[2022: Medicine of hay fever] 10 recommended in -marketing drugs | Doctor supervised

▼ Active doctor supervises the article

▼ How to choose an on -market drug for hay fever

▼ Over -the -counter medications for hay fever 10 recommended selections

▼ Summary

Symptoms such as sneezing, nose, and itching due to hay fever caused by pollen scattering, including pollen pollen.It is due to the reaction of the immune system in the body.

This is normal, but if the reaction is excessive, it will be very difficult to spend.Introducing how to choose over -the -counter medications that will prevent excessive reactions to hay fever, and how to select commercially available medications and recommended over -the -counter medicines.

Active doctors supervise the article

In the creation of this article, I asked the director of Amaki Clinic to the director of Amanaki Miki for supervision.

◇ Profile Amaki Clinic / Yuki Amaki (Sachi Amaki) After joining Keio University School of Medicine, he graduated from the university after graduating from the university.After two years of training, he worked at the National Public Service Mutual Aid Association Federation, Temagawa Hospital, Kameda General Hospital, Kawasaki City Kawasaki Hospital.Acquired doctor (medical) and ophthalmologist.In 2003, he opened the Amaki Clinic (ophthalmology, plastic surgery, dermatology) in Shimbashi as the director.In 2007, he became the president of the medical corporation Keirokai Keirokai.In 2013, opened an ophthalmology at the LUMINE Yurakucho store.As a doctor, approach slimming, beautiful skin creation, and makeup as medical care.There are many books.Many TV, radio and magazine coverage.School doctors also work.4 mother.

How to choose a commercially available drug for hay fever

First, let's deepen the understanding of the type of internal medication and how to select it for pollinosis.

Commercially available drugs for hay fever contain "antihistamine drugs".

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When the body's immunity has an excessive defense reaction to pollen, it is considered that "histamine" and "histamine H1 receptor" are binding in the body. "

The "antihistamine drug" is to block this bond and try to suppress the symptoms of hay fever.Depending on the time of development, there are first and second generations, and side effects such as effects and drowsiness are different.

Recommended is the latest "2nd generation antihistamine drug"

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As mentioned above, there are currently antihistamines: the first and second generations.The "first -generation antihistamine drug" is said to have anticholinic effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.On the other hand, second -generation antihistamines are called anti -allergic drugs, not only suppressing bonds with histamine H1 receptors, but also suppressing release of substances that cause other allergies.Compared to the first generation, it is less drowsy than the first generation, and anticholinic effects are concerned about the symptoms of difficulty in starting urination, loss of balance, loss of equilibrium, and loss of balance, while suppressing strangers and nausea.It is characterized by few useful effects such as help).

Currently, the most common in -market drug for hay fever is "the main component of second -generation antihistamines."

Compared to the first generation, there are many voices that it has become easier to drink even during the day of work, as the side effects of drowsiness, including drowsiness, are greatly reduced.In addition, the validity time is long, and many people feel effective once or twice a day.

However, there are many voices saying, "It is necessary to start drinking before the hay fever season ..." because it lacks immediate effect.


The "first generation" can be expected to have immediate effect, but tends to be sleepy.

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The first -generation antihistamine drug can be expected to be hasty for those who are compatible.So, for such a person, it may lead to resolution such as stuffy nose.Anyway, we recommend that you try it when you want to work right away!

However, it is said that it is a medicine that is more likely to become sleepy as it is the main component of sleep improvement drugs.Therefore, it is better to avoid regular use.It seems that some people take advantage of the characteristics that are easy to get asleep and take them when they can't sleep at night because hay fever is hard.



If you can never get sleepy, look at Chinese medicine


Even if it is a second -generation antihistamine drug that is hard to sleep, the precautionary sentence says "be careful when driving" or "do not drive."

If you are absolutely sleepy, taking Chinese medicine is one way.Also, those who do not fit antihistamines to the body may do so.

As a Chinese medicine that you want to try first, we recommend "Shosei Ryu".You can expect great effects for your nose and sneezing.

10 Recommended on -market drugs for hay fever [Component discrimination]

Now, I will introduce the recommended on -market drugs for recommended hay fever.It will be an introduction for each ingredient, so if you try it and do not feel the effect, try another ingredient.

アレジオン20エスエス製薬Amazon で詳細を見る
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It was released in 2011 as a commercial allergic drug with the same ingredients and the same ingredients, and Alesion has become a standard for pollinosis.

By taking it once a day, you can expect to alleviate sneezing and nose.Driving and drinking after taking are prohibited, so it is recommended to take before bedtime.

アレグラFX久光製薬Amazon で詳細を見る
楽天市場 で詳細を見る

Allegra FX uses components that are difficult to affect the brain (less brain transition).For this reason, there is a notation that "a medicine that is hard to sleep to suppress allergic symptoms firmly."So it has gained popularity as one of the allergic drugs that are hard to sleep.

