19 selections of dry skin measures in winter | Measures that can be practiced immediately and recommended items recommended in 2020

In the cold fall and winter season, the air dries, so you are worried about the skin's dryness.

Therefore, this time, we picked up a method that prevented the skin from drying and keeps the glossy skin for a long time.

From meals and lifestyle to improve dry skin, to recommended skin care items and cosmetics.

If your skin is dry and has symptoms such as itching and eczema, please take measures with reference to this article.

In addition, it is most reliable and safe to see a dermatologist teacher for skin problems.

It is good to try out dry skin measures as much as you can, but be sure to have a dermatologist.

  • 1.1. The situation in which "barrier function" is decreasing with dry skin
  • 1.2. What is the part that is particularly easy to dry?
  • 1.3. Is it actually dry skin?!Check on the check list
  • 2. Before checking the countermeasures.Five causes of dry skin in winter
  • 2.4. 1.The air dries by heating
  • 2.5. 2.Damage to skin due to ultraviolet rays
  • 2.6. 3.Incorrect skin care
  • 2.7. Four.Insufficient sleep and disturbed eating habits
  • 2.8. Five.Decreased sebum secretion due to aging
  • 3. 9 recommended measures for winter dry skin
  • 3.9. 1.Try to humidify the room using a humidifier
  • 3.10. 2.Perform skin care in the correct way
  • 3.11. 3.Hot baths and shower are NG
  • 3.12. Four.Incorporate skin care products that are gentle on the skin
  • 3.13. Five.Eat vitamins and proteins firmly
  • 3.14. 6.Beta -carotene and seaweed are also beautiful skin
  • 3.15. 7.Get moist and sleep well
  • 3.16. 8.Move your body moderately, such as stretching and walking
  • 3.17. 9. Change the material of the mask
  • 4. Winter dry skin problems.Five recommended measures for makeup collapse
  • 5. 3 recommended body cream and milk recommended for dry skin
  • 6. Recommended oil inmist and makeup keep mist for dry skin
  • 7. Recommended for dry skin recommended stick serum / eye cream
  • 8. 2 recommended foundations for dry skin
  • 9. Know the measures against dry skin in winter 2019 and keep beautiful skin!
  • Maybe dry skin?!Know the symptoms of dry skin

    You may often see skin care items described as "for dry skin", "for greasy skin", or "for mixed skin".

    First of all, I will explain what "dry skin" refers to the skin.

    Maybe dry skin?!Know the symptoms of dry skin

    The situation in which "barrier function" is decreasing with dry skin

    Our body is made up of four layers of the epidermis.

    The water content of the outermost stratum corneum is indispensable for healthy skin.

    If the amount of water cannot be maintained due to drying, the "barrier function" that protects the skin from external stimulation will decrease.

    In addition to drying, care is important because it is more susceptible to external stimuli such as ultraviolet rays and allergens.

    What is the part that is particularly easy to dry?

    Sebum plays an important role in maintaining the water content of the stratum corneum.

    Originally, parts with low sebum secretion are especially easy to dry.

    The following parts that you want to be careful about when taking care as a drying measure are as follows.


    Although there are individual differences, there are other parts that dry, itching and rough skin are likely to occur.

    It is a good idea to observe your body well and know the parts that are focused.

    Is it actually dry skin?!Check on the check list

    Maybe dry skin?If you feel, please look at the checklist below.

    People who apply a large number are likely to have dry skin.

    Even if you have a small number of applicable, it may be a dry skin reserve army, so take care in the season when you are worried about drying.

    Before checking the countermeasures.Five causes of dry skin in winter

    If the skin's barrier function is working normally, the skin turnover will be performed properly and you can keep your skin healthy.

    However, if a decrease in barrier functions is seen, the skin dries and causes various skin problems.

    From autumn to winter, the skin is more concerned about dry skin.

    Let's understand the cause and consider measures.

    Before checking the countermeasures.Five causes of dry skin in winter

    1.The air dries by heating

    By using heating for a long time, the air may be dried and the skin will dry out.

    When using an air conditioner, it is important to moisturize the skin as appropriate.

    Click here for details on drying out room ♡

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    2.Damage to skin due to ultraviolet rays

    Care for ultraviolet rays, not only in summer, but also all year round.

    If you are exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time without sunscreen, it will decrease the barrier function.

