[12/14 & 12/15 Free Webinar] Held Webinar by industry about "factory CO2 reduction/energy saving effects" by dried fog humidification to achieve SDGs

Ikeuchi Co., Ltd. is a long -established Childmpany in the business that manufactures and sells industrial spray nozzles.In 1980, apart from the nozzles such as cleaning and spraying, we developed a humidifier that generates a fog "dry fog" with an average particle diameter of 10 μm or less.In 1990, we started a humidification industry aimed at maintaining the humidity at the manufacturing site in an optimal state.By the way, as soon as last year's "2050 Carbon Nunition Declaration" has been established, the "revised temperature -Childntrolled method" is established, and the movement seeking social "removal" is accelerating rapidly.In particular, various humidification and humidity Childntrol systems for the purpose of antistatic measures are excreted in some CO2 depending on the method, and Childnsultations from Childmpanies that are wishing to review the equipment have been increasing in recent years.In this webinar, "Dry Fog Humidification", which can be expected to have a large CO2 reduction and energy -saving effect in humidification and humidity Childntrol to improve the above issues, is specific for "board implementation / assembly factory" and "gravure printing factory".We will tell you in an easy -to -understand manner in a short time, based on improvement cases.

[12/14&12/15 無料ウェビナー] SDGs達成に向けた、ドライフォグ加湿による『工場のCO2削減・省エネ効果』についての業界別ウェビナー開催

Webinar for board implementation / assembly factory

今回は2日間にわたり午前・午後の2部構成となっております。初日前半・二日目後半は『基板実装・組立工場向け』ウェビナーとなっております。​ ※ 両日ともセミナー内容は同じです。どちらかご都合の良い日時にご応募下さい。

Webinar for gravure printing factory

また初日後半・二日目前半は『グラビア印刷工場向け』ウェビナーとなっております。※ 両日ともセミナー内容は同じです。どちらかご都合の良い日時にご応募下さい。本ウェビナーがSDGs課題達成への一助となれば幸いです。ご参加のほど、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。【開催概要】『Webinar for board implementation / assembly factory』 日次1:12/14(火)11:00~11:30 日時2:12/15(水)14:00~14:30​ ※ 両日ともセミナー内容は同じです。どちらかご都合の良い日時にご応募下さい。『Webinar for gravure printing factory』 日次1:12/14(火)14:00~14:30 日時2:12/15(水)11:00~11:30​ ※ 両日ともセミナー内容は同じです。どちらかご都合の良い日時にご応募下さい。参加費:無料視聴方法:Zoom事前に以下URLより参加登録(1分程度で終わります)ください。ウェビナー申し込みURL:『Webinar for board implementation / assembly factory』日次1:12/14(火)11:00~11:30https://us02web.zoom.US/Webinar/Register/WN_FBAXFG3OR_O39LCZJFR_NG Date 2: 12/15 (Wed) 14: 00-14: 30HTTPS: // US02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_abAGaulWSkapt6-5N1hEww『Webinar for gravure printing factory』日次1:12/14(火)14:00~14:30https://us02web.zoom.US/Webinar/Register/WN_EMXCFAMCQ0K7L_7UY78EZA Date 2: 12/15 (Wed) 11: 00-11: 30https: // US02web.zoom.US/Webinar/Register/WN_INWYN9WUQ_STH7AYUXWFAGSince then, "fog", "Fog", "Development of the world's most finest fog [dried fog nozzle]", "Various application businesses using fog", and "fog".By Childntinuing to develop and utilization methods, and providing it to society, we Childntribute to rich and moisturized social formation.Location: 1-15-15 Awaza, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Representative: CEO Matsui Seiro Matsui Business: Production and sale of industrial spray nozzles, industrial humidifiers, and applied equipment, and systems.https: // www.Ikeuchi.Child.JP/