Relationship between "fragrance" and "life odor" in living, explained by scent professional perfumer


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When you bother your friend's house and have a good scent, you can see some of the interiors that are nothing, and get the impression that you are paying attention to the details.Conversely, if you smell something uncomfortable, you will have a little more and the impression you had for that person.

An important point in creating a room "smell".But honestly, I don't know what to start with.

So, this time, I talked to the perfumer who is a "scent" professional about the relationship between "scent" and "life odor" in living.

Occupation called "perfumer" that manipulates more than 500 kinds of scents

調香師 村井千尋さん香水好きが高じて、香りの原料や調香技術の専門教育を受け、調香師に。香水はもちろん、日常のあらゆる場面になくてはならない“香り”の正確な知識と文化の普及に努めている。各方面でフレグランスや香料セミナーの講師、カウンセリングサービス、国内大手企業のオリジナルの香りを制作(国内大手航空会社、五つ星ホテル、等)。

The job of a "perfumer" that is not very familiar.When I ask, the work of "creating a scent" seems to have more complexity than we imagine.

For example, the scent of rose does not actually have a fragrance called "rose scent", and dozens of kinds are mixed to create a scent.Originally, there is the smallest unit of the fragrance called a single fragrance, and if you are specializing in aromatherapy, there are 150 kinds of vegetable scents, and at least 300 to 400 kinds of synthetic products, in addition to the perfumer.Handle the scent.

The fragrance varies depending on the environment where natural fragrances grow, so there are things like wine, and the scent is like a "hit year".

Regarding the scent, there is a "hit year".It looks just a liquid, but its contents are very deep.

What is the effect of "room smell" in everyday life?

Then the main subject.What is the effect of "room smell" in everyday life?

There are many people who do not notice, but basically, people are "carrying" the smell of the room.The smell in the room adheres to clothing and hair without knowing it.

The cause is the phenomenon called "olfactory fatigue".If a person smells the same for a certain period of time, the smell will be unknown.I go out with the smell of staying in the room as it is, and say, "What? This person smells in the room."

Indeed, for example, when you go to a friend's house to play, you may have felt the same smell as a friend from the house.This is "carrying".

And a friend who does not know that the smell of his home is attached to his clothing is exactly the "olfactory fatigue".

You need the same time until you get tired of olfactory and recover, but your house is a place where you are.In particular, the wallpaper and fabric are easy to smell, and even if the air is replaced, the furniture and clothing placed there remain smell.The only way to get out of olfactory fatigue is to remove things or erase the smell.

But if you are a human being, anyone will come to you.It is important to take good care.

Points to be careful when incorporating the scent by room

I understand that the smell of the room goes out without knowing it.And "olfactory fatigue" is a phenomenon that all humans fall, so it is hard to improve here.

If so, you have to manage the smell of the room!

Even if you simply say "incorporate the scent", it is a prerequisite that the first thing you like to live in is the scent that you like.The "scent" has a preference, and it is difficult to keep using it if you do not like it.Choose the scent that suits you and try it.

Still, beginners don't know, so I'll give you some points to be careful.

① The “living room” has a scent that does not give a bad impression even if anyone comes

The living room is a place where customers often come, so we recommend a scent that you like and dislike as much as possible.I recommend the "floral" scent in such a "everyone -in -hand".Gives a soft, gentle, gorgeous and neat impression.


The floral system is a system that everyone often experiences in everyday life compared to other incense tones (scent category).Humans tend to feel more comfortable with the scent they have experienced in the past.

② The “bedroom” has a high -falling scent

For bedrooms where you are worried about sweat smell and life odor, fresh "Herbal" is recommended.Based on the fact that many of the herbs have a high sleep effect, I want to incorporate a calm scent in the bedroom.

③ Be careful of the "entrance", "bathroom", "dining kitchen"

It is said that the first impression is important for people, but the room is the same.The entrance is a very important area.I want to be careful not to keep being told that "it smelled like that person".

The bathroom is often closed and is always moist.As the moisture increases, the smell becomes stronger because the bacteria are easily propagated.

And the scent is also called "long -term memory".I forget the appearance (visual) immediately, but the scent is strongly remembered by the brain.

It is said that the scent and smell are "long -term memory".This is an important keyword you should remember.

