it may be necessary to change the application and layout of the usage space after the use of the building starts, and it is necessary to have a freedom to move and install air conditioning equipment.It has been.


At the stage of the basic design, we conducted a summary heat load calculation in summer and winter, and ...

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5.Calculation and heat load calculation

The heat load is the amount of heat and the total amount of water required to maintain the prescribed temperature, and the heat load calculation is to calculate the heat load required to realize the air conditioning that suits each purpose.increase.In the summer season, the heat enters the room from the outside to the room due to temperature differences and solar radiation.In addition, the heat comes in at the same time by incorporating the outside air by ventilation.In addition, the heat is accumulated in the room due to the lighting in the room, the fever from various equipment, and the fever from the room in the room itself.These are one of the heat load.Heat has a fever that affects room temperature changes and the latent heat that affects indoor humidity changes.

To prevent the rise of room temperature and indoor humidity due to the accumulation of these heat in the room, and maintain a certain temperature and humidity ...

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2nd: Types of air conditioning equipment

Last time, the air conditioning equipment was classified as a health -conditioning and industrial air conditioning equipment, depending on the target and purpose.This time, I will explain the classification based on the difference between the installation method of air conditioning equipment and the blown method.In addition, we will explain the typical zoning methods that divide air -conditioning areas and the characteristics of each air conditioning method.

1.Classification and zoning by installation method

Sunctioning areas subject to air conditioning are called zoning.As a typical zoning, a store is located on the first and second floors, and the 3rd floors are zoning (by purpose), and zoning by direction that divides it near the center of the room and the outer wall.I have.

In the case of a percentage zoning, the space from the outer wall or the window to about 5m is called the perimeter zone, and the indoor space is called the interior zone (Fig. 1).The perimeter zone is close to the outside of the room, so it is greatly affected by the outside air.In summer, it is hot or colder than the interior zone due to heat loss in winter, etc., so it may be difficult to cool and heat the interior zone and the perimeter zone at the same time with the same air conditioner.When designing air conditioning, you need to consider how to air conditioning this interior zone and perimeter zone.


In addition, the air conditioning equipment is roughly divided into two types depending on how the equipment is installed.One is called the central air conditioning (central) method ...

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2.Central air conditioning method

In the central air conditioning method, large air conditioners are installed in the central machine room.Machine chambers are usually provided on the first floor or on the first basement floor so that large equipment can be easily loaded.If a mechanical room is provided underground, a space called the dry area is provided next to the outer wall, making it easier to access outdoors for repair and replacement (Fig. 2).


One of the typical systems of the central air conditioning method is the single duct method.The single duct system means that the air that is heated by the air conditioner to increase the temperature, or the air that removes heat and reduces the temperature to each room via the duct, and summarizes the air from each room.It is a method to return to the air conditioner.A duct is one of the air conditioning facilities and a tube that carries the gas.In the central air conditioning method, the outside air can be carried together in the air conditioner and the outside air is blown to each room, so both air conditioning and ventilation can be performed at the same time.The single duct method has a single duct method and a single variety of varieties.


The single -style single duct method is also called the CAV (CONSTANT AIR VOLUME) method.As shown in Fig. 3, the air is sent from the air conditioner to each room with the same air volume and temperature and humidity.Basically, the temperature and humidity for each room cannot be set.Also, because the air volume is fixed, if you want to increase the cooling, it is necessary to lower the air temperature with an air conditioner.In this method, maintenance is easy because the operating devices are relatively small, and the air volume sent to each room contains a constant outside air, so the air quality in the room is kept well.I have.On the other hand, the heat load is small, ...

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3.Individual air conditioning method

In the central air conditioning method, equipment such as air conditioners is installed together in the machine room, while the individual air conditioning method has a small air conditioner such as a cassette -type air conditioner in each room, and each room and each room and each room.It is a method that allows air conditioning in the zone to discontinue and adjust the temperature.It is an image like an air conditioner installed in each room of the house.In the air conditioner of the housing, one indoor and outdoor units are connected by piping, while in recent years, as shown in Fig. 5, multiple indoor units are used for one large outdoor unit.The number of examples of adopting multi -air conditioner for the connected building is increasing.


