The option of portable power supply in case of emergency.Ask the disaster prevention professional, what you can do to reduce the disaster

September 1 is "Disaster Prevention Day".One week, including the day derived from the Great Kanto Earthquake, has been Childnducting a lot of disaster prevention drills and enlightenment activities in various places as a "disaster prevention week", and has been an opportunity to update information on disaster prevention.Various disaster prevention goods appear every year, but this year's large -capacity "portable power supply" is attracting much attention.While the evacuation shelter beChildmes difficult to use due to the Childrona evil, how to make it possible to evacuate at home even in the event of a power outage and try to reduce the disaster?Learn that know -how from a disaster prevention professional.

Aiming for a realistic mitigation, creating an environment for evacuation from home with "portable power supply".

In Japan, it is said that "everyone enChildunters a large -scale disaster twice in his life."In recent years, however, a huge disaster once every 100 and 1000, including the Great Hanshin -Awaji Earthquake in 1995 and the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011.During the Great East Japan Earthquake, a new Great East Japan Earthquake was also held by a huge tsunami stopped by multiple nuclear power plants.I realized the importance of electricity, such as living an inChildnvenient life where air Childnditioners and refrigerators Childuld not be used.

Especially in recent years, flood damage that caused enormous damage has occurred every year in various places, and the opportunity to feel the disaster is increased by themselves.In addition to the Childnventional "disaster prevention" of people, the awareness of "disaster prevention" is changing to a more realistic "mitigation" that carries out the damage caused by disasters to minimize the damage caused by disasters.

In addition, the prolonged Childrona evil has changed in how to interact with the evacuation centers.The number of evacuation centers that can be acChildmmodated to prevent infection risk has decreased.If there is little damage to the residence, the number of cases in which they do not go to the evacuation centers and evacuate at home or stay in a car.

In fact, there are more areas where evacuation from home is basically based on high -rise Childndominiums in urban areas before Corona.In the case of my home, when it was found that evacuation from home was a rule, I came to stockpile with awareness of what I needed to evacuate at home.Water, simple toilet, cassette stove, and food rolling stock are required.Regarding the amount of stockpiling, the government's public relations "disaster prevention / mitigation" Useful information In order to protect life from natural disasters, it should take more than one week from disaster occurrence to reChildvery of lifeline.Stockpile is reChildmmended.

Finally, "electricity" is the only worries about how far to take measures.Even if you look at the actual case Childllection, there are many cases where evacuees from home visit the evacuation centers for charging smartphones, but in the case of Childngestion, the power tap with PCs and game Childnsoles, and what takes priority.It is said that a dispute tends to occur depending on whether it is charged.Assuming a home evacuation, it is likely that "self -help", which also has one week of electricity as well as food, will be ideal.

Meanwhile, a large -capacity portable power supply has been focused on the camp boom in recent years, and products are lined up at home electronics retail stores.It is an item that you want from the viewpoint of environmental development during disaster prevention, and how do you choose a portable power supply that has a variety of types by capacity from the viewpoint of disaster prevention?And how do you operate it in the event of a actual disaster?I learned that know -how from a disaster prevention professional involved in disaster prevention for many years.

The point is to secure a power supply method to make use of portable power supply for disaster reduction

【株式会社まちづくり計画研究所】渡辺 実氏

Disaster Prevention/Crisis Management Journalist Journalist, Disaster Prevention Institute, Senior Life Rescue Technical Co., Ltd. Town Development Plan Institute CEO Television/Media Many appeared HTTP: // Machiken.Child.JP/


Minoru Watanabe, a disaster prevention and crisis management journalist, is a professional in disaster prevention and crisis management related to disaster prevention for more than 40 years.He has a lot of work on disaster prevention, as well as various initiatives with national and local governments and manufacturers, lectures at universities, and has a wealth of knowledge in the event of a disaster.Mr. Watanabe also says that it is necessary to review the disaster prevention plan due to the recent corona.

"In recent years, the frequency of large -scale disasters has increased, and the corona disaster is now overlapping. If the government comes to the evacuation order of" Level 4 ", it is fundamental to evacuate to the evacuation center, but in reality it is social. The number of people who can be accommodated in the evacuation centers to secure a discount has been reduced by half, and home evacuation, hotel evacuation, and evacuation in the car have occurred. In the event of a earthquake, if the house is tilted, home evacuation is basically NG, but administrative administration. However, since we will make an "emergency risk judgment" at home, you can see if it is possible to evacuate at home. In the case of RC (reinforced concrete) such as apartments, if there is a diagonal crack in the pillar of the building, it is better to evacuate. Good. Also, when evacuation from home or in a car evacuation, we have the government know where who is evacuating, so that we can get necessary support such as distribution and proof of disaster. Please give me "Please" (Mr. Watanabe).

