Autumn curing that keeps moisture by "Yuruyuru Chinese medicine house".

It's not enough to take medicine, but somehow it's not working well. Such seasonal upsets can be improved with just the daily lifestyle and ingredients. We asked Mr. Daisuke Sakurai, a "Yuruyuru Chinese medicine house" who gives health consultations at stores every day and gently conveys the theory of Chinese medicine.

Autumn cure

Croissant online


Keeps moisture firmly in preparation for winter. Do not sweat excessively.

Go to bed early and get up early and take a deep breath to fill your lungs.

The keyword for autumn is "lungs". The lungs, which communicate with the outside air by breathing, prefer to moisturize and dislike dryness. However, as the summer dampness diminishes and the air becomes extremely dry, the lungs tend to dry out and bronchial problems are more likely to occur. In the room, use a humidifier to keep it moisturized, and wear a mask to watch out for dry and cold winds. Be very careful about excessive sweating caused by long baths, saunas, bedrock baths, hot yoga, etc. that promote drying. Then, try to go to bed early and get up early, take in the clean air of the morning to fill your lungs, and start the day comfortably. To keep your lungs healthy, take a firm, deep breath. The recommended ingredients are to supplement the moisture. The coming winter is the dry season. By storing moisture in the fall in preparation for that, you can spend the winter comfortably. Ingredients that supplement moisture include soybean foods such as tofu and yuba, mung beans, kudzu powder, pickled plums, cucumbers, winter melon, and bricks. Persimmons that are in season in autumn are also good, as the saying goes, "When a persimmon turns red, the doctor turns blue." Of course, you can leave it as it is, but let me introduce you to a special way to eat it. Cut the persimmon calyx horizontally, make a light cut between the skin and the flesh, and bake in a toaster for about 10 minutes until the skin is crispy. Hokahoka & Toro Toro's grilled persimmons moisturize the lungs and keep the mucous membranes of the nose and throat healthy. You can also keep your lungs strong by taking a small amount of spicy taste such as radish, green onion, and mustard.

Soak up the sun during the day to recharge your energy.

The lungs are associated with feelings of sadness, so weakening the lungs can make you sad. Autumn is often referred to as the sentimental season, which is thought to be associated with pulmonary dysfunction in Chinese medicine. It's important to be relaxed, not impatient, regret what you couldn't do, and be easygoing. In the coming season when the daylight hours will be shorter, it will be easier to feel depressed. Soak up the sun during the day. The energy of the sun warms and rejuvenates the body.

The next page is: [Dry cough] Eat moisturizing food to prevent dryness.

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Last updated: Croissant Online