In this case, when cooling, the indoor air is removed by an indoor unit, and the system in which the refrigerant in the piping carries the heat to the outdoor unit and exchanges heat with the outside air is a typical method.The individual air conditioning method is ...

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3rd: About the central air conditioning method

Last time, we showed the classifications based on how to install air conditioning facilities and how to do so, the features of each air conditioning method, and zoning methods.This time, we will explain the main devices that make up the central air conditioning method along with the flow of heat.

1.Central air conditioning methodの熱の流れ

The central air conditioning method is mainly composed of air conditioners, freezers, cooling tower, boiler, etc. (Fig. 1).In the case of cooling, the air warmed by the heat accumulated in the room is sent to the air conditioner via the duct.At this time, some indoor air is exhausted outdoors for ventilation.The air sent to the air conditioner is cooled by cold water with a heat exchanger (cooling coil) and is sent to the room with low temperature and humidity.In the case of heating, the air in the room with low temperature is sent to the air conditioner via the duct as in the case of cooling, and the air conditioner is heated by a hot steam (heated coil) and is heated by high -temperature steam and sent it to the room.It is.


2.Central air conditioning methodを構成する主要な機器

Here, we will explain air conditioners, freezers, and cooling tower, the main equipment of the central air conditioning method.


In the central air conditioning method, a large air conditioner, also called AHU (Air Handling Unit), is installed in the central machine room. As shown in Fig. 1, the air conditioner mixes the air from the room and the outside air for ventilation at the entrance, and first removes pollutants with the filter. After that, in a heat exchanger (cooling coil and heating coil), the air is cooled and dehumidified by cold water flowing through the cooling coil during cooling. Cold water, which has risen to the temperature by replacing the air with air, is cooled by a refrigerator and is sent again to the cooling coil of the air conditioner. At the time of heating, the air is heated by steam flowing through the heating coil. Steam becomes water by changing heat with air. This water is heated by a boiler and becomes steam and is sent again to the heating coil of the air conditioner. The air is humidified with a humidifier after passing the heating coil. Cooling dehumidification or heated air is sent to each room via the duct by a fan.


The freezer cools the cold water that has risen to the temperature by replacing the air with the cooling coil.Utilizing the effect of absorbing the surroundings when the liquid evaporates, it removes heat from cold water.This evaporated liquid is called a refrigerant.In the freezer, heat is moved due to the change in the refrigerant.The freezer has a compressed freezer and an absorbed freezer.



The compressed freezer is composed of evaporator, compressor, condenser, and expansion valve as shown in Fig. 2.Cold water, which has risen with the cooling coil of the air conditioner, first enters the evaporator.Here, the heat is moved from cold water to the refrigerant by evaporating the refrigerant such as the frone by the heat of cold water.Cold water, which has dropped, heads to the cooling coil of the air conditioner again.The refrigerant, which is an evaporated low -pressure gas, becomes a high -temperature and high -pressure gas and moves to the condenser.The condenser circulates cooling water between the cooling tower installed on the roof.


The refrigerant, which has become a high -temperature and high -pressure gas, is cooled by cooling water at room temperature to transfer heat to cooling water and turns into water.Cooling water, which has risen, heads to the cooling tower and releases heat to the atmosphere.The high -voltage liquid is reduced by the expansion valve and becomes a low -pressure liquid again, and the cold water is cooled by evaporating again.The sound and vibration increase in the compressed freezer to use the compressor, and ...

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4th: About individual air conditioning method

Last time, we showed a frozen machine and a cooling tower that make up the central air conditioning method.This time, I will explain the main devices that make up the individual air conditioning method.

1.Individual air conditioning methodの熱の流れ

The individual air conditioning method is a method in which a small air conditioner such as a cassette -type air conditioner is installed in each room, and the air conditioning is available in each room and each zone.It is an image like an air conditioner installed in each room of the house.The air conditioner of the house is connected by a pipe with a single indoor unit and one outdoor unit.

