There are three ways to save money that people who like to save money think "I'm glad I stopped".Drastic reduction in wasteful expenses

Have you ever tried to practice various tricks to save even a little, but on the contrary, it got out of hand and had no effect? Hitomi Takagi, a household improvement consultant and advisor, had a similar experience in the past. However, as a result of quitting difficult saving tricks, household management can be made easier. This time, I asked Mr. Takagi to tell me about the "saving tricks" that he gave up!

"Stopping" the tiring savings trick led to success

How to manage a difficult household budget well ...? (* The image is an image. The same applies below)


In the past, I used to collect information on SNS etc. and put it into practice, saying "I have to save money!" I did. Looking back, I realized that "I'm not good at managing my household budget, but I'm overdoing it with advanced savings." Therefore, I realized that I was still a beginner and let go of the difficult saving tricks, which made it very easy to manage my household budget. Here are three savings tricks that I'm glad I stopped.

● First: Aim for special sales and sales

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I used to buy detergents in bulk, saying, "It's 30 yen cheaper than usual!", But I couldn't feel the concrete saving effect such as the visibly lowering of living expenses. Rather, because we have inventory for next month and next month, we have run out of budget for this month, and household management has become complicated due to the savings of several tens of yen. If I took the plunge and decided, "I don't care about sales or bargains. The list price is fine, just the amount I need this month!" Bulk buying is explained in detail in this article.

● Second: Credit card and e-commerce payment


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Return to cash management and simplify!

Credit card payments aren't immediately reflected in your statement, so it's hard to tell how much you can spend on your budget. As a result, I overused it and was billed later, which made management complicated and very troublesome. Similarly, e-commerce was often overused, and when I calculated it, I wasted more than the points returned. So, going back to the basics, I realized that it was the easiest and easiest for me as a beginner to get rid of cash from my wallet. Now, I've stopped using e-commerce, limited credit cards only when absolutely necessary, and returned to cash management for simplicity. I feel the weight of paying money by hand, so overuse has decreased dramatically!

Next page is: ● Third: Poi Katsu

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