Furthermore, the point of evacuating from home was, "There were times when stockpiling was three days, but what is now recommended for one week. Water, food and medicine is rolling stock. I can manage to stockpile in my daily life, such as keeping my mind in mind, but there was one thing that was hard to stock up. That is the power. The only way to store electricity is dry battery, but refrigerators and air conditioners. It cannot be moved. However, it will be possible if there is a large storage battery such as an electric vehicle (EV) now. " When you were involved in the development of an electric vehicle, only one room of the house was operated an air conditioner and a fan to adjust the room temperature. He confirmed that one week could be spent only with the electric vehicle accumulated in electric vehicles using the necessary electrical appliances, such as refrigerators, cooking utensils, PCs, television, and radio.

On the other hand, when using a portable power supply for the decrease in disasters, "If you think that it will be used for one week without power, you can charge the smartphone and personal computer for the whole family, and for LED lights at night.It can be used with confidence if you use it as a power supply. Due to the specifications, you can operate various home appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators, but since it will be operated for several hours, "power supply and charging" will be set for disaster reduction purposes.I need to think about it. "(Mr. Watanabe).

How much home appliances at home actually move is a "operating time simulator" on the page of each product on the Jackery website, so if you know the power consumption of home appliances you want to use, you can easily check the operating time.So it will be helpful.

Regarding the power supply method, Mr. Watanabe said, "Solar panels are essential as a power supply method in the event of a disaster, but in the sense of disaster decline, we do not expect excessive expectations, but also prepare other power supply methods so that they can supply power in various ways.I recommend it. If you prepare two bodys and always charge one with a solar panel, you can recommend it for disaster reductions.I would like to recommend the power supply method. "(Watanabe) commented.

For example, in "Jackery Portable Power 1500", up to 4 solar panels "Jackery Solarsaga 100" are connected.One piece can be reduced to about 22 hours, and 4 sheets can be reduced to about 5 to 10 hours (depends on the weather).Furthermore, two "Jackery Solarsaga 200" can be charged in about 4 hours.By using multiple sheets, the solar panel as a power supply method is likely to be more practical.

In addition, the body of the "Jackery Portable Power Source" comes with not only the AC adapter but also a "car charging cigar socket".Of course, when used as a vehicle, it can be used as one of the power supply methods when charging from the car when used at home.If the gas station resumes in the event of a disaster, it will be possible to use it as a power supply method.

"I think it is better to have the image of a portable power supply, not the idea of moving home appliances, but to be a reliable thing that replaces batteries. In the event of an earthquake, the shock of earthquakes and power outages will continue. Portable there.It would be painful if the shock of the power storage was cut off. I want you to use it well. "

A carefully made portable power supply that is useful for mitigation.Select the model depending on the purpose and number of people

Mr. Watanabe actually used the "Jackery Portable Power Source 1500" "It is well made as a product. The LCD screen is easy to see, and the quality of electricity is good. If the quality of electricity is poor, the desktop PC may fall.From. It is good that all the AC output outlets are outlets that directly turn the 3 -pintable power plug. "

With Mr. Watanabe's advice, I actually used the small size "Jackery Portable Power Supply 1000" in my home.The security that you can charge your smartphone about 100 times with a large capacity of about 1,000Wh is real.Equipped with three ACs, four USB output, and one cigar socket, and can supply up to eight devices at the same time, so the family does not charge.If you use it for laptops, Wi-Fi routers, LED lights, children's game equipment, mobile batteries, etc., you can certainly spend a week if you save money.

In the case of "Jackery Portable Power 1000", the weight of the main unit is 10.6kg.It has a solid handle that can be stored, so it can be moved in the room.If you store the handle, the upper part will be flat, so it will not get in the way when storing it on a shelf.If it is such a size, it is convenient to use it for outdoors or carry it with carts.

Approximately 7 full charge from AC power supply.5 hours.Charging from the solar panel "Jackery Solarsaga 100" is about 17 hours at 100W power generation.Solar panels are often less than 5W in rainy weather, so they are certainly affected by the weather, but in my home without a car, this is the only power supply method as a real problem, so "Jackery Solarsaga 200" is also available.It is likely to be a candidate.

Enhancement of JACKERY JAPAN

In the event of a disaster, the care of the pets you keep is also great.For example, if you have fish, you will also need an air ration.The electricity that I usually use without much awareness is often troubled unless it is an emergency.It is a good idea to consider each application and prepare the products that match it.

In addition to the "Jackery Portable Power Supply 1000" used this time, there are five types of "Jackery Portable Power Supply 708", "Jackery Portable Power Supply 400", and "Jackery Portable Power 240".If it is the purpose of mitigation, it seems that "Jackery Portable Power Source 708" or higher seems to be easy to use.While praying that home evacuation and evacuation in the car will not become a reality, make use of portable power supply as a mitigation item in case of emergency.

In this era, I want to think seriously, select a portable power supply for mitigation.It seems that it is a reliable product by preparing it.

A disaster prevention campaign is being implemented in Jackery Japan

JACKERY JAPAN holds a sale of up to 25 % off portable power from August 30 to September 5.In addition, a “Jakuri Disaster Prevention General Election Campaign” will be implemented from the applicants from August 30th.Why don't you check this opportunity?