In recent years, as shown in Fig. 1, the number of multi -air conditioners for building to connect multiple indoor units has been adopted, as shown in Fig. 1.The multi -air conditioner for the building removes indoor air heat with an indoor unit during cooling, and ...

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2.Heat pump type air conditioner mechanism

The heat pump is a structure that collects heat in the air, flushes and moves.When the gas is compressed, the temperature rises, and when expanded, the temperature decreases.Utilizing its properties, the temperature can be raised and reduced by compressing and expanding the refrigerant, and the heat can be moved.Multi -air conditioners for building, which are representative air conditioning methods, mainly carry heat using the technology called heat pump.Since heat flows from high temperature to low, heat pump is required to carry heat from low temperature to high.

Currently, compressed heat pumps using the principles of compressed freezers are the most popular.In a compressed freezer, a frozen cycle of evaporation, compression, condensation, and expansion is performed in one freezer (3rd).In addition, heating with air with the cooling coil in the air conditioner takes heat from cold water, which has risen to the temperature, and lowers the temperature of cold water.

On the other hand, the heat pump air conditioner is divided into a frozen cycle into an indoor unit and an outdoor unit (Fig. 2).In addition, the temperature of the air is reduced by taking heat from indoor air.Here, we will explain the heat pump -type air conditioner using multi -air conditioner for building as an example.



Based on Figure 2, let's look at the flow of heat during cooling.In summer, the indoor air, which has risen to the temperature, is imported into an indoor unit's evaporation.In the evaporative developer, the heat of the indoor air evaporates the flonish refrigerant.The air that has been deprived of heat and low temperature is blown out from the outlet of the indoor unit to the room.The evaporated refrigerant moves to the outdoor unit installed on the roof through the piping, and is compressed to a high -temperature and high -pressure gas with a compressor.After that, the gas refrigerant is cooled and condensed into a liquid by being exposed to outdoor air by the fan.At this time,……

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3.Ventilation method and type

As mentioned above, in the individual air conditioning method, the air is circulating between the indoor and the indoor unit, so it is necessary to install a ventilation equipment to keep the indoor air quality good.The ventilation method has a mechanical ventilation using a fan and a natural ventilation using the wind and temperature difference.Machine ventilation can be classified into three types, one to three types depending on how the fan is installed (Fig. 4).


In the following, we will explain the mechanical ventilation method.


The type 1 ventilation system is a method of both fans of both air supply to the room and exhaust outdoors, and can be the most reliable and exhausted.By adjusting the amount of air supply fans and exhaust fans, the pressure in the room can be adjusted arbitrarily.Since air moves from high pressure to low, it can prevent the inflow of air from the surrounding area by increasing the indoor pressure (at positive pressure).


In the type 2 ventilation method, the air supply to the room is performed by fans, and exhaust outdoors are performed naturally from the exhaust port.The room is positive pressure to force the air into the room.Since the pressure of the indoor air is higher than the surrounding area, air naturally leaks from the exhaust port.Even if the door of the room is opened, air will come out from the room, so it is used in a room where you want to keep the room clean.


Type 3 ventilation method is ...

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5th: About air conditioning drawings

Last time, we showed the heat pump -type air conditioners, which are the main devices that make up the individual air conditioning method, and ventilation equipment.This time, we will introduce the types of drawing of air conditioning equipment and the display symbols in the drawings.

1.Air conditioning equipment drawing

When design and construction of air conditioning equipment, many drawings are created.As described in the first series, a drawing created when the basic design of the air conditioning equipment is designed is called a basic blueprint.The basic blueprints indicate the outline of the equipment, and describes the approximate route of duct and piping and the main equipment on the drawings.After that, at the stage of the implementation design, the required capabilities, the size of the duct and piping, etc. are calculated, and the details are described on the drawing.The drawing created at this stage is called the implementation blueprint (Table 1).In the implementation blueprint, many drawings are created.Here are some typical ones.



The air -conditioning equipment system diagram is a one drawing of the overall composition so that air conditioning equipment, duct and piping are connected in the building.