    3.Incorrect skin care

    If you wash your face using a facial cleanser or oil cleansing that is too clean, dryness may worsen.

    It is also NG to rub it with rubbing and warm water.

    Make sure to clean your face wash that is suitable for dry skin, such as foaming facial cleansers that are not too detergent or lukewarm water.

    Four.Insufficient sleep and disturbed eating habits

    Insufficient sleep and disordered diet also causes a decrease in skin barrier function.

    It is also important to improve your life rhythm, such as a balanced diet and sleep.

    Five.Decreased sebum secretion due to aging

    Sebum protects the skin from various stimuli and keeps moisture and moisturizing ingredients in the stratum corneum.

    Excessive secretion of sebum can lead to skin problems, but sebum is indispensable for healthy skin.

    However, although there are individual differences, it is said that the amount of sebum secretion is reduced by aging.

    Leaving a decrease in sebum secretion can cause dryness and skin problems.

    9 recommended measures for winter dry skin

    Here, we will tell you about winter dry skin measures.

    By adjusting your life rhythm and dietary balance, you can maximize the effects of skin care ♡

    Utilizing items containing moisture ingredients will help prevent skin drying, so be sure to incorporate them.

    9 recommended measures for winter dry skin

    1.Try to humidify the room using a humidifier

    If the humidity in the room is low, the skin will be further dry and dry.

    It is a good idea to keep the humidity to 50-60 % using a humidifier.

    If you are worried about drying on the go, it is also recommended to use a steamer!


    2.Perform skin care in the correct way

    The point is to do skin care in the correct way to prevent drying and beautiful skin.

    Gently wash your face and use a high -moisturizing lotion and serum, such as gently washing a circle with a well -whisked foam, to prevent it.

    Let's use items that can be kept for a long time while giving moisture to the skin.

    3.Hot baths and shower are NG

    Bathing in hot water at 42 ° C or more will take away the lipids required for the skin and inhibit the formation and repair of the stratum corneum, reducing the barrier function.

    I want to soak in a cold bath, but if you want to take care of dry skin, try bathing for about 40 degrees or less, which is optimal for your skin.

    Long baths also leak sebum and ceramide, so be careful with the temperature and time.

    Four.Incorporate skin care products that are gentle on the skin

    For dry skin, choose a skin care item for dry skin that contains plant -derived and moisture ingredients.

    Do not use skin care products that contain strongly irritated ingredients, such as surfactants and parabens.

    Five.Eat vitamins and proteins firmly

    By fully consuming protein, which has a role in forming healthy skin, you can activate metabolism and aim for firm skin.

    Make sure you take high quality proteins such as fish, lean meat and soybeans.

    I also want to actively consume vitamin C, which has a role to keep collagen and keep skin mucosa healthy.

    It is abundant in kiwi, citrus, strawberry, cabbage, etc., so be sure to incorporate it in your meal.

    6.Beta -carotene and seaweed are also beautiful skin

    If you ingest carrots, komatsuna, and pumpkin that are rich in β -carotene, you can enhance the barrier function.

    In addition, seaweeds such as wakame are richly contained, such as Fukoxanthin, which suppresses the production of melanin.

    Take various foods evenly and aim for skin that is as good as ultraviolet rays and stress.

    7.Get moist and sleep well

    Water is indispensable to the human body, but lacking water content can lead to a decrease in skin barrier function.

    If you take something with diuretic effects such as alcohol or caffeine, you can take more aggressive water than usual ◎

    8.Move your body moderately, such as stretching and walking

    By moving the body with moderate exercise, there are good changes for the body, such as promoting blood flow and increasing metabolism.

    If metabolism becomes active, the skin turnover will also be activated, so try to exercise moderately.

    9. Change the material of the mask

    In winter, when drying is a concern, there are many people who use masks to prevent viral infection.

    General non -woven masks cause friction with skin and stimulate.

    It covers the cheeks and mouth where drying is easy to dry, so it may be a strong stimulus for dry skin.

    You may want to review the material of the mask, such as cloth masks and organic cotton masks.

    However, it is said that non -woven masks can be more effective than cloth masks, so if you use a non -woven cloth mask, the gauze of the same size as the mask is sandwiched between the skin and the mask.Also recommended.

    Winter dry skin problems.Five recommended measures for makeup collapse

    If the air dries, it may be more likely to cause makeup collapse.

    Introducing how to deal with your skin dry when you go out and your makeup collapses.

