Yahoo! News Expected to be applied to batteries ... Hydride ion conductor improved 1000 times at room temperature

Developed by Tokyo Institute of Technology

Behavior simulation of hydride ions in hydrogenated lanthanum (provided by Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Keiga Fukui, a graduate student at Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Hideo Hosono, a professor emeritus, have developed a hydride ion conductor that has 1000 times higher ion conduction at room temperature than before. A material with an increased hydrogen content in lanthanum hydride, with a conductivity of 1 milliemens per centimeter. It can be expected to be applied to electrolytic synthesis reactions and batteries using the high reducing power of hydride. [Illustration] Mechanism of lithium-ion battery, which is worth knowing. Lithium hydride was heated with lithium aluminum hydride at 400 ° C to take in hydrogen generated from lithium aluminum hydride. Then, the amount of hydrogen in the acid hydrogenated lantern increased, the amount of oxygen decreased, and the hydride became easier to move. Hydride is a negative ion of hydrogen, but its ionic radius is as large as that of oxygen ion. When oxygen in a substance is reduced, spatial binding is reduced and it diffuses in the substance at high speed. The highest value in the past was 0.5 microsiemens (micro is one millionth). It improves 1000 times and leads to electrolytic synthesis using hydride.

Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

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