The air conditioning equipment duct system diagram is a drawing that represents the duct in which air flows and the composition and connection status of air conditioning equipment.In the case of the central air conditioning method, you can see the route in which air circulates through a duct from one air conditioner (AHU: hot water and cold water heat exchangers supplied from heat sources).The air conditioning facility composition system diagram is a drawing that represents the composition and connection status of air conditioning equipment that flows water, vapor and refrigerant, and the composition and connection status of air conditioning equipment.In the individual air conditioning method, you can see the connection status with multiple indoor units for one outdoor unit.


The air -conditioning equipment planned view shows the duct, piping, and air conditioning equipment installed on each floor in a flat view.The flat view is described in a form looking down from the ceiling.

The air conditioning equipment duct plan is ...

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2.Example of air conditioning equipment system diagram

In the air conditioning equipment system map, here are examples of the pipe system diagram of the individual air conditioning method.Figure 1 is an example of multiple indoor units connected to one outdoor unit installed on the roof with a refrigerant pipe.It can be seen that the refrigerant pipe is connected to the outdoor unit while the distant indoor unit is concentrated.


The characters listed in the middle of the line represent the type of pipe, R ...

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3.Example of air conditioning equipment plane map

In the air conditioning equipment system map, here are examples of the pipe system diagram of the individual air conditioning method.Figure 1 is an example of multiple indoor units connected to one outdoor unit installed on the roof with a refrigerant pipe.It can be seen that the refrigerant pipe is connected to the outdoor unit while the distant indoor unit is concentrated.


The upper side of FIG. 2 shows that the corner duct branches to the relevant floor from the air supply duct (listed on the left end), which rises from the lower floor, and is formed from the outlet with a wall and the outlet with ceiling.increase.The angle duct is described in the MM unit.In the implementation design diagram, the equipment and ducts are also described according to the scale of the architectural diagram, so in the case of thin ducts, they may be drawn on a single track.

To the bottom of Fig. 2 is ...

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6th: About special air conditioning equipment

Last time, we introduced the type of drawing of the air conditioning equipment and the display symbols in the drawings.This time, I will explain special air conditioning equipment.

1.Heat storage air conditioning equipment

The heat storage air conditioning equipment is a hot pump at night, when the energy demand is low, in addition to the daytime when the building is air -conditioned, and the heat energy is stored in cold water, ice, hot water, etc.It refers to the equipment to be used.The heat storage air conditioning equipment is an open circuit system that is separately separated from the heat source machine such as a freezer that manufactures heat and the secondary air conditioner that consumes heat through the heat storage layer.

In the air -conditioning method using AHU described in the 3rd and 5th, the cold water, which has risen to the temperature of air by replacing air with air with a cooling coil, is immediately sent to a refrigerator and cooled down again.It will be sent to the cooling coil.In this way, the general air conditioning method is formed by a heat source machine such as a freezer and a secondary air conditioner in a sealed circuit system directly connected by the piping, and the heat production of a freezer (cooling water (cooling water).Including cooling) and heat consumption in the air conditioner are performed at the same time.On a high temperature in summer, many buildings will be used in many buildings during the day, so that a lot of power will be used for cooling with a refrigerator.On the other hand, heat storage air conditioning equipment is being used as a special air conditioning method that does not manufacture and consume heat at the same time.

Using Figure 1, we will explain the cooling of heat storage air conditioning equipment as an example.Cold water, which is heated from the air with the cooling coil of the air conditioner, is carried to the heat storage layer during the day (A).Cold water accumulated in the heat storage layer is cooled using a refrigerator at night (b) and is stored in the heat storage layer (D).During the day, send cold water cooled at night to the air conditioner (C) and cool the air with a cooling coil.Repeating this cycle eliminates the need for heat manufacturing and consumption in real time, and it is possible to manufacture and store heat during a convenient time.


Figure 2 shows a peak shift.The peak shift is a driving pattern that uses the heat stored from night to the early morning at a certain rate throughout the day during the air conditioning time and shifts the air -powered power during the day.


Figure 3 shows a peak cut.The peak cut is ...

