Thorough comparison of the topic "private room bus with door", corona tailwind, inverted wind, Kinosaki Onsen, and Osaka

Currently, there are only two completely private buses with a side door in Japan.Dream Sleeper Tokyo Osaka -House, a night highway bus operated by Kanto bus based in western Tokyo (Ikebukuro / Shinjuku -Namba / Osaka Station, Kadoma Garage), and a full -time bus operated by the northern part of Hyogo Prefecture.It is the highway bus "Laguria" (Osaka -Kinosaki Onsen / Yumura Onsen).


A private room bus with an air purifier and a door with a door is relatively safe for public transportation.However, even in the Dream Sleeper Tokyo Osaka issue, which is known as Japan's largest bus, it is only on weekends, and the operation after April is undecided.

Under such circumstances, all buses have set up a completely private room "Green Room" on the daytime highway bus "Laguria" from December 28, 2021.This is the first bus with a private room on a daytime bus.

How are these private room buses used?Also, what do the operating companies think about private room buses?After actually boarding, I asked the person in charge.

"Raglia Green Room" for the first time in Japan

As of February 2022, Japan's first private room bus will depart from Osaka (Hankyu Sanba -cho (Hankyu 3rd Town) at 18:20 on the "Osaka (Hankyu Sanban -nam) -Kinosaki Onsen" line.) The Yumura Onsen Line is located at 17:20 at Osaka and at 10:30 Yumura Onsen.


I boarded the "L2 room" departing from Kinosaki Onsen to Osaka.There are two private rooms for one person at the back of the bus, and except for the private room, it is a normal 2+2 row highway bus.

話題の「扉付き個室バス」、コロナ追い風か逆風か 城崎温泉・東京から大阪まで、2台を徹底比較

The first impression of a private room for one person is "wide".Although it is a daytime bus, it is comparable to a private room -type bus with a night trip (although it is a private room, but the entrance is divided by curtains and the like).Since the space for eight people in 2+2 -row seats is used alone, the price is cheap at 1000 yen for a regular fee (3800 yen between Osaka and Kinosaki Onsen).

The length of the private room is 1.5m, width 93.There is 5cm.The seat is 45-57cm wide, a relaxed leather reclining sheet.A depth 25cm, 35cm wide folding table, drink holder, outlet, USB port, 18-inch monitor, free Wi-Fi, disposable slippers, air cleaner.

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