Prepare New Year!All steps from salt removal of "numbers" to easy -to -pick pickles in the range![Slightly pickled # 99]

This is a serial project that happily introduces "a little pickled" by a cooking researcher Rie Numazu, which is easily pickled in videos.[Look at the procedure in the photo!] How to make "Salt of the number & bonito -pickled pickles" This time, we taught how to remove the "number of children" and how to pickle deliciously for the New Year.If you pickle it yourself, the taste will be improved.Why do not you make it by all means?


See salt and pickle the number of children yourself!

One of the pleasures of New Year's dishes is the child of numbers.Some are sold by seasoning, but if you make it by salt yourself, it will be delicious.From the method of salt -draining, to the Numazu -san's cooking classes, we will introduce them at a stretch, from the method of pickling easily using bonito."The child of the number is a nishin egg, and in the osechi dish, it means prosperity. The salted number is salty, so be sure to remove it in advance and pickle it in advance. The pickled liquid is mixed with seasonings and electron.Just heat it in the range. It's very easy and delicious, so there are a lot of people who repeat and make every year! "(Hereafter," Numazu -san)

[Material] (Easy -to -make amount)

Number of children ... 4 (200g) Water ... 500ml salt each ... 1/2 teaspoon

[How to make]

(1) Make thin salt water. Put salt and water in a storage container and make thin salt water. Melt the salt well. (2) Put a number of children in salt water and place 3 hours in salt water in salt water and place it in the refrigerated room for 3 hours. (3) After 3 hours of gently removing the thin skin, gently remove the thin skin in salt water. (4) Put the number of children in salt water and place the water once in the middle of 3 hours, then add water and salt in the storage container as in the beginning and make a thin salt water. Put the peeled number of children and put them in the refrigerated room for 3 hours. (5) It's done! If you taste it and it's just the right salty taste, it's done. If you taste it and make it salty, leave it for another 30 minutes. "How much salt is salted by the number of children, so be sure to taste and check if you can drain it. Salt does not eliminate the salty taste at all, so it has a slightly salty taste. It's OK just to feel. "