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2.Regional cooling and cooling system

Regional cooling is a method in which a heating medium such as cold water and hot water is created with one or several hot water supply plants in the region, and these are supplied to multiple buildings in a certain area to provide heating and heating and hot water supply.I mean that.It is also called regional heat supply.

For air conditioning facilities in general buildings, a machine room is provided in each building to install a heat source machine, or an outdoor unit is installed on the rooftop (Fig. 4).These are installed and managed for each building, so it is not always possible to operate equipment efficiently.In addition, since facilities that support peak demand are installed for each building, it tends to be excessive for the demand for the entire region.In addition, a large installation area is required for each building, such as a machine room and a rooftop equipment installation space.


On the other hand, in regional cooling, ...

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7th: Air conditioning equipment and energy saving

Last time, we introduced special air conditioning equipment.This time, I will explain air conditioning equipment and energy saving.

1.Standards for energy saving

現在、一定規模以上の非住宅建築物を新築・増改築する際には、2015年7月に制定された「建築物のエネルギー消費性能の向上に関する法律(建築物省エネ法)」に適合する必要があります。この省エネ性能の評価には、一次エネルギー消費量基準BEI(Building Energy Index)と、外皮基準PAL(Perimeter Annual Load)が用いられます。


Bei can be expressed in the following formula.1.It means that the energy -saving standard is achieved at less than 0, indicating that the smaller the number, the higher the energy saving performance.

Design primary energy consumption is the primary energy consumption required when the design specification equipment is introduced to the building to be evaluated, and the air conditioning equipment is also included.What is the primary energy consumption?

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2.Pelimeterless air conditioning

Rimeterless air conditioning is an air conditioning facility created to resolve external impacts in the remorse zone.The remorse zone is a space from the outer wall or window to about 5m (2nd).In the perimeter zone, a dedicated air conditioner may be installed because the heat load increases due to solar radiation.As a result, the system becomes complicated, and it is necessary to secure a large passage such as piping.In that regard, Perimeterless Air Conditions can reduce the heat load simply by devising around the window.Here, we will introduce the representative method of airflow windows.



3.Automatic control equipment

Automatic control equipment is essential for air -conditioning equipment to balance energy saving and comfort.The variable amount of modifier (VAV) method, which adjusts the amount of transport air according to the heat load, is a typical one, and is as introduced in the second time.Here, we will introduce the amount of water (VWV: Variable Water Volume) method that changes the amount of water, not the amount of air), and the specified water (CWV: CWV: CWV: Consant Water Volume) method.

Water even though it is an air conditioner?You may think, but remember.When using AHU (Air Handling Unit), when cooling, cold water manufactured by a refrigerator is sent to the cooling coil of AHU, where the air is heated, and the cooled water that has risen temperature is cooled again with a refrigerator.I have repeated that (3rd).When the air temperature is high, the circulation of cold water is required, while the air temperature is close to the target value, the amount of cold water is reduced.

・定水量(CWV:Constant Water Volume)方式

The fixed water (CWV) method is an air conditioning method that controls at temperature without changing the flow rate of cold water or hot water.As shown in Fig. 2, some of the cold water is bypassed to adjust the circulation to the cooling coil.Therefore, the flow of water from three directions is controlled, and it is also called a three -sided valve method.As a result, the amount of cold water to the cooling coil decreases, while the energy of the cold water that makes the bypass is wasted, and it is not energy -saving.


・変水量(VWV:Variable Water Volume)方式

The flood (VWV) method is an air conditioning method that controls the amount of water according to the load fluctuation of the building (Fig. 3).In the amount of flooding (VWV), ...

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4.Utilization of natural energy

Natural energy is attracting attention from a society's point of view aiming for decalination, and the world is working on the goal of not excreting greenhouse gases.Here, we will explain the underground heat source heat pump method using the ground (Fig. 4).


In the individual air conditioning method using the heat pump described in the fourth, the indoor heat was released from the outdoor unit to the outside air during cooling, and the heat of the outside air was collected outdoors during heating and supplied to the room.This method is called the air heat source heat pump method because it is a heat source, and is very common.