The smell of "former Kano (former boyfriend)" in the city!I think you may notice, but that's evidence that your brain is strongly remembered.The sense of smell is closely related to the "memory" and "emotions" part of the brain, so long -term memory occurs.

Of course, the "dining kitchen", which is crowded with food and ingredients, cannot be underestimated.

It is also a place to eat, so it is safer to avoid scented ones.I have a lot of time I don't eat, so I want to take care of it so that I can spend comfortably.

There is no doubt that every room will be concerned about the scent, but especially the "bedroom", "entrance" and "dining kitchen" are places where you always suffer from living odors.

Let's start by removing the smell of life!

Causes of unpleasant living odor and countermeasures

Let's explore the cause of the "life odor" that gives an unpleasant impression in the room or on the go.

As with food, the smell of dry laundry is one of the causes.Even if you intend to wash it neatly, the bacteria remain, and you will smell by breeding in a dry state.

And the cause of unpleasant smell is often "sweat".The food that affects the "sweat smell" is the food that is taken into the body.Especially meat, oil, alcohol, and cigarettes also cause sweat smell.

In particular, the major cause of the smell of the bedroom is "sweat" that is immersed in a bed cover.The large area of the cloth has a large influence.

By the way, it is said that humans change the smell from the body due to the effects of eating and drinking.

For example, the next day after drinking too much alcohol, the body smells sweet, and it smells blue, or the day after eating too much meat, it smells like an ammonia beast.However, it is sad to put up with what you want to eat and drink and drink, so I think it's better to take care after you enjoy it.

Of course, don't forget to care for life other than "sweat".

Garbage can be done immediately, such as disposal as soon as possible, disinfecting the washing machine, and ventilation in the bedroom.In addition, it is smooth if you can do it while cleaning up the room, such as washing the cloth thrown in the room frequently.

Murai's recommended “reset the smell of life” is the Non -Mel Shimizu Kana of Shiramoto Earth.It is a spray for authentic clothing, cloth products and space, born from a commercial deodorant recognized by professionals in the hotel industry.

The high alcohol concentration and the deodorizing power of the proprietary prescription, the excellent thing that melts and makes odorlessness on the fiber.Murai also mentions the "quick -drying" of this item.

After 5 to 6 hours, the bacteria breed more after 5 to 6 hours, and it smells.It's too late when you start to worry about the smell, so it's important to take care before that.I want to take care of clothes that cannot be washed immediately after returning home.Take care every day before the smell accumulates on bed covers that cannot be washed every day.

In that respect, this "Non -Mel Shimizu Kana" is good to have high quick drying.If you return after returning, it will volatilize immediately and suppress the breeding of bacteria by deodorizing and bactericidal effects, so it will prevent the occurrence of smell later.

Simply spraying the "Non -Mel Kashizu Kaikan no incense type" on curtains, sofas, bed cover, etc., removes the smell of life and resets to an odorless state.

To incorporate the fragrance, the first thing you need to remove your life.If it is a flat condition with little smell, you can enjoy the original scent.

"Non -Mel Shimizu Ka" is also available in addition to fragrant type, so it is recommended to use it properly for each room.

What I want to use for the living room is "Non -Mel Shimizu Floral Fresh Fragrance".A refreshing pink package is a landmark.

On a bed cover and pillow that cannot be washed every day, a blue package is a non -Mel Shimizu Kana Herbal Fresh Fragrance.Murai says, focusing on the part where the futon adheres around the shoulders and back.Because the temperature is high and it is easy to sweat, it seems good to spray it focusing on it.

If you master the scent, it has a good effect on yourself

It can also be used to create images around you, but the scent also works on yourself.If you come back and have a favorite scent, or a calm scent when you sleep, you can relax comfortably, so it will be the vitality the next day.

I would like you to find and enjoy your favorite scent for yourself.

As mentioned above, everyone has the smell of home.Even if you are particular about the interior of the room, furniture, lag, etc., you may give a bad impression with a "smell".Realize a dutical life to the invisible parts by suppressing the smell of life with regular care and incorporating your favorite aroma.

ノンスメル清水香 [白元アース]

Photographed by kayoko yamamoto


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Writer / copy writer.She worked freelance after working at an advertising production company and a cosmetics maker advertising production department.She goes on a trip for two months, climbs the mountains in 3 days and two nights, and loves the house, but the most favorite spot is on my sofa.