    Why don't you keep a beautiful condition in the coming season when you are worried about drying?

    Winter dry skin problems.Five recommended measures for makeup collapse

    1.Use a mist that contains moisturizing ingredients and oil

    When you are worried about your skin, or when you are worried about makeup collapse, you can prevent drying damage by spraying a mist containing moisture ingredients and oil.

    After spraying, use a hand press to gently apply the moisturizing ingredients.

    2.Gently turn off the bleeding of the eye makeup using a cotton swab

    Let's gently wipe off mascara and eyeliner bleeding using a cotton swab.

    If you use eye cream that is OK even from the top of the makeup, it will give you firmness while protecting your skin from dryness.

    3.Attach a stick -type serum to the parts where you are particularly concerned about drying.

    Use items that are OK even on makeup, such as stick -type serums, on the eyes and mouth where you are particularly concerned about drying.

    It is effective to gently blend in without rubbing.

    Four.Attach a highly moisturizing liquid foundation

    If you have dry skin, it is recommended to use a liquid foundation, as it may blow the powder if it is a powder type.

    If you apply it thickly, it will easily collapse, so please make it thin.

    Five.Apply powder and highlights that give you a sense of transparency

    It is recommended to add a powder highlight that gives a sense of transparency on your skin after preparing it with a foundation.

    For dry skin, even if it is an item that contains moisture ingredients ◎.

    3 recommended body cream and milk recommended for dry skin

    From here, we will introduce recommended items for dry skin.

    After bathing, the body warms up, making it easier for moisture to evaporate from your skin.

    Take care of the body so that you can moisturize your face with lotion or milky lotion.

    As dryness progresses, your skin will be sensitive, so it is recommended to choose items for sensitive skin with less irritation.


    Source: Rohto Pharmaceutical

    Care Sera body cream developed like dry and sensitive skin.

    The series contains the highest level of ceramide to keep the skin moist.

    The moist cream is stretched well and can be applied even in a small amount, so I am glad that it is friendly not only on your skin but also on your wallet.

    Confirm product on the official website of Rohto Pharmaceuticals Body Milk Contains urea

    [Avenne] Tricksella NT Full Id Cream | Can be used by family

    Source: Avene

    It is a whole -body moisturizing cream that can be used for baby's skin one month old.

    With a smooth cream on the emulsion, it can be quickly stretched throughout the body.

    By continuing to use it every day, it supports the skin that is as good as drying.

    Check the product on the AVENE official website

    [Rose Garden] Rose Body Milk RX | Healed by the aroma scent

    Source: Watashi Plus by SHISEIDO

    It is a body milk with a fresh rose scent and a relaxing effect.

    Contains moisturizing ingredients such as Izayoi Bara, rose hips, and hyaluronic acid.

    It is a long -selling product that you can enjoy the scent while moisturizing care.

    Check the product on the SHISEIDO official website

    Recommended oil inmist and makeup keep mist for dry skin

    Next is an oil -in mist makeup keep mist.

    Dry skin is a nice point that you can prevent it from getting dry by choosing an item containing oil.

    Please choose your favorite.

    [Clarins] Fix Makeup | Micromist adheres to makeup and bare skin

    Source: Clarins official mail order site

    Clarins' Fix Makeup is an item that can enjoy a moist texture.

    By spraying on the finish after makeup, it is a product that makes the micropomist adhere to the makeup and bare skin and makes it difficult to collapse.

    The moisturizing ingredients give moisture to the skin, so it is perfect for those who have dry skin.

    Please enjoy the elegant scent of Damus Close.

    Check the product on the Clarins Official Mail Order Site

    [Kose] Makeup keep Mist | Guard from drying while giving moisture

    Source: Make Keep Mist

    Kose's makeup keep mist is an item that helps prevent makeup collapse just by spraying the makeup finish.

    The makeup coat ingredients are blended and the makeup fixes while matching the movement of the face, so you can keep the beautiful condition without twisting over time.

    It contains moisturizing ingredients and can be used for those who are worried about drying.

    Please enjoy the scent of fresh floral.

    Check the product on the Kosé official website

    [Club Cosmetic] Airy Touch Mist | Mist wraps dry skin

    Source: Club Cosemeon Line

    Airy Touch Mist is an item that gives moisture to dry skin by spraying for makeup finish.

    Mist gently wraps the skin, and you can aim for fluffy and elastic marshmallow skin.

