According to MIT's latest research, just looking at the walls can tell you what is happening indoors.

Technology to read shadows.

At one point, somebody was so awkward and just wanted to star at the white wall ... that's a lie!As you might think, it seems that there are a lot of information on the walls that should have nothing to do.

According to MIT research ...

What are you talking about? Stanford University's Computational Imaging Lab suggests that a new study will tell you what the room is in the room by using a laser beam through a small hole opened on the wall.However, just a month later, MIT's research team announced that if this technology, even if the room could not be seen, what was happening.


If you have a light room in the dark room, you can see that something is moving in the dark, it is still, something is round / horn, even if it is the naked eye.Depending on the location, it is almost dark and nothing can be seen.However, a new study using neural networks shows how many people are doing from the images that just shot the walls.

The key is shadow movement

In MIT research, a white wall (actually there is no door even if there is a door or decorative) using a high -resolution camera with excellent hypo -light performance.The video erases the shadow of human movements and identifies furniture, such as furniture.In this way, we assume the state of the room without anyone.

The same is done on another wall in another room, but this time, a certain number of people perform a specific operation.If you learn this information (how many people in the room, what kind of action will make what kind of shadow, what kind of shadow will be made), the number of people in the room is 94..4%, specific movements are 97.It is said that it was clear with 3%accuracy.

I don't know everything

If you know a lot of information from the shadow, you may think that you have to close the curtains and the shutter right now, but you don't have to panic.It is said that almost every approach used by neural networks is almost impossible to learn all human movements.While it is possible to learn to identify a specific illegal act, it is a different matter whether it is possible to identify whether the bribe bundle is in the attache case handed by someone.

Furthermore, when light flicker, such as candles and television, it is difficult to distinguish the shadow that moves by the flickering of light and the flickering of light.Also, even in a dim room, the accuracy of the camera is reduced.So, if you replace the lights in the room with a candle, you will never be able to read your private life ...?Is it a bit too extreme?