Who is the cost of rental house cleaning?What is the timing and cleaning content?

February 25, 2022

Many people think about rentals at the time of moving or moving in, "Do the borrower pay? Or have a management company?"

In this article, we will explain who will pay for the rent, and how to do so that the cost will not be charged.

If you are moving from now on, please take a look.

How much is the cost of rent?

The cost of renting depends on the size of the room.

Even if it is cheap, it starts from 20,000 yen.The amount varies depending on whether there are many tatami rooms or carpet floors.

Keep in mind that the more you live in a large room, the more expensive.

Who bears the cost of rent?Is the deposit key money related to the cost?

Who will bear the cost of rent in the first place?If you are thinking of leaving from the current rental, you will be very worried if you have to pay.

As a matter of fact, there are two patterns: the lessor pays and the lessee pays.

The important thing here is the confirmation of the "Guidelines for Head of Heading" set by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.Along with this guideline, you will decide whether the lessor or the lessee should pay.

When the lessor pays

According to the guidelines on the restoration of the original state, it is an agreement that the lessor will pay if the lessee is cleaning at the time of departure.

However, since there is no clear criterion for the degree of cleaning, it is also a part that is likely to develop into trouble.

When the lessee pays

If the lessee pays the cost, it is not enough cleaning when leaving.

As mentioned above, the degree of cleaning is not clear, but if mold is generated around the water, or if the oil stains of the ventilation fan remain severe, it is generally dedicated from the security deposit.。

In addition, if the contract at the time of the rental contract states that "the burden of the fee is what the lessee does," and signed the contract, it will basically be borne by the rent.

Therefore, it is necessary to make a contract after reading the contract, and after reading the contract before the rental contract.

By the way, if the repair of the damage is required, the payment method is basically deducted from the security deposit.

Keep in mind that the expenses that were not enough to be repaired would be charged separately.If the cost in the security deposit is sufficient, the remaining deposit will be returned in principle.

In addition, key money is a so -called fortune paid to management companies and landlords, so it is not returned and has no relationship with cost.

Is the timing of paying for rent?When you leave?

The timing of paying the rental cost is either at the time of moving in and at the time of departure.However, it is often the case that you pay at the time of departure.

As mentioned earlier, costs such as are paid by deducted from the security deposit.In most cases, you will receive quotes and invoices about one month after leaving.

If you are not convinced of the contents, contact the management company or landlord and check how the billed amount has been made.

In addition, if you pay at the time of moving in, there is an intention to avoid any trouble after leaving, and it is highly likely that the payment timing is specified at the time of moving in.

In addition, there are cases where you do not have a security deposit instead of a deposit.

How far will you rent?Contents?

You may have grasped the cost of rent, but you may want to know the contents.

Here, we will introduce how much it is supported by renting.

1) Pest control

Pest control refers to controlling "pests", which refers to harmful creatures such as cockroaches and mites and mold, to the extent that people live.

This is an important item in rental, as this pest control is not performed, so you will be forced to live in a poor environment.

You may be charged as a "disinfecting cost" when you move in, but consider it as a necessary cost to live in a clean environment.


Cleaning the floor and waxing are also included in the content of the rental.

The floor of the flooring is particularly damaged, so wax to prevent it from being damaged as much as possible.

That said, when you live, the flooring can be damaged, so it is a good idea to put a cushioning material in the furniture leg or attach a leg cover so that it does not cause a big scratch.prize.

3) Water around

Cleaning around the water is for kitchens, washrooms, toilets, baths, etc.Clean the ventilation fan oil stains, accumulated dust, mold and scale.


4) Around the entrance

Around the entrance, clean the floor, the inside and outside of the shoe box, and the entrance door.Using not only wiping cleaning but also high -pressure washing machine, it eliminates dirt from the outside, such as sand and muddy.

5) The whole room​​

We clean all over the room, such as lighting fixtures, ceilings, curtain rolls, etc.

6) Windows, sashes, screen doors

We also clean windows, sashes, and screen doors.

Glass and booklets often have dust and dirt, and in the case of screen doors, they touch the outside air, so most of the dirt in the air from the exhaust gas of cars is attached.

If the windows are dirty, the sunlight will be blurred and the inside of the room may feel dark, so careful cleaning is performed.

7) veranda

Cleaning the veranda is also an important item.If the former resident is doing gardening, soil dirt and dead leaves of plants may remain.

In addition, the excrement of animals may have fallen, such as birds resting.

The veranda is also exposed to rain and wind, so it is carefully cleaned with a high -pressure washer.

8) Air conditioner

Air conditioning cleaning is also an important item.Just because it is a machine, neglecting cleaning and maintenance in the first place can cause failure.

