Why do you need ventilation?Basic knowledge that you should know about the type of equipment.LIFULL HOME'S PRESS will send out the correct housing information by the latest trends in houses and experts [LIFULL HOME'S PRESS/Rifle Holmes Press]

Ventilation system for housing mandatory in 2003

Recently, products that are particular about air environments in houses, mainly major house makers, have become noticeable. Nevertheless, the interest in the air environment has not begun, but it has become more noticeable at a stretch because the construction of ventilation equipment was required by the revision of the Building Standards Law in July 2003. 。 This amendment regulates building materials and ventilation facilities used in buildings to reduce the concentration of chemical substances, such as formaldehyde, which causes chic house syndrome. For the regulations of ventilation equipment, in principle, all buildings have mechanical ventilation equipment, so -called 24 -hour ventilation system, etc., and in the case of houses, more than half of the air in the room must be replaced in one hour. Not. However, the purpose of this ventilation is not just to prevent sick house syndrome. This time, let's explain with the basic knowledge of ventilation.


換気はなぜ必要?設備の種類と知っておきたい基礎知識。LIFULL HOME'S PRESSは、住宅の最新トレンドや専門家による正しい住宅情報を発信していきます【LIFULL HOME'S PRESS/ライフルホームズプレス】

A ventilation system is essential for high airway houses


Why do houses need ventilation in the first place? One of the reasons is the high airtight housing structure that has recently begun to appear. Many of the conventional houses had some gaps on the outer walls and windows for reasons such as components and construction accuracy, and indoor air was replaced naturally without dare to consider ventilation. However, in the case of a high airtight house, the air will not be replaced unless you incorporate a planned ventilation that considers the entire house at the design stage. In that case, for example, the following disadvantages occur. ● Hazardous substances stay indoors, not only chemicals that cause the aforementioned sick house syndrome, but also substances that cause allergic symptoms such as pollen on clothing and PM2.5 when going out. I will do it. ● Use a heating device that burns fuel using indoor air, such as an oil stove or fan heater that causes condensation, is released into the room. This is dew condensation, causing the pillars to rot or the occurrence of mold. ● In a high airtight space that causes breathlessness or headache due to the air circulation, the concentration of carbon dioxide discharged by breathing may increase, causing breathlessness and headache. From the above, a ventilation system is essential for high airtight houses.

Mainly used in houses is the first or third ventilation method



Houses that keep the temperature and humidity in the house constantly and prevent pollen invasion

A house that sticks to the air environment mentioned at the beginning is one step further from the above ventilation system. In many cases, the temperature and humidity throughout the house are installed by adopting the type 1 ventilation system and returning the air from exhaust air to the air that returns heat and moisture to air and heating and heating equipment (whole building air conditioning system). Is kept constant. This is also effective in preventing heat shock. In addition, some products incorporate high -performance filters so that pollen and PM2.5 are not included from the air supply port of the outside air. Regarding the heat shock, it has been reported that about 17,000 people died during bathing in connection with this (according to the 2011 Tokyo Health and Long Long Long Longo Medical Center). This is more than three times more than three times the number of deaths in traffic accidents. Regarding hay fever, according to a survey of otolaryngologists and their families nationwide (2008), the disease rate was 29.8 %, increasing by about 10 % in 10 years (Source:: Ministry of the Environment, "Handy -Demporary Environmental Health Manual 2014"). In both cases, there are many people who do not know when they will fall, or have already suffered damage. As mentioned above, the current newly built house is required to install a 24 -hour ventilation system. However, there are many people who are not enough when considering their health. If you buy a house, please check the air conditioning facilities for each property with the consciousness that "the air in the room is managed" and purchase something that you can understand.

May 23, 2017 11:05

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