However, in the case of air heat source, ...

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8th: Pollution status of air conditioning equipment

Last time, we introduced air conditioning equipment and energy saving.This time, I will explain the contamination status of air conditioning equipment and the importance of maintenance management for it.

1.Pollution in the air conditioner / duct

Most of the health damage related to air conditioning facilities, as represented by bacterial infections, is derived from microorganisms.Microorganisms may invade the room via air conditioning machines from outside air environments, and sometimes the air conditioner themselves become a hotbed of microorganisms.In particular, the temperature and humidity conditions in the air conditioner are good environments for the growth of microorganisms, so if you do not manage them properly, the pollution of microorganisms will be remarkable.Here, we will explain the precautions in each part of the air conditioner.


The filter is installed at the air entrance of the air conditioner, and the contained in the outside air is filtered to reduce the particle -like pollutants taken into the room.Most microbial particles can be removed if the filter has a 50%collection rate in the comparison method (one of the filter collection efficiency test method), and the neutral filter is 80%or more for floating bacteria and fungus.It has been revealed to show the collection rate of.It is important to select an appropriate filter to prevent microorganisms from entering air conditioners.


A cooling coil is a heat exchange portion that cools the fluid outside the tube by low -temperature water or refrigerant flowing through the jurisdiction. Return from the room and the mixed air from the outside air reach the cooling coil after passing through the filter. In the cooling coil, dehumidification is also performed at the same time as cooling, so the cooling coil surface has dew condensation in the air and becomes a high humidity environment. As a result, the relative humidity is high between the cooling coils and the outlet, and the environment becomes a good environment for the growth of microorganisms. In fact, it is known that many bacteria and fungi live. Also, if the capacity of the cooling coil is too large for the cooling load, the cooling coil may stop frequently and the mixed air may not be sufficiently dehumidified. In this way, the appropriate design and management of the cooling coil is also important to maintain good indoor air quality.


Drain bread is a part inside the air conditioner and is a dish that accepts condensation water inside.The moisture attached to the cooling coil is drained by drain bread and is drained via a drain piping (the same as water flowing out of the home air conditioner when cooling).Since the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria and mold has been reported among the water that has been packed in drain bread, it is necessary to make the structure that does not accumulate water or perform regular cleaning.


If a humidifier is installed in the air conditioning equipment, even when heating, it is necessary to pay attention to a humidifier that handles water.Table 1 shows bactericidal effects in a typical humidifier system and the presence or absence of microorganisms that are stopped.In recent years, there have been many cases of adoption of vaporization methods, and it is important to constantly manage humidifiers, as microorganisms that have grown in humidifiers can cause humidifier disease.



The duct is a pipe where the gas passes, and ...

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2.Pollution in the cooling tower and legionellasis

The cooling tower is a facility that dissipates heat in the atmosphere by cooling the cooling water with the outside air (3rd).It has a role in releasing indoor heat outdoors (heat dissipation), and is mainly installed on the roof of large facilities such as buildings and shopping malls.Cooling water in the cooling tower returns to the cooling tower at about 25 ° C to 35 ° C in summer by taking heat from the refrigerant in the condenser of the refrigerator.Inside the cooling tower is a temperature and humidity environment suitable for the growth of microorganisms, making it easier for microorganisms and algae, including leideric bacteria, to grow.In particular, Legionella belongings can cause "legionellas" when they enter the lungs.Therefore, in consideration of the possibility of scattering into the atmosphere with cooling water, it is necessary to take measures such as planning a cooling tower to plan 10m or more from the outside air port or window of the air conditioner.


What is Legionellasis?

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3.Maintenance and management of air conditioning equipment

The Building Sanitation Law was amended in 2003.In the building environmental hygiene management standard specified there, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the pathogen from being contaminated by the pathogen.I am.Table 2 shows the necessary hygiene measures in air -conditioning equipment in accordance with this law.Measures in places that handle water, such as cooling tower and humidifiers, are increasing.


Also, the circulating water of the cooling tower is ...

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