In particular, the air conditioner is a machine that is difficult to clean by individuals, so it is thoroughly cleaned to the inside.Of course, the outdoor unit is also cleaned.

Be aware of the cost of air conditioning cleaning, as you may be charged separately from the cost.

9) Wallpaper

If you smoke, the wallpaper will be dirty with a doll, and mold may occur if moisture is accumulated in the room.Simply, your child can graffiti and get dirty or break.

Therefore, as well as cleaning, if the dirt or scratches are severe, the wallpaper will be replaced.It is important to note that this may be charged separately if the degree is severe.


Is there a way to keep rental a little?

If you have a contract to pay the rental cost yourself, you will want to reduce the cost as much as possible.

Here, we will explain whether the cost of rent can be reduced, and if it can be suppressed, there is a method.

The exit cost of rent is basically the same

Basically, the cost of leaving the rental does not change.

If the cost breakdown in the contract is published in advance, you must pay the described amount.

Even if there is no description of the breakdown, it may be described as "uniform 30,000 yen", so please do not neglect to check at the time of contract.

Please note that if you need to clean the amount that exceeds the expenses described, you may be charged separately as a resurrection fee.

If the cost is not stated, a quote will be created at the time of payment.

Make sure you do not pay separately

If the cost is determined uniformly or the cost breakdown is written in the contract, the fee cannot be reduced.

However, there is a method for not being stated or to prevent extra costs.

The cost is not always reduced, but it is a good idea to be careful about the following parts when you leave.

[Dirty that may cost separately 1: mold]

Mold occurs especially around the water.Check if mold has occurred in the washroom, bath, toilet, etc.

Mold should be thoroughly cleaned using commercially available bleach.The point is to clean it when you think that mold has grown on a regular basis.

In addition, yellowing such as scales in mirrors and wash basin can be removed by wiping and cleaning with citric acid spray.

[Dirty that may cost separately 2: Yani due to tobacco]

It is difficult to remove the dirt by cigarettes, so it is better not to smoke in the room.It is recommended that you smoke under the veranda or ventilation fan even if you smoke.

If the walls are dirty with a dollar, try cleaning with baking soda water or sodium sesquicarbonate.

You may use bleach, but if the original color of the cleaning is not white, it is inappropriate for the purpose to discolor and reduce the price.

[Dirty that may cost separately 3: Wallpaper scratches and tears]

It is necessary to take measures to prevent scratches and tears on the wallpaper.For example, when moving furniture, protect the corners of the furniture with a cushion so that the wall is not damaged.

However, if the wallpaper is peeled off even if you have not done anything, contact the landlord or management company immediately!

It may be possible to deteriorate over time and defect the previous time.If you leave this alone, you will be responsible and pay additional expenses.In order to avoid it, it is important to contact you when you find a scratch or tear.

[Dirty that may cost separately 4: burns on the cushion floor]

If the cushion floor burns, it will cost a repair price.Cushion floors are often caused by cigarettes and self -catering.

On the kitchen floor, you can prevent burning on the cushion floor by laying a kitchen mat or laid a carpet in the living room.

Which vendor do you recommend when you ask for yourself?

Depending on the content of the rental contract, you may have to ask for yourself.

When you ask, first check where to ask the landlord or the management company.

In some cases, you must ask the designated contractor.If you do not specify, choose your own trader.The following table summarizes the characteristics of three recommended companies.

* Prices and campaigns are subject to change.Please check the latest information on each business site.


What if the rental of the occupancy is incomplete and dirty?

If you have already done it, but if your room is dirty, you should contact the landlord or management company immediately.

It is certain that the quality will vary depending on the trader, but if the dirt is too bad, the administrator is responsible, so ask for a deal.

Should I talk to the landlord when doing house screening while moving in?

Some people may want to ask while moving in.In that case, please consult with the landlord or management company before requesting.

Depending on what you want, depending on the content, the landlord or the management company may pay for it.

・ Dirt and odor that hinders everyday life. ・ Even though you are using normal use, there is an abnormal noise or odor ・ The contract is stated in the description that the landlord or management company will pay for it.

For example, in the case of the above, the lessor may bear the burden.

Of course, it is not always the case, and if you want to ask a contractor for being busy and not clean, keep in mind that it will be your own expense.


The cost of rent is basically uniform, and the contract is stated in the contract.

Make sure you know the contents of the contract before the contract so that unexpected expenses do not occur.If you don't want to pay for yourself, rent a rental room.

It is also important to use the room nicely and carefully so that there is no separate repair cost.

Refer to this article, try to live with an unexpected cost when moving!