The amount of white household electricity has decreased for the first time in 6 years, and there is no increase in the future ... | New Switch by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

0.6 % decrease and high -level nesting demand recoil


The Japan Electric Industry Association (JEMA) announced in 2021, the domestic shipment of white household appliances was 2,521.5 billion yen, down 0.6 % from the previous year.Although the demand for corona evil was the highest in six years due to the recoil of 20 years (2,537 billion yen), which was the highest since 1997, and the unsounding summer weather, but the average amount in the past 10 years.It exceeded 2,333.3 billion yen, high at high levels.

JEMA said, "In 20 years, the demand for nesting and the grant of special benefits were boosted, and it was very good. In 21 years, it has been recoiled, but we see that there will be no special increase in the future and will continue to decline."I explained.

白物家電出荷額が6年ぶり減少、今後も増加要因なく…|ニュースイッチ by 日刊工業新聞社

According to the number of shipments, refrigerators decreased by 2.2 % to 3,778,000 units, and washing machines decreased by 1.6 % to 4,652,000 units for the second consecutive year, and air conditioners decreased by 5 % to 9.37 million.It was the first decrease in six years to 3,000 units.

In the consumption trends, the demand for nesting has continued, and the number of microwave ovens increased 5.7 % to 3,692,000 units due to bulk buying of food and the increase in meals at home.The refrigerator also had a strong model of 501 liters or more.

In response to the growing awareness of cleanliness, vacuum cleaners increased 4 % to 4902,000 units, following 20 years.In addition to improving convenience such as cordlessness and weight reduction, the increase in home time has been boosted.The air purifier decreased by 1.4 % to 2,994,000 units for the first time in two years, but the number of shipments, which was the highest ever, was shipped.

The shipment amount in December 2001 was 231.3 billion yen, down 7.5 % from the same month, for seven consecutive months.Refrigerators increased 11.5 % to 37.9 billion yen to 37.9 billion yen, but washing machines fell 5.3 % to 38.7 billion yen, fell below the previous month, and air conditioners were 12.・ The number 9 decreased was 49.5 billion yen, which was negative for seven consecutive months.

Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun January 25, 2022