In other words, it is one of the few anti -allergic drugs that are allowed to take the plane pilot because it suppresses concerns about the ability to reduce the ability, judgment, and work efficiency.

I take it twice a day.Drinking after taking is forbidden, but driving is not forbidden.

アレルギー専用鼻炎薬 アレジークHIPHARMA CHOICEamazon.co.jp¥1,409Amazon で詳細を見る

"Feki Sofenazine Hydrochloride", which is widely known in Allegra, has some other over -the -counter medicines for hay fever containing the same ingredients.

Among them, "Again Hi" is recommended as Amazon -only brands.Because it is available on Amazon, it is highly obtained and sold only by mail order, but it can be purchased at a reasonable price.It contains 60 tablets per box.

エバステルAL興和Amazon で詳細を見る
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It contains 5mg of the second -generation antihistamine drug "Evastine".It can be expected to alleviate allergic rhinitis such as pollen and house dust.

It seems that many people take the effect until the night the next day by taking it once a day, and many people choose this when it is troublesome to carry the medicine every day.Drinking before and after taking and driving after taking are forbidden.

【第2類医薬品】アスミン鼻炎薬アスミン鼻炎薬amazon.co.jp¥680Amazon で詳細を見る

It is a rhinitis for hay fever and house dust, which contains 1 mg of the second -generation antihistamine "ketchifen".It is a type that is taken twice a day, and driving after taking is forbidden.

Among the second -generation antihistamines, few products use ketchifen, and for those who match the constitution and symptoms, it seems to be a valuable drug.

ストナリニ Zジェル佐藤製薬Amazon で詳細を見る
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It is an allergic rhinitis drug containing the second -generation antihistamine drug, "Cetiridine hydrochloride".Because it is an easy -to -drink soft capsule, it is recommended for those who are not good at tablets and capsules.

The contents are liquid, so you can quickly dissolve and expect the effect speed.The timing of taking is before going to bed.It is basically once a day.Drinking before and after taking and driving after taking are prohibited.

【第2類医薬品】アルガード鼻炎内服薬ゴールドZロート製薬amazon.co.jp¥1,441Amazon で詳細を見る

A rhinitis drug containing the second -generation antihistamine drug, "Mecitadine"."Pussoid hydrochloride ephedrine", which is suitable for stuffy nose, is also included.Therefore, it can be said that it is worth trying for those who have not resolved the stuffy nose due to other hay fever.

Mecitadin is a component used for the treatment of bronchial asthma and bronchial asthma.Compared to epinastine hydrochloride and feki cafeenadine hydrochloride, it tends to be somewhat drowsy, and driving after taking is forbidden.It is taken three times a day.

【第2類医薬品】アレジンAZ錠 24錠ミナカラ薬局amazon.co.jp¥1,000Amazon で詳細を見る

It is an over -the -counter drug for hay fever containing the second -generation antihistamine drug, "azelastine hydrochloride".It is unlikely to be sleepy as other ingredients and is less likely to be affected by meals, so it is possible to take it on an empty stomach.

In addition, the lack of anticholin effects makes it less likely to cause constipation, thirst, and stomach discomfort.Even those who have suffered from these symptoms in other hay fever drugs seem to be "worth trying."It is taken twice a day, and drunk before and after taking it and driving after taking are prohibited.

エスタック鼻炎ソフトニスキャップエスエス製薬Amazon で詳細を見る
楽天市場 で詳細を見る

It is a drug that is expected to be effective for acute rhinitis and allergic rhinitis, which contains the first -generation antihistamine drug "chlorpheniramine maleic acid".Since the active ingredient is already melted in the capsule, it is also recommended for those who expect a quick effect.

Take one capsule at a time, three times a day.However, long -term continuous use is prohibited.So it's a good idea to choose a time when you want to eliminate a runny nose or nasal clogging, and take it in a spot.

小青竜湯錠ロート製薬Amazon で詳細を見る
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You can expect to be particular about the effects, and you can expect that the extracts extracted independently of Rohto pharmaceutical will make your symptoms firm.It does not contain components that are said to be sleepy, such as antihistamines.In addition, since it can be taken from the age of five, it is stated that it is also recommended for children's allergic rhinitis.

The number of times is two times a day.This product is unusual for Chinese herbal medicines with many small grains, and is a type that has become a tablet.So you can take it in the same way as other allergic rhinitis drugs.


Alesion, which contains the same ingredients as medical use, was first sold as a first -class drug in 2011.In 2015, it began to be sold as a second -class drug, and commercially available second -generation antihistamines have become familiar.

Currently, even those who have difficulty taking time to see a doctor can get pharmaceuticals of the same ingredient.That is why it is important to make sure that you make a more reliable choice after understanding the ingredients that are suitable for you and the prohibited items when taking it.If you are worried about drinking with other medicines or your physical condition, we recommend that you consult a pharmacist or be diagnosed by a doctor.