Applied Materials Major SIC Semiconductor Maker Companies Released new technologies to promote the transition to the 200mm wafer and enhance the performance of chips and enhance power efficiency |

Release issuance company: Applied Materials Japan Co., Ltd.

アプライド マテリアルズ 大手SiC半導体メーカー各社の200mmウェーハへの移行を促進してチップの性能と電力効率を高める新技術を発表 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

The new 200mm CMP device of Applied Materials, which aims to respond to global demand increases by increasing production, is moving to 200mm wafer in the SIC semiconductor field that supports the world's highest level of EV powertrain, and the new 200mm CMP device is highly accurate from the surface of the wafer.Maximizes the performance, reliability, and yield of chips. The new "hot -in -plant" technology of the applied material is minimized damage to crystal lattice when injecting ions into SIC chips, and the maximum output and device yield.Applied Materials, Inc., NASDAQ: AMAT, Headquarters: Santa Clara, California, USA, President and CEO Gary E. Dickerson) on September 8 (local time), the world's top -class silicon carbide (SIC) semiconductor manufacturer, 200mm from 150mm Waha, 200mm Waha We have announced a new product that supports production shifts. The 200mm wafer has about twice the number of dies from one piece, which will help you meet the worldwide demand for the finest powertrain for electric vehicles (EVs). SIC Power Semiconductors are increasing demand as efficiently converting battery electricity into torque and improving vehicle driving performance and cruising range. Compared to silicon (SI), SIC is essentially harder, and natural defects tend to reduce chip's electric performance, power efficiency, reliability, and yield. In order to optimize unprocessed wafers for manufacturing and minimize the damage to the crystal lattice, you need advanced material engineering. Sundar Ramamurther, a general manager of the Applied Materials Group Vice President and ICAPS Group, said: "In the era of computer revolutions, semiconductor manufacturers have been increasing the aperture of wafers, dramatically increasing the production of semiconductors, and responding to global demand increases. Currently, in the early stages of new revolutions. CREE, Inc will contribute to the expertise in the industrial material engineering of Applied Materials. ".President and CEO and GREGG Lowe say: "In the transportation industry, electrification is a new trend, and our WolfSpeed ​​technology has led a global transition from SI to SIC to accelerate this technological change. By manufacturing SIC power devices, it is possible to increase the value of the final customer and meet the increase in demand. " "The Applied Materials supports the quick qualitative evaluation of the 200mm process in Albanny, and has set up multiple devices at our Mohawk Valley Plant to promote this transition. In addition. New technologies such as hot -in -implants developed by the ICAPS team will expand and deepen the technical collaboration with the Company and play a role in accelerating our power technology roadmap. " This is an important requirement that affects the production of SIC devices. If there is some flaw on the wafer surface, it will also affect each layer formed. MIRRA (R) Durum ™ CMP is a chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) device developed by Applied Materials to create a uniform wafer with the highest surface quality. Polishing, material removal measurement, cleaning, and drying can be performed with this one. It is shown that the surface roughness (roughness) of the wafer finished with this device is one 50th compared to the mechanical polishing SIC wafer, one -third compared to the batch CMP processing device. In the manufacturing process of the SIC chip performance and power efficiency SIC chip, the dopant is placed in the material by injecting the ionto, and the flow of electrons in the high -power circuit is assisted and induced. Since the SIC material is high and density, it is not easy to inject dopant here and place it accurately and activate. Furthermore, the damage to the crystal lattice can be minimized, as it causes performance and power efficiency. The Applied Materials has launched a new 150mm and 200mm hot ion implant device VIISTA (R) 900 3D as a solution for this issue. Hot -in -plant technology is injecting ions while minimizing damage to the grid structure, and can reduce resistance to 1/10 of iontophoresis at room temperature. Applied Materials' ICAPS (IoT, Communications: Communication, Automotive: Automotive: Automotive: Power: Power, Sensors: Sensor) business, in addition to the SIC Power Chip Market, the Ghost Growth (PVD) device, chemical phase growth (chemical phase growth ( We are also developing products such as CVD) devices, etching devices, and process control. SICs and other special applications for SICs promoted by Applied Materials are introduced in the 2021 ICAPS AND Packaging Master Class on September 8, USA. Applied Materials (NASDAQ: AMAT) contributes to the production of almost all semiconductor chips and advanced displays around the world as a leader who provides material engineering solutions. We support customers to change their potential into reality by expertise in realizing atomic material control on industrial scale. Applied Materials enables better future through innovation. For detailed information, website www.AppliedMaterials.You can also see it on com.**********************************************************************************************************************Applied Materials Japan Co., Ltd. is translated and announced.Applied Materials Japan Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Tokyo, President: Hitoshi Nakao) was established in October 1979.In addition to the Osaka Branch and Kawasaki Office, there are 16 service centers, and we have a support system for Japanese customers.Corporate press release to details to PRTIMES


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