    It is a nice point that it is a design that tickles the maiden heart and is easy to carry.

    You can enjoy the fruity scent.

    Check the product on the Club Cosmen Line official website

    [Marie Kent] Mysti Jet | Argan oil brings moisture

    Source: Mary Guant Online Shop

    Mystijet is an oil -in mist that can be easily charged for moisture.

    Because it contains nano -ized argan oil, it is attractive to give moisture to the crisp skin.

    It protects from adhesion due to air pollution and leads to healthy skin.

    Check the product on the Mary Quant official website

    [Mac] Prep Prime Fix | Delicate skin -friendly

    Source: m · A ・ c cosmetics japan

    Mac Prep Prime Fix is a spray -type lotion.

    A popular secret product that can be used easily anytime, anywhere, such as before and after makeup and when you want to refresh.

    This dry skin lotion contains plenty of mineral ingredients gives moisture to the skin.

    The cucumber extract gives the skin firm and luster, so it is also worrisome for the skin.

    If you are more concerned about drying than usual, you can add an oil serum.

    M · A · C Cosmetics JAPAN Check the product on the official website

    Recommended for dry skin recommended stick serum / eye cream

    Here, we introduce stick serum and eye cream recommended for dry skin.

    We gathered reputable items that can be used for makeup fixes and keep their beautiful conditions for a long time.

    [Ipsa] The Time R Deessen Stick | Stick -shaped serum that smoothes the skin

    Source: IPSA official website

    Ipsa's Time R DeSence Stick is an item that makes the skin smooth.

    It is an attractive point to give moisture by applying a single skin that tends to be dry during the day.

    This product is recommended for dry skin because it gives smooth skin with a tiny skin.

    If you use it when you fix makeup, you will have a plump skin, which will improve your makeup glue.

    Check the product on the IPSA official website

    [MIMC] Bio Moisture Stick | Moisturizing Stick that can be used from above

    Source: Mineral foundation MIMC | Mimc

    MIMC's bio moisture stick is an item that can charge moisture from above makeup.

    It contains serum components such as pledineto -barbilis seed oil and shea butternoki extract, so that skin that is concerned about drying gives gentle moisture.

    Even a small amount will stretch firmly to adhere to the skin, and gradually penetrates the stratum corneum.

    Check the product on the MIMC official website

    [Clinique] Ebtery Eye | It gives moisture around your eyes

    Source: Clinique official online shop

    Clinique's E -Bettetu Eye is an item that gives moisture and brighter the area around the eyes.

    You can refresh your eyes by applying to massage with the application.

    Why do not you aim for the eyes of a clean and healthy impression?

    Check the product on the Clinique official website

    2 recommended foundations for dry skin

    Lastly, we will introduce a foundation recommended for dry skin.

    If you are worried about drying, it is recommended that you select items that will keep moisturizing for a long time.

    [Estee Lauder] Double Stay Inn Place Makeup | Gem with excellent coverage

    Source: Estee Lauder Official Online Shop

    Double stay -in -play makeup is an item that stretches smoothly even in small amounts.

    It is attractive that it is close to the skin and keeps a semi -matte beautiful condition.

    He / she hides spots and freckles naturally.

    By adjusting the condition of the skin with a lotion or serum with high moisturizing power during skin care, it can give a moist skin.

    Check the product on the Estee Lauder official website

    [RMK] Gel Creamy Foundation | Aim for a transparent glossy skin

    Source: RMK Online Shop

    RMK's gel creamy variety is an item that has one of the transparency of the gel and the cover power of the cream.

    It contains moisturizing ingredients such as royal jelly extract and hyaluronic acid, so you can expect the effect of moisturizing the skin that tends to dry.

    Light powder like fog absorbs excess sebum and keeps freshly attached beauty all day.

    Would you like to aim for a shiny skin with a sense of transparency?

    Check the product on the RKM official website

    Click here if you want to see more foundation for dry skin ♡

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    Know the measures against dry skin in winter 2019 and keep beautiful skin!

    Incorporating a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and moderate exercise can enhance the effect of skin care.

    By using items that contain skin -friendly and moisture ingredients, it is possible to protect the skin from dryness and keep moisture ♪

    Intract your favorite things from cleansing and cosmetics for dry skin and keep your skin beautiful for a long time.

    Image provider: Qoo10

    Here is also an article for dry skin ♡

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